Chapter 14: The Nightmare

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~Alyssa's POV~

I was running through the streets of that same city I had seen every night for the past two weeks. I took the same path I always did, with the Eevee in front of me. At the point when the Eevee turns left and I turn right, which is what happens every time, I turned left instead. A piece of a building fell and pinned down the Eevee's tail. I quickly moved the rock and picked up the Eevee. She looked frightened.

"It's okay," I said. "I'm not going to hurt you." The Eevee looked up at me and its yellow eyes widened. Wait, yellow eyes? Amber. I continued to run with the Eevee in my arms. Eventually we came to the edge of the city where the woods began. I watched the ground so that I wouldn't trip over a tree root.

Once I thought we were far enough away from the city, I stopped and turned around. Luckily, there was no one there. I put the Eevee back on the ground. "Amber," I said, "is that you?" She nodded. I heard a branch break behind us. I turned around and saw a woman standing a few feet in front ov me. I knew I had seen her somewhere before, but I only had a few seconds to see her face before she stabbed a knife into my stomach.

My vision became blurry as I fell to the ground. I couldn't see very well, but I realized that the Eevee was glowing. She was evolving. Before the light disappeared, my eyes closed. I heard a voice in my head. "This is your fate," it said, "and the fate of the world. Only you and your friends can prevent it. Do not fail us."

I woke up right after the voice stopped talking. I looked over at Amber. She was awake and staring at me. She flicked her ears towards Jade to ask if we should tell her what happened. I shook my head, then walked to the balcony. Amber followed.

"Did that really just happen?" She said. "I guess so," I replied. "Did you hear the voice too?" Amber nodded. "I guess we're supposed to save the world," she said. "I wonder who that person was," I said. "They didn't look like they were from Team Plasma. I'm going to go write down that symbol she had on her shirt before I forget."

I went to the mini-desk that our room had and got out the notepad and pen. I drew the symbol as quickly and accurately as I could. Amber went back to her blanket and tried to sleep. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, so I stayed up thinking about the symbol.

It looked like a ying yang, but the dots were replaced by the symbols for fire and electric types. The center of the ying yang had the symbol for dragon types. In the pokemon folklore class in school, I had learned that the Unova region's legendary pokemon, Zekrom and Reshiram, were often referred to as the ying dragon and the yang dragon. I also knew that Reshiram was a fire and dragon type and that Zekrom was an electric and dragon type, so the symbol probably represented Zekrom and Reshiram. And that's as far as my knowledge got me.

I looked out the window and saw that the sun was rising. I got dressed and went to go eat breakfast. When I got back to the room, Jade was still asleep. "Hey Jade, wake up!" I said loudly. "Five more minutes," Jade said groggily. "No," I said. "You have your gym battle today, remember? I want us to be the first ones there." Jade sat up quickly and was ready to leave in only a few minutes. She walked past the desk and saw the paper I had drawn the symbol on. I forgot to put it away. *Mentally facepalms* baka baka baka baka!!!!!!

Why did my author have to make me so forgetful?!?!?

~Stop breaking the fourth wall!!!!~


"What's this?" Jade asked. "Nothing," I replied. "I was just doing some research about the Unova legendaries. That symbol relates to Zekrom and Reshiram." "Okay," Jade said with a hint of suspicion in her voice. "Its about their relation to the ying yang," Amber said. I nodded. "Let's go eat breakfast," I said.

At the café, all of the pokemon got Pokékibble and Jade got cereal. All of the people in the café were staring at Volt and Tanzanite. Some pokemon came over and started poking Volt, which annoyed her very much. This went on for a few minutes, which is when they started to get bored.

After we ate, we walked to the gym, which was also a museum. It didn't open until 8:00, and it was only 7:36, so we decided to explore the museom, which had opened a few minutes ago.

When we reached a pokemon fossil display, over a dozen Team Plasma members barged into the museum. Jade and I sent out all of our pokemon (with the exception of Tanzanite and Volt) and all of the Team Plasma pokemon were defeated before the gym leader could get there. When she got to the front of the museum, she was definitely surprised.

"Did you two defeat all of them by yourselves?" She asked. "Yep," I replied. "We already called the police. Team Plasma has a lot of weak pokemon. Most of them fainted in just one hit." Just after I said that, Officer Jenny walked into the museum. All of the Team Plasma members who were there were arrested. We went to the pokemon center to heal our pokemon, then came back for Jade's gym battle. We walked to the back of the museum, which is where the gym was. Jade had to battle different trainers and find different books. After she found the last one, a bookshelf moved to reveal a staircase. Coolest. Puzzle. Ever.

We walked down the staircase after Jade healed her pokemon. Lenora was waiting in the room at the bottom. There were fossils, books, and papers everywhere, so it was probably her office. I walked over to the side of the makeshift arena and sat down. Since none of Jade's pokemon knew fighting type moves, this was probably going to be a long battle.

Amber: We have a weird author.

Jade: Yep


Amber, Jade, and Alyssa: No.


Amber: We can do whatever we want

~No you can't!!!!!~

Amber: Yes we can

~Arceus, that Eevee will be the death of me.~

Amber: Why are you talking to Arceus?? He's too busy trying to save the world

~NO SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Amber: Fine, fine.

Jade: BYEEE!!!!!

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