Playing Dirty.

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I am finally home and can look at the contents of the envelope. I couldn't believe my eyes. It's a ton of pictures of me and Yibo in Canada.

Everywhere we went, it seemed Jason was stalking us. He even has pictures of us making out in the car after our tennis match.

I really don't understand why anyone would do that. There was a memory stick in there titled "Can you compare?"

My curiosity got the better of me, and I opened the memory stick to see what was on there. After seeing the pictures, I should have prepared myself better for what lay before me.

There are 3 videos of him with Yibo. The 2 of them having sex right in front of me. The Yibo on the screen just looks angry and rough. Not gentle at all, no kissing, not even a gentle touch. What am I even watching.

The more I watched, the more I got filled with mixed emotions. I love Yibo and don't want his past to keep haunting him and us, but I feel like I need to find out if this Yibo is still in him.

How do I even ask about this. I started to feel dirty and nauseated, so I ran to the bathroom.

When I came out, Yibo was standing in front of my laptop, looking like he was gonna pass out.

"Hey, you are back?"

"Zhan, what is this? What's going on?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? Your fling seems to have a way of ruining my mood. First, you did not even bother to tell me he is in town. Or that you have met with him twice. Imagine my surprise when he decided to join me for lunch and gifted me with that?"

"You met with him, why?"

"Aren't you asking the wrong question? I did not meet with him he met with me. I was out with my friend, and he somehow found me. Clearly, it's easy for him to stalk people. Also, you did not answer my questions! Are you hiding something from me, Yibo?"

"I was dealing with Jason from a business perspective, and he is lying about meeting with me twice. I met him once at the office, and once I realized who it was, I left and let my brother deal with him. I don't like associating with that guy."

"Well, according to the videos you did like associating with him in other ways. I told you I don't want to deal with psycho exes. Now we have a stalker on our hands."

"I am sorry, Zhan,I will deal with him. Please don't let him come between us."

"How are you going to deal with him? How? He is threatening to end  my career if you don't sign whatever contract he brought to you. You want me to believe you can deal with him in a week when clearly you have not been able to get rid of him for 4 years."

"Can you please calm down a bit and tell me what he said, please? I don't want you to get worked about Jason."

"He said I have a week to convince you to sign the contract with his company. If you don't, he is going to send that staff to the reporters. And ruin my career and yours too."

"WHAT? Who the hell does he think he is. I have been easy on him because I felt bad for using him the way that I did. Now he thinks he can just come and threaten you like that. Many times, I have apologized, but he kept holding me at ransom. He will pay for thinking he can even sit on the same table as you. I will make it a point to destroy whatever is left of that weak company of his."

He was speaking in such an angry tone that I had never seen or heard him this angry. He really sounded like he was going to kill Jason. I did not even realize I had taken a step back away from him. This man is the same one I saw on that screen minutes ago.

"Zhan, no, don't look at me like that. I am sorry for scaring you, I just got really angry at the idea of someone like him coming between us. I would never hurt you in any way."

He pulled me into a hug, and suddenly, I felt at peace and very protected.

"I just don't know this version of you, especially that on the screen. I was concerned that what if one day I experienced that Yibo. I got scared."

"Don't be scared, that guy on the screen was hurting, lost and pitiful. I really was in bad shape and during stupid things to fill the void of thinking I had lost you. That was 4 years ago, my love. I worked hard over the years to change, and I have. This is me, all of me. But I won't tolerate anything that could bring you any harm. The guy on the screen is lost. The one in your arms is your Yibo. Ok!"

He leaned down and kissed me just to affirm his gentleness, love, and care for me. I could feel that the Yibo here is loving, caring, and protective. He will do all it takes to protect what we have.

"Just don't do anything that will send you jail, ok?" I said to him after he broke off the kiss.

"I would never break the law and miss out on a chance of waking up next to you and these 2." He kissed my belly. "Don't worry about Jason, I will take care of him. He just needs a quick reminder about who i am. I can play dirty too."

"Maybe let's just come out and tell the world about you. That way, he won't have anything to use against us later."

"Jason probably has more than my identity as leverage. He has those videos and pictures, and who knows what else. So, please let me teach him a lesson, just so he never comes near you again."

"Like a said, don't break the law, ok?"

"I won't. Other than that prick called Jason, how was your lunch. Did it go well?"

"It kinda of did and kind of didn't.  Everyone seems to be ok with my new reality, but Luo Qingyang is pretty upset about it. She even stormed off while I was still talking."

"How dramatic, but do you blame her. She has been in love with you for a very long time. I even misunderstood your relationship. Her hopes were killed in one day. I just hope she gets over it soon. I can sympathize with her."

"I just thought she got over it when I told her where i stand, but I guess not."

"She will hopefully get over it. I don't want to talk about her anymore. Aren't you 4 months in now?"

"That's random. Why would you ask that in the middle of the conversation we are having?"

He took my hand and placed it on his very excited member.

"I have been a good boy since the scare we got from the bleeding.  Can I please be released from this blue ball prison, please?"

"We have an appointment next week Wednesday, let's wait till after then. We can ask the doctor if it's all clear. I am still too scared to take that risk. It's not a no, I am just saying later. Ok?"

I could tell that he really has been holding back, but I don't want to do anything that can put the twins at risk. I am a man, too, and have feelings. He is not the only one holding back. I know how good I feel when he touches me and kisses me, and....I need to stop before my sense of reason leaves me.

"OK, I understand.  I will be right back. Let me go take a shower."

"Is that code for, 'let me go take care of myself in the shower'? Let me help you with that, then you can help me too."

I also took his hand and placed it on my very hard member too.

"I am not sure about that, Zhan. I think we are better off just leaving both alone and ignoring it. If I help you, I will only get more worked up, and one thing will lead to another."

"So, are you going to leave your pregnant lover, horny and unfulfilled, because you suffer from lack of self-control?"

I make a pout face, and I could see the wheels turning in his eyes. He was thinking hard about what to do.

"OK, I will suck you off, but you need to let me take care of myself alone, ok?"

"No, not ok, I want you to feel good too. Let's do both at the same time, and then when we are done, we can go to sleep."

"Agreed, but you are playing with fire, my love. You must accept the responsibility of your actions. If this goes South, we are both responsible, ok?"

I had already started taking my clothes off long before he finished talking. I want to feel his touch everywhere.

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