Chapter 14: In the Wrong Place at the Perfect Time

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 As I waited patiently for a new ride to arrive, I thought about many things. I knew something about O'Brian that the people did not know.

Her main office was in Saint Lorena's, but she greatly loved Catalinas to the point she often visited a town called Lil Reyes for vacation. In Lil Reyes, O'Brian had an underworld like mine, except hers was greater. She owned a mansion in Lil Reyes with an elevator that went down into the depths of the earth. O'Brian had a secret room down there with guns hanging on the walls. She had weaponry of all kinds: machine guns, semi-auto rifles, grenade launchers, pink gold semi-auto pistols, assault rifles, plastic explosives, tear gas (colored), bobby traps, submachine guns, smoke grenades (colored), bazooka, and missiles. I never knew why she had a lot of combat weapons in that room. It was like she was preparing for war or something—maybe she feared someone. The Room of Dreams is the name of her underground world.

The good detectives of Catalinas contacted the president about the plan to capture me. The president met with them one afternoon and agreed to help. O'Brian was fascinated about the plan and quickly shook hands on it. She supported them with more ammunition and even had her officers carry out their plan. To represent her agreement with the police during speeches, the president held a logo in front of her lectern of two hands with white gloves shaking hands.

During my day at the construction site, all my Diamonds were outside as their muscles relaxed. I came to the scene while drinking a cup of cold water. Suddenly, everything went south as I heard helicopters above us. The wind from the helicopters blew the trees and anything near it. I dropped my cup and ran to hide inside the building because I knew whoever was inside the chopper was after me. I saw the helicopters coming close to landing while officers from Los Esqueletos used their taser guns to tase my Diamonds. My guys ran in separate ways as fast as they could. Once they got tased, they fell to the ground harshly. The officers got out of the helicopter with a SWAT team and picked up the bodies. Those cruel officers threw the bodies inside the helicopters like they were animals. That made my heart hurt. I made the stupidest decision and ran outside the building. I guess I did it out of fear or something. I jumped over construction materials and stumbled my way out. Then, someone tased me on my lower back. Dang, it! I felt a horrible cramp all over my body as I looked at the blue sky. I fell hard to the ground like a cup of glass.

Later, the bright light from the sun hit on my face as I opened my eyes. I woke up in an abandoned old house in the middle of nowhere. This house was surrounded by some desert. But further across the house, I saw a few trees through the window. I was on the floor in the middle of an empty living room with a few of my Diamonds. I saw the rest of my Diamonds outside hanging upside down from a pergola with only their boxers. I was worried for them. Some guys aggressively approached them and asked them about me. One guy with a leather apron came into the scene with a few dogs ready to be loosed.

"John, you need to get out of here to see your mom, or else they will hurt you in here," a Diamond told me while he laid on the floor with his legs and arms duct-taped.

I thought to myself, what should I do. One guy came to the living room and began to look at all the faces to see if he could detect me. At that point, I started to sweat. As the man walked around the room, he bent down and looked at every face with his luxury sunglasses. Joyfully, he looked at me, and I could see my reflection in his glasses.

"There you are! You are in the wrong place at the perfect time for me!" he said with an evil smile and laugh.

He picked me up and walked me into a helicopter. The helicopter was heading to a local jail. I was all over the news that I got captured again. I never loved being on TV because it was for the wrong reasons. Despite all the trouble, the Holy Spirit told me not to worry and that everything was gonna be alright.

Loudly, the helicopter landed near a local jail by the Eleventh Boulevard Viaduct. As I got carried out of the chopper, I saw a dozen news reporters. One news reporter came up to me and asked me what I wanted to say to the world, "Resist the devil and all the evil things of this world," I said. The reporter looked at me with a confused face.

I was all over the news, and the whole world was looking at me. Meantime, Marblelano was inside a convenience store when she saw me on TV. She got awfully mad when she knew I was captured alive. She broke everything on the shelves and threw everything on the ground.

As I walked into hell, I smelled the air of isolation. I saw the jail walls; they were big walls ready to consume me again. As I got closer to the jail, the walls got bigger and bigger. And I got smaller and smaller. I felt that this was the day I began to die. Sadly, I looked up to the blue sky and saw the birds fly away. I wished I was those birds to escape that day. But somewhere in me, I felt not abandoned by God.       

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