The test..

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I woke up super early because of the excitement about the doctor's visit. She said if we are lucky, we can find out the gender of the babies today.

Yibo is still upstairs getting ready. I have even finished eating breakfast. That's how ready I am.

"Hey love, you look excited. Are you ready?"

"I am ready, but you need to eat first it's going to be a long day today."

"Also, with all the cameras and different angles that photographers will be taking pictures, I don't think you should wear that. I can see that belly from all the way here. If you wear that today, you will be answering more questions than what you bargained for."

"Really, oh no. Apart from the hoodie, I don't know what to wear then. The hoodie won't be appreciated for the press conference later."

"Let's leave early and go past the mall and get something that can hide the babies."

"OK, and you, what about food?"

"I can grab something light. Let's go."

"OK, then."

We left and went to the store that Yibo got his clothes from. It's never full, so we were quick. I got a shirt that has raffles in the front to help hide the bump and a jacket.

Soon, we were on our way to the hospital. I decided to keep the hoodie on until after the hospital visit. I wanted to be comfortable.

We got there early, so as usual, we went through the back entrance, straight to the room, where we were asked to wait.

Soon, the doctor came in.

"Good morning. How is everyone doing? Any complaints I need to be aware of?"

She said after she walked in.

"No complaints, I actually have been doing well. I expected to suffer longer with the nausea, but it's been 2 weeks since any vomiting episode. My back hurts a little if I am on my feet longer than normal and the minor annoying cramps I feel now and then."

"OK, everything sounds  normal, so far. Come lay down. Let's look at how the babies are doing?"

I lay down, and she put that cold gel on my stomach, I never get used to the feeling of it.

"OK, let's see."

She turned the screen so that both Yibo and I could see.

"Her is Baby A, and her is Baby B. Both look nice and healthy. They are both growing well. There is enough fluid around them as well. They are a tad bigger for the weeks you are at, but nothing concerning. Would you like to know the gender of the babies, because I can see it."

"Yes, please." Yibo jumped in before I could even answer.

"OK, Baby A is a boy, and Baby B is a girl. You are having one of each."

We both couldn't contain our excitement. Wow, best of both worlds. I am so excited. Yibo is, too.

"Everything looks good. You are gaining weight as well, and so it seems all is well."

Even though she said this, I still couldn't get Mrs. Wang's words out of my mind about what she said about 'carriers'. So I wanted to know so that I can prepare myself well. I don't want false hope.

"Doctor, I heard from someone that 'carriers' have a hard time closer to giving birth, and even more so during labor. So I want you to be honest with us and tell us if that's true, or not. I was also told that pregnancy of multiples can even kill the 'carrier' during labor."

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