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TW: Small reference to offscreen racism and racial inequality

Code injection. You read on the front of your flashcard trying to drew a little picture of a needle like a

Installing... something? Like an injection...maybe with a flash drive? You sighed in exasperation before flipping the card over.

The exploitation of a computer bug that is caused by processing invalid data. The injection is used by an attacker to introduce (or "inject") code into a vulnerable computer program and change the course of execution. The result of successful code injection can be disastrous, for example, by allowing computer viruses or computer worms to propagate. You read, putting it into the 'no' pile you had on the security desk. As frustrating as it was, you could at least be proud that the no pile was small, only three cards out of the twenty you were going over, so you were probably going to do pretty well on your exam in two long as you didn't completely butcher the practical application part of the exam.

Red light above you made you smile, and you leaned back into Moon's tall frame to look up at him. You hadn't had the chance to talk to him during naptime because of a "potty accident" and two children not being able to sleep right away, you had had to decide and conquer for the duration of naptime.

"Hey sweethear-" You started, being silenced when his mouth slotted over yours. His tongue easily slipped into your mouth with no resistance, it tasted like chamomile and honey. When he pulled back you noted that like their dicks; their tongues were also color coded and that Moon's was a pearlescent navy blue. "Hello to you too. So, I'm guessing that everything is okay?" You asked spinning around in his arms to smile up at him, making him chuckle.

"Yeah, everything's alright, since the daycare was closed there was just a little error that initiated the security protocols instead of the naptime ones. It shouldn't happen again." He answered, soothing any worries that you had about his wellbeing. "...speaking of...I know you don't work, there any way you could come over this weekend? You could stay up in our room while the daycare is open, then we could spend the evenings together."

"Baby...I really don't want to get you guys in trouble...or lose my job." You replied, feeling a little guilty about the fact that Moon's valentine's day ended the way it did, but you had to follow the rules, losing your job could result in you never seeing Sun and Moon again, so it was important to you not to push your boundaries. Moon sighed leaning into you making you tense for just one second, remembering your shitty manipulative ex's, before he spoke.

"You're right. Of course you're right. I was just hoping I could make up know ruining all the work you put into that romantic holiday you humans have for the execution of a man, that somehow became conflated with declarations of love." He joked, trying to deflect from and hide his soft core, but you had already seen it.

"You didn't ruin anything sweetheart, I still had a lot of fun, and still got to spend the holiday with the guys I love." You replied, reaching up to wrap your arms around him in a tight hug. "If you're feeling left out though, we can make it up." You offered seductively, only for him to shake his head and look around you, to the cards you had spread out over the security desk.

"No, that's alright, Starlight, we have all the time in the world to 'make it up,' but tonight, I think you have an exam to study for."

"There's only three definitions I'm still struggling with."

"Then let's practice those three, then you can take a break by trying to seduce me." He replied, making you giggle.

"Did you just try to like...daycare me into studying by offering the reward I wanted in exchange for finishing my homework." You asked, deadpan as you could.

The ABCs of Managing your Daycare attendant. (Sun/MoonXReader)Where stories live. Discover now