Chapter 10: Dreamyard

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As we walked confidently to the dreamyard, I noticed two things. The first was that the scenery was absolutely stunning. The second was that a small tree was blocking off part of the dreamyard. We were almost to the tree when I heard a pokemon scream.
I ran up to the fence, an on the other side was a pink pokemon with blue eyes. There were two people near it who were commanding their pokemon to attack it. I quickly scaled the fence and ran over to defend the pokemon. I could see Jade to my left climbing the fence quickly.
"Leave her alone!" I shouted to the attackers. They stared at me with a confused, frightened look in their eyes. By then, Jade had caught up to me. She got a pokeball out of her purse and sent out Ayse. "Purrloin, use assist!" One of them commanded. "Patrat, use bite on that Eevee!" the other one shouted. I easily dodged the Patrat's attack and tackled it from behind.
"Ayse, use fake out on Patrat!" Jade said. Ayse hit Patrat on both sides of its head with her paws. It left Patrat dazed long enough for us to finish it off. I used tackle from the left while Ayse used pound from the right. Patrat fainted. It was time to focus on Purrloin.
"Purrloin, use sand attack on Eevee!" the trainer ordered. I dodged the attack easily and kicked sand into the Purrloin's eyes. I then tackled it and bit its leg. Ayse used double slap, which caused the pokemon to faint.
"Who are you and why were you attacking that pokemon?" Jade asked. "We're Team Plasma, and the Audino attacked us first." One of them replied. I heard a whisper next to me. "It was their fault," the Audino said. "They stole a trainer's pokemon, so I decided to try to get them back." I immediately told Jade what Audino had told me. "Give back those pokemon, or else," she said to them. "Or else what?" one of them said in a demeaning tone. Jade got her other four pokeballs and Kayla, Elsie, Kylie, and Lahna appeared. "Give them back now." She said.
The trainer got out a few pokeballs and placed them on the ground. Jade took them and asked Audino to lead her to the trainer while we made sure the thieves wouldn't escape. Jade came back a few minutes later and called the police to report the crime.
After the cops arrested the two thieves, we left to go back to Striaton City. We'd had enough training for today. We went to a hotel to rest for the night after eating dinner. We knew that tomorrow was going to be an important day. It was going to be our first gym battle! Everyone else fell asleep fairly quickly, but I couldn't.
I stayed up late thinking about how much my life had changed in just one week. Most people would have ran away if they saw a red Eevee. If Jade hadn't found me, I would still be living in alleys and struggling to find food. Just thinking about it scared me. I fell asleep soon, now that I was done thinking.
I ran as fast as I could from an unknown pursuer. I was in a city that I didn't recognize. I darted through alleys and across empty streets. I knew that the attacker was near. I couldn't run much farther. My paws were aching and I could barely breathe. I tripped over a trashcan lid that I tried to jump over. I heard a voice saying "Wake up! Wake up!" All of the buildings began to fall apart. Debris covered the street. Sooner or later I would trip again. I wouldn't be able to escape this time. A piece of a building fell and pinned down my tail. I turned and saw who was chasing me. I didn't recognize her, but she looked at me as if I was an old friend who she now hated. She was only a few feet away from me when suddenly I woke up.
"Amber, are you okay?" Jade asked. "I'm fine," I said. "It was just a nightmare." "Okay," she said. We ate breakfast silently, then left. Everyone was anxious for the gym battle.
"I read that the gym here is also a restaurant," Jade said. "It has three gym leaders, but we only have to face one of them. Since I chose Oshawott as my Unova starter pokemon, we'll be battling Cilan. He uses grass types, so Elise will be my main pokemon for this battle. You ready?" We all said "ready" in unison, then headed into the gym.
Chapter 10 complete!!!!!!! Don't forget to comment and vote! BYEEE!!!!

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