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You glanced down at the vital readouts one more time, hair falling free from your sloppy rushed bun and down into your face. You pushed up back up without looking away from your readouts. Everything looked good, but you just wanted to be careful. Sun and Moon's shell was damaged beyond salvation, but most of their core processors, memory, and there black box was still intact and able to be salvaged.

Strangely there was another daycare attendant shell in there room when you went to get them, but you didn't really have time to work on that, you had been running on caffeine and spite for longer then you should have. Putting all your friends back together and rebooting them, clearing the viruses from there systems...the recon team never found Freddy in the rubble of the burnt out pizza plex, but that could morn with Sun and Moon later when they were back online.

The switch over mechanics in their body had been damaged beyond repair and you didn't know how it worked to begin with, so you had had to make a choice about their physical bodies without consulting them. Which led you looking at both our boys at once, laid out on your assembly table.

You had looked through their minds and found some old modification requests dating back to their initial activation, as well as saved dreams that they had kept and you put together some bodies that you hoped that they would like. Sun's frame ended up being shorter, not by much, he was still taller than you, but he was closer to 6'5" now, not counting his rays. He didn't like how tall and gangly his body was, so when you made him his own you took that into consideration.

Moon was still 7' tall, thin framed and sharp, though not razor sharp. He liked his tall frame and his sharp features that helped him do his job and protect children. So you gave him his claws, but the keen points weren't razor sharp anymore. Then there were the small quality of life things.

You gave them pupils, there wasn't really anything in their code to encourage you one way or the other, you just thought they might like them. The entire surface of their LEDs still took in optic input, but it was more an esthetic thing. You could probably turn them off if they didn't like them. The base eye color was still there; there were just little colored circles in their eyes now. It was just time to test them. You started the boot up sequence.

Anxiety gnawed at you, but took a deep breath and centered yourself.

Probably did it wrong. Your intrusive thoughts hissed at you.

Shut up and get in your corner. You thought back. That was something you had developed as you waited and planned and bided your time with the APA, until you could help your friends. You knew your intrusive thoughts lied to you, you knew that they didn't accurately represent you in any way. So you would pick a corner and tell the thought to go stand there, you wouldn't let it hurt you or discourage you. Shut up and get in your corner.

When your intrusive thoughts told you that you weren't good enough; In your corner. When they told you that Sun and Moon probably moved on, In your corner. When they told you that you idnd't have nay friends and that no one actually liked you, Lily and Roxanne would kick your ass if they heard that, IN your fucking corner.

You couldn't wait to be able to talk to Sun and Moon about how well you had been doing, you just needed to be patient and let them boot up. Sun came online first, which didn't surprise you, he seemed to be the only one unaffected by the virus. First the white backdrop of his eyes lit up, then his sky blue pupils filled in and looked around the room.

"W-what?" he asked, and you were at his side in an instant reaching for his hand. You hadn't put their rings back on yet, but you did have them cleaned and sitting on your desk to remind you why you hadn't slept properly in weeks.

The ABCs of Managing your Daycare attendant. (Sun/MoonXReader)Where stories live. Discover now