25. "for fuck's sake, daisy"

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September 30th


Finally! Today's the day we travel to Michigan for two weeks. Although we'll still be working, it will be fun to have a break from our usual workplace.

It also means that instead of carrying on, I'm taking a two week break since I'm working out of state.

Luckily for me, Lizzie listened to what I had to say about ignoring the more significant issues in my life at the moment and hasn't pushed me at all. For now, I just need to focus on this work trip.

Since living with Lizzie, she's bought me a lot of new clothes and other items since I didn't have an awful lot in the first place that I brought from my old house, so I had more to pack than anticipated. But now we're at the airport and everything's been checked in and sorted out. We're just waiting in the lounge now until we board in an hour. We've been here for a while.

It's not all of us here. We're all sort of scattered around different nearby airports, and some of the others don't even leave until a few days time because they don't have as many scenes.

There aren't many times in my life where I've been in an airport, so this whole experience has been a little overwhelming. But by my side has been Lizzie, Scarlett, Florence, Hemsworth, Jeremy, and few others.

It's a lot calmer now that we're all sat down and relaxing.

"Thank god this is only a two hour flight, I'm not sure if I would manage it otherwise," Florence dramatically exclaims. I'm assuming she doesn't like flying much, then.

"You need some alcohol in your system," Jeremy tells her, being the bad influence that he is. His statement makes us all laugh since it's only four in the morning right now. It's an early one.

"God, no," Scarlett interjects, "She'll bust out her Yelena accent and won't stop. I have to sit next to her and I am not dealing with that."

"Whatever," Flo rolls her eyes playfully. "I need food. Does anyone want anything? Munchkin?" she asks and directs the last question at me specifically. I've really grown to love hanging out with her on set or when the cast all go out together.

I shake my head at her question and Lizzie looks at me warningly from where she's sat beside me. She seems to have trouble believing that I'm taking care of my body, she won't listen when I tell her that I really am eating. Because I am, I'm just not really eating much else except for salads and such.

Of course I know that it isn't very good to not have all your food groups balanced, but I have to fit into that corset tomorrow and I'll be damned if I don't get to wear it and cause an inconvenience.

"Honey, you've only had coffee this morning, you need to have something more," I'm told by the bossy woman who is Elizabeth Olsen. I do know that it comes from a place of care, though.

Once again, I dismiss her. Even when she gets up and comes back with some food for me.

Which has now led to this argument we're having in front of everyone.


Truthfully, this girl is getting on my nerves massively. I love her but she won't do what's good for her. Even if she can't see it, she isn't doing a healthy thing here. All I can wish for is that it doesn't turn into anything more serious than just watching what she's eating.

She doesn't even need to be doing that in the first place. She's so beautiful. It seems that no matter how many times I tell her that, it doesn't help.

"Eat this food right now," I say to her through gritted teeth, not wanting to make too much of a scene, but she has to eat.

"No," she retaliates, pushing the plate away from her and in turn, making it go flying onto the floor and splattering the food everywhere.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, Daisy!" I exclaim a little louder, earning a few glances from other people sitting around.

What a stupid thing to do, I end up scaring her and she goes running into the bathrooms.

"Lizzie..." Scarlett breathes out, getting up from her seat and coming to sit beside me to calm me down. "Florence, go get Daisy, please," she tells Flo, who goes rushing off to find my kid. Everyone else falls into their own conversations as I'm spoken to by one of my dearest friends. "I know you're frustrated and tired but as a parent, I have to tell you that yelling isn't going to get you anywhere. All that's going to cause is fear, and I doubt she needs any more of that."

Everything she's telling me is what I already know. But I'm thankful for the reminder. I didn't mean to lose my temper with her. It's early and we're both tired and I hate that she won't accept my help.

After a little while longer of talking, Florence returns with Daisy, who looks as if she's had a long cry. It makes me feel a level of guilt that I haven't experienced before.

But strangely enough, she still perches herself next to me after Scarlett moves back into her own seat.

And even stranger, she cuddles up to me.

Does this mean that she's learnt to trust me enough that even if I yell, she still knows that I would never harm her?

"I'm so sorry, my love," I apologize sincerely, wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"Okay," she whispers and allows me to just hold her. "I'll eat normally again after we leave Michigan, I promise."

I'm making sure she keeps that promise.


After what feels like forever, we're finally getting ready for takeoff. Daisy's sat in the window seat, beside me. The others are all scattered around, but Scarlett and Florence are behind us.

Poor Flo is currently having a bit of a panic attack over us about to go up in the air. And Daisy doesn't look much better.

Her knee is bouncing up and down rapidly and she's clutching onto me tighter than ever before. I'm trying my best to reassure her that everything's going to be fine, but she's too scared to make sense of my words.

"Lizzie," she whines like a child, shutting her eyes tightly and tucking herself into my chest the best she can in our current position.

"I've got you. I promise you're gonna be okay."

Not that she can help it, but Florence's panicking is only adding fuel to the fire for Daisy. It's like she's feeding off her fear.

"Here, sweets," I say and grab her headphones out of her tote bag. Once I've got them on her, I take her phone and unlock it, going to Spotify and turning on one of her calm playlists. Hopefully, the music will block out Florence's rapid breaths.

She still keeps her face pressed into me, though. But as long as it keeps her calm.

"Everything okay back there?" I ask Scarlett as I turn to face her as best I can.

"All good," she replies confidently before continuing to tell Florence over and over that she's safe.



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