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As soon as Zhan fell asleep, I got up gently, so I didn't wake him up. I need to find out how Jason was able to track our movement without anyone knowing.

I went to the table where everything was. I wanted to study the angle at which the pictures were taken. Not only that, but Zhan is right. He was everywhere we went together in Canada. It does not make sense to me at all because our outings and dates were decided on the spot.

It is as if he had an insider working with him. I need to get to the bottom of this. Before that, I needed to reach out to his dad and tell him about the threats he made to Zhan.

He will have no choice but to help me because his company is on the line. Also, that old man has strict work ethics.

I sent his dad an email attaching all the pictures and stills of parts of the videos to show him what his son has been up to. Let's see what he says.

Now, I need to chat with my mom and brother about what it would mean for the company if all these pictures and videos were to end up in the wrong hands.

I have proven the kind of businessman I am. All those shareholders are getting big money because of all the expansions I have made. They can not start questioning my abilities now only because I am dating and going to marry a man.

I'm watching the videos between myself and Jason. I really had lost my mind to even consider this kind of lifestyle. Everything I did really was stupid, and I regret all of it. If only I could go back in time and change everything. I can't, so I need to face the consequences of my actions.

Once I finished studying the angles on the pictures, I was 100% sure that it was an inside job. When I was in Canada, Micheal was in charge of my security details, so every time I went anywhere, he was the first to know.

Could it be that he was working with Jason the whole time? But how do they know each other?

This seems like it will take forever to uncover, I really hope that he does not know that Zhan is pregnant. That could complicate things.

Anyway, let me go get some sleep. Tomorrow, I will meet with my mom and Haikuan. I can already tell I will be told an ear full.

When I got to bed, I found Zhan out cold, sprawled on the bed with his belly sticking out. It's the most adorable sight I have ever seen. I can not wait for all this drama to be behind us so that we can start enjoying this beautiful thing happening between us.

I covered him and climbed into bed. There is this thing he does in his sleep that I really love. It does not matter how long he has been sleeping. When I get in bed, as soon as I lay down, he moves closer to me and snuggles into me. Sometimes, I come to bed late just to watch him do that.

I looked down at the kiss mark on his collar bone, which reminded me of the earlier activities. I miss being fully intimate with him without holding back. Now, I am dealing with holding back and nonsense from my past. How can one man stay sane with all this going on.

Even with all these things racing in my head, I still managed to fall asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing, and when I checked my phone, it was my brother. Why would he call me so early in the morning.

["Yibo, what do I do? Xiaowei is in labor. She is in a lot of pain. what do I do?"]

"Dude, call a doctor or go to the hospital. How am I supposed to know what to do I this situation. Call your doctor."

["OK, ok, let me do that!"]

He hangs up. I started thinking about how I would react if that was me. I really hope things go well with them. I don't like feeling like things are outside of my control. My brother is such a calm person, and for him to not even know what to do at such an important time scares me.

I looked down and saw that Zhan was still sleeping. Since I can not meet with my brother and mother because I believe both with accompany my sister in law to the hospital. I will have to deal with the Jason issue without involving them.

This is a happy time for the family, and I don't want to dumpen the mood with my mess.

I know I need to start my investigation in Canada. I need to track Michael's where abouts and find out why so many, if not all, of these pictures happen to be taken when he is around.

I want to get to the bottom of this before the week ends. And I only have 5 more days. That's if Jason really meant what he said. If I don't sort this out soon, I have a feeling Zhan will take matters into his own hands tell the world everything.  I do want the world to know fully about us, but it must be on our own terms, not by feeling cornered to do so.

I finally feel Zhan moving, and I know he is awake because when this guy is in deep sleep, he is like the dead. He hardly ever moves. The only way I can tell he is alive is because he is breathing and warm.

"Good morning, love."

"Good morning. Why do I feel like you hardly slept before you lie, you have bags under your eyes. So rather tell me what kept you awake."

"I was thinking a lot about what to do with Jason, and I feel like I might need to go to Canada to figure things out. Even if it's for 2 days."

"Isn't that a bit extreme though. Can't your brother help you?"

"He is in a celebration mood that one, he called me this morning to tell me that his wife was in labor, so I am certain he will kill me if I brought this up now."

"Wow, that great news. I wonder how long it will take before their son is born. She seemed to be over the pregnancy, so I know she is happy."

"From the screaming I heard over the phone, I doubt that she is happy about anything right now. We'll until the baby is born, that is. We can go pay them a visit tomorrow."

"OK but I don't think I want you to go back to Canada though. Is there no way to get whatever information you need?"

"The thing is the person I am suspecting would have been the person that I would have sent to gather information for me. If you don't want me to go, then I will have to send Yuchen. Are you OK with that?"

"Why wouldn't I not be ok?"

"If Yuchen is not around, your movement will be limited. I just don't want to go through the process of selecting another person to do what Yuchen does. Also, Jason is the psychopath you don't want to mess with. He can be unpredictable, so I don't want you going around without a trained guard."

"I can ask Yu Bin to be with me everytime I go anywhere, he might be an actor but he served in the special forces and he is a great fighter as well. I trust him with my life, so you can too. He is so good hr does his owm stunts without needing a double"

"Would he be willing to take time off work to follow you around. I would need him to be available and alert when he is around you."

"Can you stop stressing, Yu Bin is capable and yes he would be willing. He has been looking after me for more than 4 years for free anyways. Ji Li was right, you do too much sometimes."

"No I don't, it's just that if anything happened to you and the babies I wouldn't be able to continue living. So you have to know that you staying safe is keeping me safe too. You tend to give too much benefit of the doubt and want to see good in people, I am not wired like that. So please don't be reckless until I take care of Jason."

"The same applies to you, stay safe for all our sakes."

He got up and went to the bathroom and for some strange reason. I am getting a bad feeling about this whole situation.

Not sure why but I feel like Jason is willing to resort to evil to get what he wants. And Zhan is his wild card against me.

I can not always be with Zhan but I can increase security around him. He doesn't have to know. He can have Yu Bin, I need more skilled guards around him. To me Yu Bin is just an actor.

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