9: Route 1, Accumula Town, Route 2, and Striaton City

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As we walked down route 1, the sun began to set. The reflection on the water was so beautiful, words could not describe it. I had lived in the city my whole life, but now I could see the beauty of nature.
We stopped for a few minutes to enjoy the scenery, then continued our journey to Accumula Town. It took about ten minutes to reach the town. We went to a hotel to stay for the night.
When I woke up, we were already on route 2. A few trainers challenged us to pokemon battles, which we won easily. When we reached Striaton City, it was sometime around 10:30 a.m. Jade checked the map of Unova that her mother had given to her for our journey.
"I think that we should head to the dreamyard to train," said Jade. "I heard that there are some cool pokemon there. We do need to get the pokedex at least halfway complete."
When we reached the dreamyard, a trainer was standing at the entrance. "Are you trying to get to the dreamyard?" She asked. "Yes," Jade replied. "Alright," the trainer said, "then you'll have to battle me first." "Alright," said Jade. "This is going to be easy."
First, the trainer sent out a Purrloin. Jade sent out Lahna. "Lahna, use water gun!" Said Jade. Purrloin was hit with a powerful burst of water, causing it to fall to the ground. "Now use tackle!" Before Purrloin had a chance to get up, Lahna tackled her. "Now finish it with another water gun!" Purrloin was hit with more water. It fainted and was returned to her pokeball.
"So," said Jade, "can I go to the dreamyard now?" "Not yet," the trainer replied. "I still have one pokemon left." She threw another pokeball and the pokemon was...... another Purrloin.
"Purrloin, use scratch!" Lahna didn't have time to react to the attack. She was hit with scratch over and over again. Finally, she was able to break free from the attacks, but she could hardly stand. Suddenly, a strange blue light surrounded her. The light began to grow and change shape. The light disappeared, and a different pokemon was standing in her place. It was light blue with white whiskers, shells on its sides, and a black tail, hands, feet, and ears.
"OMG!!!!!" Jade shouted. "Lahna evolved into a Dewott!" I was happy that one of my friends had evolved. "Lahna, use razor shell!" The awestruck Purrloin was easily defeated. "Can we go to the dreamyard now? Asked Jade. The trainer nodded and moved out of the way, and we headed to the dreamyard.
Chapter 9 complete!!!!!!! BYEEE!!!!

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