Chapter 29

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Heeseung and Jay were standing in the doorway, greeting Sunoo. You could see Heeseung pat Sunoo's shoulder, then walking past him into the apartment. Jay, instead, went in for a hug and then followed the two boys into the apartment. Heeseung paused when he saw you, causing Sunoo to walk past him. Sunoo now stood next to you, while Jay and Heeseung stood opposite the two of you. 

"Hey, y/n!" Jay said, now walking over to you. He paused for a second in front of you before going in for a hug. You could smell Jay's strong cologne on the black sweater he was wearing. It seemed like they'd decided to get changed and freshen up after work, then head to your apartment. You could tell by Heeseung's outfit, the graphic tee, glasses and backwards hat. It all felt like it had a few years ago when you would hang out with them on weekends or after class. A sense of nostalgia hit you, causing your heart to sink for a second. 

Jay slowly let go, a smile beaming across his face. It was safe to say that he'd missed you, even though he hadn't once tried to contact you. As much as you hated Jay for cutting you off, you still had a soft spot for him. You put your hand on his back, leading him to the living room, with Sunoo and Heeseung following the two of you. Once you reached the living room, you removed your hand from Jay's back.

"Sit, I'll get you guys something to drink. Anything you want?" You enquired.

"Anything's fine! Thank you, y/n," Jay said while taking a seat on the couch.

Sunoo also took a seat, prompting Heeseung to do the same. As you walked into the kitchen, Jungwon peeked over to catch a glimpse of the visitors.

"Who's that?" He asked, trying to figure out if he'd seen the two men before.

"My ex, in the white tee. And his best friend, in the black sweater," you whispered, not wanting Heeseung and Jay to hear.

"Yo, what? That's your ex?" Jungwon's face didn't give you much to work with, so you questioned what he meant.

"What do you mean?"

"He looks so cool!" Jungwon beamed, taking in the sight of Heeseung.

"He's really not tha-"You were cut off by Hannah and Wonyoung who'd also come over to see who the guests were.

"No way! I swear we were just talking about them," Hannah said, shaking her head at the thought of having to talk to Heeseung and Jay.

"Come with me!" You grabbed onto Hannah's hand, dragging her into the kitchen to help you make something for Heeseung and Jay to drink. 


"Ahhh, Wonyoung, Jungwon, come! This is Heeseung and Jay. Me, Hannah and y/n went to high school with them. Jay, Heeseung, these are our friends, Wonyoung and Jungwon." Sunoo pointed to Wonyoung as she was sitting down, then at Jungwon who walked over towards the two boys.

Jungwon put his hand out, shaking Heeseung's hand. He then stood in front of Jay, who enthusiastically greeted the boy.

"I'm Jay. It's nice to meet you, Jungwon."

Sunoo pulled Jungwon's arm, forcing him to sit down.

"So, what do you two do?" Jay asked Wonyoung and Jungwon.

"I'm a fashion major!" Wonyoung replied.

"Oh, that's so cool! Are you enjoying it? I actually contemplated doing it when I graduated high school," Jay responded, showing his interest in fashion.

"It's the best decision I've ever made. I love everything we do and it's given me so much experience!"

"She's probably the best designer I know! She made me this sweater last week," Sunoo exclaimed, proud of his friend.

"Well, then I might have to contact you once you graduate," Jay laughed. "What about you, Jungwon?"

"I'm majoring in law and about to start an internship!"

"Woah, what's up with all you guys? All of you are doing such cool things!" Jay smiled, showing that he was genuinely happy to meet all your friends. 

Just at that moment, you and Hannah walked in with cups of tea for everyone. You placed the trays down on the table and then sat on the couch next to Wonyoung. After seeing Hannah, Jay stood up. 

"Hannah! I've missed you, man," he said, before pulling her into a tight hug. You could see Hannah tense for a second, before relaxing into the hug. 

Jay loosened the hug, and Hannah smiled at him before sitting down next to Jungwon. Jay then sat back down in his spot, restarting the conversation. Heeseung was sitting in front of you, looking down at the floor. When you looked over at the others, you could feel Heeseung's gaze on you. 

"So, how've you been, Jay?" Hannah asked, causing you to shoot a glance at her. She'd been the one talking badly about Jay barely 20 minutes ago, and now here she was enquiring about his life. 

"Well, I went back to Seattle after grad. I just finished my business degree and now I'm back to take over my Dad's company." 

"So, you'll be CEO Park?" Sunoo asked, laughing a little. 

"Precisely! Well, not for a while. I need to do lots of training and observing, but eventually, the plan is for me to take over." Jay noticed a sense of discomfort in Heeseung's demeanour and quickly changed the topic. "But, Jungwon, you were saying something about an internship. Tell me more?"

"Oh, yeah! It's at this super big finance company. I had to fight my way, Hunger Games style, to get myself the position. But, it's said to be one of the best companies to work for in the market right now!"

"Wow, guess you'll be set for life then!" 

"He's promised to look after me, so, don't expect to see anything less than a private jet and mansion the next time you come visit me!" Sunoo joked, causing everyone to laugh, even Heeseung who seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. 

"Mind adding another man-child into your care? I'd love to have a mansion and private jet, too!" Jay added on, making Jungwon almost fall out of his seat with his nodding. 

After the laughter, and Jungwon, had settled down, Heeseung spoke. 

"I forgot to ask, what's the name of the company?" 

"Oh, it's called PJ Star Finance!"

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