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You were mortified. Actually, mortified wasn't the right word. was there a word that was beyond mortified? Because you were there. Not only did you have a complete breakdown while in the arms of an animatronic that you could only now admit to having a teeny tiny crush on (because he called you smart once, you desperate attention whore.), but oh no, that wasn't all. They had to call your emergency contact, which happened to be your very pregnant, hormonal older sister. So, there you were wrapped in a dark blue blanket with yellow stars, sitting in the security office with Moon, while he smirked at Stacy's absolute momma bear melt down.

"I want the bastards tongue ripped the fuck out of his god damn mouth Venessa!" She shouted raging in the small room. "I want his little pencil dick flayed and put on our fucking break room wall! I fucking want him here right fucking now so I can-"

"I understand Mrs. Davidson, I assure you we are taking the situation very seriously, the proper authorities-" Vennessa interrupted, trying to take control of the situation for the fifth time.

"Who cares about the fucking authorities! I don't give a fuck about the fucking authorities; I want him brought back and I want to take care of- ah!" She gasped, grabbing her stomach and sitting down, making you spring up.

"C," you started, throwing the blanket off and springing up, "calm down, it's okay now...I'm okay, nothing bad really happened. think about the baby?" you tried to sooth her righteous fury, she had always been so protective over you. It was a necessity, you had to protect each other, but because she was older, she always tried to take the brunt of it for you. You were adults this time though, and you could take some of that pressure off of her now.

"You're, okay?" she checked again, looking over you. Her rage seemed to totally disappear from her eyes, replaced by frustrated tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine, everything is fine. Honestly, I work at Chickadees, so I should be used to it, that's how tame it was." You told her. If it had been up to you, you would have already been home, but Moon had somehow already wirelessly put in a report to HR and security. So, you were stuck here, trying not to have an anxiety attack while your sister and the only human security personnel here this late, went back and forth for nearly an hour.

"...alright...yeah you're right. I...I need to calm down. Do you need a ride back to your apartment?" Stacey asked

"Nah, I kinda wanna pick up my car...I'm okay really." You insisted, getting ready to just put all of this behind you.

"Moon, can you walk her out? I'd like Mrs. Davidson to stop by the nurse bot, real quick and get her blood pressure checked." Vennessa said, damning you to an awkward walk to the front of the building.

Moon quietly nodded his agreement and followed you out.

", it's been a night, huh?" You hedged, as amused as he had seemed while your sister was describing every hellish torture she wished to inflict on Jerry, he hadn't really said anything to you since he carried (even after you insisted you could walk) you back through the building to the security office.

"Oh so now it isn't nothing?" He asked, sounding you?

"A-are you mad at me?" You asked hesitantly.

Of course he is, why wouldn't he be. Look at all this fucking trouble.

", I'm sorry. I understand human colloquialisms, it's just been a...a night I suppose. We were both very worried about you and now my internal system wants to register you telling your sister that 'nothing bad happened' as a lie...I understand you not wanting to worry her, but I think it would benefit her to know that you aren't okay. You might need her support...besides, you only get one more lie before we have to put you in timeout," He said, attempting to joke with you.

The ABCs of Managing your Daycare attendant. (Sun/MoonXReader)Where stories live. Discover now