40. "always"

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October 23rd


Much to my surprise, Lizzie has allowed me to stay at the apartment for a few hours whilst she has to be filming some scenes without me. Only with the exception of being on FaceTime to her between takes, like we are right now.

"How's it going over there?" I ask as she takes a seat, looking out of breath after whatever scene she's just filmed.

Wanda Maximoff herself exhales heavily before replying with, "Hectic, no fun without you. How are you doing, hun? Feeling okay?"

I nod in response and we make conversation for another ten minutes or so before Lizzie is called back up and she has to leave.

"Oh, Dais, I forgot to mention, tomorrow's the very last day you have here, I thought we had a little while longer but tomorrow is when you and I wrap."

My eyes widen at the information. Of course I've known for a while now that we'd soon be done filming, but it doesn't make it any easier. This job has taught me so much and it doesn't feel right for it to be over yet.


October 24th

"I'm gonna miss you so much."

"I'm gonna miss you!"

Florence and I are currently both in tears as we hug each other tight to say goodbye. Lizzie and I have just had our final scene in the whole movie two hours ago and despite me not being a crier, I've turned into a blubbering mess.

I'm gonna miss working here. When I first arrived, I wasn't sure what or who to expect. Now I can't imagine my life without these guys. We'll still be in contact but it's not the same. I suppose I'll see them at the premiere and hopefully some interviews if I make it that far, but I'm never going to be able to detach from this cast that has since become what I consider to be my family.

I'm especially going to miss the few that I got closest with the quickest. Like Chris E, Florence, Scarlett and Robert. And to think that I wasn't going to let myself get attached feels unreal.

Me and Lizzie aren't even the first to go. Hemsworth and Tom left a week ago, and Sebastian and Mackie. But somehow, everyone seems more emotional at this goodbye.

"I want you to be calling me as much as you can, okay?" Flo tells me in her calming deep voice. "And texting. Even if it's just about something small or a full step-by-step story of your day. You've grown to be like a little sister to me, Daisy, and I like to make sure my little sister is doing okay."

Being too upset to talk, I nod into her shoulder as she squeezes me tighter.

When we've managed to pull apart from each other, Robert then comes up to me and hugs me with his Iron Man grip.

"Take care of yourself, kiddo. No getting into any trouble, yeah?" the man that has started to feel like a protective father figure tells me. I have some of the best memories when it comes to men with Robert, like when I was wandering around set all sad about god knows what and he saw me on the verge of tears. He sat me down and hugged me, letting me cry into him for a whole twenty minutes. Nobody knows about that day, not even Lizzie, because Robert swore on Scarlett's life not to tell anyone.

Even when Scarlett came walking by in that moment and saw my eyes all red, Robert told her that he had been walking me around the flower bushes outside and that I was allergic to pollen. He's really, really great.

"I'll try," I laugh cry as he reluctantly lets go of me.

Turns out that he only had to let go because now Scarlet is engulfing me into her arms.

"Listen, honey," she starts. "It won't always feel like it, but trust me when I say you have a village of people who are on your side. A town, even. You will always be loved by this family and if you ever need an escape, even for a few days, tell Lizzie and get your butt on a plane to New York. My door is always open for you, 'kay? Always."

For the next hour, I say all my goodbyes and thank absolutely everyone for giving me this experience. And now, it's time for me to find my Lizzie and go back to the apartment. My trailer's all packed up and emptied and the keys were handed in early this afternoon.

It feels like I finally made it in my career, and I'm not even seventeen yet.


writing the part about rdj reminded me that my dad actually was standing next to him at a bar in la one time

also new book in the making👀

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