Chapter 16

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Amber: Ignore her for now. She's kinda weird when she rages......


Amber: Told ya she's weird when she rages...



~POV Amber (a few days after chapter 15. Location: Nimbassa City)~

Grr!!! That stupid dream again!! Blah, blah, blah. Running through a city. Blah, blah, blah. Running through the woods. Blah, blah, blah. Finding a random crater in the middle of the wo- wait, what?

I don't think that was there before. Alyssa and I ran through a mini-forest in the valley/crater/whatever-the-heck-it-was. Suddenly, we heard a roar an were teleported to a cavern. The walls had strange carvings of pokemon, people, and... destruction. Many of the carving showed buildings crumbling, forests burning down, etc.

As we progressed through the cave, the carvings became more sinister. Dead pokemon, dead people, and entire cities reduced to rubble. On each carving, there was a pokemon that appeared to be the cause of it all. The pokemon appeared to be a combination of three pokemon. Three pokemon who, according to legend, used to be one. Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem.

I stared at the final carving. It was the fusion pokemon standing alone on a burning wasteland. The one it had created. I heard a growl from behind me. I turned, seeing the ice/dragon pokemon staring coldly at me. Then it began to talk.

"Fire, Lightning, and Ice shall become one and bring chaos to this world. They will cause destruction and suffering. The world will become nothing but burnt soil and the ultimate being who is not one, but three. It will all start from a false dream, a false hope, a false promise."

The ice dragon repeated this for what seemed like hours. Arceus, this is an annoying dream.


Ze next morning...

~POV Jade~

I woke up at about 6:00 in the morning. Alyssa and Amber were still sound asleep. I got ready and ate breakfast, but they were still asleep.

"Wake up." I said. "Wake up!" I repeated more loudly. "WAKE UP!" I shouted. Their eyes opened and they immediately began talking while staring blankly ahead of them.

"Fire, Lightning, and Ice shall become one and bring chaos to this world," they said. "They will cause destruction and suffering. The world will become nothing but burnt soil and the ultimate being who is not one, but three. It will all start from a false dream, a false hope, a false promise."

As soon as they said the word 'promise' their eyes closed. "Ha, ha, ha," I said. "Very funny. Now get up and get ready to leave. We both have gym battles today." Neither of them reacted. "Fine, I'll go without you two. See you later." I left and brought five of my pokemon with me. After being such a jerk, Amber didn't deserve to come. I stormed out of the hotel and made my way to the pokemon gym.


I'm done raging now! Guess what.


I stayed up all night brainstorming for the story. I didn't sleep at all. You should all thank me for being so dedicated XD

I'm probably going to stay up till at least 2:00 am brainstorming and writing.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and check out the fanfiction "Eevee Friends." Its on the account EeveelutionBFFs, which is an account I share with my friends. Eevee Friends is written by me and my friend Ribbon the Sylveon.

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