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TW: mentions of physical, sexual, and verbal child abuse. 


Going back into work the first day that the daycare was open was just like going into work any other day, except that Sun kept sneaking quick kisses and "I love yous" in between setting up for the activities.

"You're going to love it Sunflower, they have so many fun stories to tell us about their break, and no matter how many you hear they are always so different and fun!" He said approaching you to twirl you around. "Though this time our break was far from boring." He teased.

"Stop that." You giggled, letting him pull you back against him anyway. "We are supposed to be working right now, you know."

"I am working, trust me, my dear Sunflower. I would never disappoint our little superstars by not having the daycare ready when they got here." He replied, making you feel all soft on the inside with the way he said "our" like you were just waiting for your kids to get here. "But I am also very much enjoying having you back and working with me...n-not like i wasn't enjoying our time alone together it was magical, but...I think you look the prettiest when you're taking care of the children with me."

Wow, that hurt. You didn't expect it to still hurt that much, but it did the thought of being a parental figure, giving yourself the chance to fuck it all up the way your parents did and let the boogie-man in. You think for maybe a second you felt a surge of protectiveness like what Stacy must feel, thinking about possible future imagined kids.

You shook those thoughts away quickly. If you stayed with Sun and Moon, it wasn't like kids were on the table anyway and it was just silly to be thinking about it at this point in your life.

"Common, Sun we still don't have the coloring table arranged, and we need to get the stuffed animals arranged for the welcome back tea party lunch." You replied, stepping out of his arms to arrange the stuffed toys.

"Did I say something wrong Sunflower?" Sun asked, looking at you in concern.

"What makes you ask that Sunnybun?"

"You just looked sad for a second." He said and you try to laugh it off, deflecting.

"You didn't say anything wrong Sunny, honey." You replied soothingly, watching his shoulders relax at the pet name. "It's just...I was just thinking about one of those things again." You replied vaguely. It was enough of a hint for him though, and his long arms snaked around your waist.

"Can you tell me what it was? So, I avoid it in the future?" He asked softly.

"No. Thank you Sun, I don't know if I want to completely avoid the topic. We can talk about it after work... I just don't know if there's time to hash out the nuance since someone keeps getting distracted and not setting up tables." You replied, booping his nose lightly as you accused him of being distracted.

"Well, you're worth being distracted over. Certainly, much more interesting than coloring tables."

"I think the kids would disagree." You replied as the daycare doors opened, you were prepared to turn and say that the daycare wasn't open yet, but when you saw who it was you couldn't help but to smile brightly. "Hi bud!" You said excitedly as Conner ran towards you, and then passed you to Sun.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy I got that on camera, cause you need to see your face." Your sister teased you, holding your five-month-old nephew, while she slipped her phone back into her back pocket. He was so tiny, compared to Conner, though You guessed Conner would be two in late spring, but still even when he was five months old you couldn't remember Conner being so tiny.

The ABCs of Managing your Daycare attendant. (Sun/MoonXReader)Where stories live. Discover now