8. "you needed that hug"

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July 29th


As soon as the paparazzi came, Daisy panicked. And with reason. She's only sixteen and having loads of people with cameras following you is overwhelming. God knows it took me years to get used to it. Even now it can be scary for me.

That was last week now, and she's gone quiet on me again. I don't even have the opportunity to ask her to lunch anymore because she always leaves set as soon as her scenes are done.

She did have a panic attack in my arms, so I wonder if maybe she spooked herself? I don't know a lot about that girl, but I can tell that being vulnerable scares her.

It was a brutal panic attack, so I'm happy that I was there with her. She'd never had one before so she was very concerned.

But since today is costume fitting, I figure that I'll get quite a lot of time with her today which will be nice.


"Maybe if you gave me the attention I needed, I wouldn't have gone out seeking it from some guy!"

"Daisy Roberts, you can't just have a man nearly twice your age in your bed!"

"He's twenty-three, that's not that much older!"

"You're sixteen!"

Of course this afternoon had to start off with an argument. My mother's been out all morning, so I had some time to myself. Well, myself and someone else. I don't really know who he is, I met him at the store.

If I'm being honest, I don't even know his name.

"Did you even use protection?!" she asks furiously.

"I'm on the pill!"

"You still need to be using-"

"Bye, I'm going to work now," I cut her off, walking off with my tote bag and phone in hand. I have enough money for the bus so that's what I'll do. It's better than being stuck in the car with my mother as she goes on about why I shouldn't be sleeping with random people I find at Walmart.

The bus ride is dirty and uncomfortable. There are lots of people so it's extremely crowded, and all the people around me smell really bad.

I can't wait for my paycheck so that I can finally start taking cabs to get places.

Thankfully, the ride is soon over for me and I get off at my stop and walk to set, showing the security guards my ID to get in.

The first thing I do is dump my bag in my trailer before leaving it and heading to the room in the building where I should be getting to see my costumes today. Everyone has different time slots for this and there's a lot of us so we only have twenty minutes each, meaning quick changes and minimal chatter.

That's a good thing, because it means Lizzie and I won't be able to talk a lot. I feel far too scared to talk to her after having a panic attack in front of her. She must think I'm such an idiot.

"Hiya, kiddo," I'm greeted by none other than Elizabeth Olsen herself at the door, waiting for Chris H and Tom Hiddleston to be done. They've done the different pairs as the central duo's from each story. For example, Scarlett and Florence or Chris E and Sebastian.

It's only gonna be two characters per story as the mains for this movie, since the cast is already gonna be massive what with all the extras. Plus, I've heard rumors that there may be a few cameos.

"Hi," I reply quietly, she opens her arms for a hug. I'm guessing she thinks it's okay since that time she held me while I was having that panic attack, and it is. It's just strange to adjust to the feeling.

Needing the contact, I walk up and let her wrap her arms around me, finding so much comfort in her touch.

There gets to a point where she tries to pull away after a few seconds, as you would with a typical hug, but I hold on. I'm not ready to let her go just yet.

Lizzie clearly catches on as she wraps me up again and holds onto me tightly.

"You don't have to be isolating yourself from me, Dais," she reassures me. "I used to have a lot of panic attacks, and I promise you that I'm not judging you. Ever. Do you need to talk about anything?"

That's when I pull away. I shouldn't have done that.

"I'm so sorry, that was so inappropriate of me. I-I was just, I didn't mean, um..." I stumble on my words, Lizzie shushes me.

"Don't apologize, honey. You needed that hug."

She's right. I really, really did.

There's not much more time to discuss it as Chris and Tom come out of the room and we're called in.

The first outfit for me is sort of a loose, baggy tee and some super oversized joggers. It's quite comfy, if I'm honest. That's my usual style of clothing, anyway.

"Can you take those out, please?" one of the stylists asks me, pointing at all my piercings.

"Sure, but it might just waste time. There's a lot," I point out but still do as I'm told because apparently I only have two other outfits, anyway.

I start off with my septum, then all the piercings in my ears. I have so many, like Scarlett's.

Once they're all out, I'm given my second outfit and they help me piece it all together. The only issue is the corset, which is making it hard to breathe.

"I don't understand," my stylist says, "We took your measurements. Have you put on weight?"

I look straight at Lizzie after receiving that comment, she looks just as pissed off as I am.

"She's a teenager," Lizzie defends me, "Just alter it. The corset's supposed to fit her, not the other way around."

The stylist grunts before going into the adjoining room, I'm guessing to put the corset away.

"Your hair is the perfect color for this role. The burgundy is amazing," Lizzie's stylist, who I consider to be a lot nicer, tells me.

Oh how I know that weight comment will stick with me.



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