Note from the Author

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I was a lost child living in the dark but found by Christ as an adult. Now, a follower of Christ, I like to help others make the right path in life through my writing. Thank you for reading my book. I came up with this story around 2015, and it took me about 8 years to finish it. I wanted to write this book as a reminder of repentance and having faith in God. Overall, this book is not intended to promote gangs, violence, or any illegal activities.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story! All characters, places, names, and events in this written work are fictional. Don't forget to review my book and express your thoughts on it. I also included pictures of sketches that I drew a long time ago from my book.

If you have art of your own, you may send your drawings to the email below. And I will display them on my Pinterest. Stay safe and have a blessed day! ... and remember, fear not. Any inquires? Send them to  

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