24. "i don't know what to do"

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September 20th


"Lizzie?" a quiet voice whispers my name in what sounds like a bit of a whimper.

Seeing what the clock says, it's two in the morning right now and I've just been awoken by my Daisy coming into my room.

I got her back here alright earlier. Everything on the way back was bothering her, so she kept changing the AC settings in the car every two minutes and trying to make her clothes comfier. It was quite upsetting to watch.

But when we got back, I helped get her settled on the couch and she wanted some cuddles to help settle her so of course I provided. It was only about half ten in the morning at that point, so we spent the rest of the day doing nothing because sometimes, you need to just do nothing for a day.

Daisy definitely enjoyed staying snuggled into my side as we laughed at a few comedies that were on the television. That giggle is one I could listen to on repeat for years.

However, that nice part of the day did come to an end when Daisy went to the bathroom and ended up having a meltdown. The day caught up with her and I rushed in there the moment I heard her hitting her head against the wall. It was a fight, but I got her to stop.

She was calm for the most part just before she went to sleep, so I wonder what the reasoning behind her being in here now is.

"Is everything okay?" I ask her in a groggy manner after literally only just having woken up.

"Um..." she hesitates to talk. "I, uh... my brother's back in jail. He used me as his one phone call and I don't really know how to feel about it. That's why I had that breakdown yesterday. He called me just before we had to leave for work."

Before I can even get a word in, she goes on a rant.

"I mean, I'm relieved. I should be relieved, right? After what he did to me. But at the same time, he's my brother. I wasn't planning on seeing him again but I think I love him, I-"

"Daisy," I interrupt her in a hushed voice, she stops and her eyes widen when she notices my arms wide open for her and the corner of my blanket that's been lifted back.

"Oh, I don't know if..."

"You can," I assure her. That's all she needs to rush over to me and get into my bed beside me. Instead of me initiating the contact like how it normally goes, she crashes into my body and begins sobbing into my chest.

I know she doesn't need my pity. That doesn't make a difference. But I cannot help how terrible I feel for her.

She's sixteen and has lived more lifetimes than most. I'm sure that there's still loads she hasn't told me, but she can reveal what she wants in her own time if she decides to do that.

"I don't know what to do, Lizzie," she admits once she's calmed down a little. Her grip on me is tighter than ever.

I sigh as the reality of her situation hits me harder than ever before. All I've been focusing on is keeping her safe, but I've neglected to face the fact that she could very much be taken from me by October twenty-sixth if this emancipation doesn't work out.

"You don't have to," I tell her. "Honestly, I think when you don't know what steps to take next, you just have to take it day by day and let whatever's going to happen, happen. The court's decision is out of our control now, we just need to be patient and wait for our answer. In the meantime, we get to go on location so that will be a good distraction. As for Damien, can I ask what happened?"

She clings on even tighter at my query.

"You know the thing he did to me that I told you about?" I nod. "Well, he did it to someone else. He told me he changed! Why did he lie to me?!" she yells before wailing into me.

Usually, I have some sort of solution for her. Something to make her feel better. But this is such a distressing situation that I just don't know what to tell her.

It makes sense to me that for now, I should just let her take all of her big feelings out on me. I'd so much rather have her yell or scream in my ear about anything than have her doing something damaging to herself.

She feels like a daughter - I imagine this is the sort of love that parents feel for their children. I've loved many people in my life, from my parents and siblings to friends and romantic partners, but I've never felt this sort of love. It's different, but it's mighty strong.

"I'm not sure, sweetheart," I reply honestly. "I don't know what to tell you. What you went through is something that should never happen to anyone. I can't make what happened disappear, and I can't help with the situation regarding your brother going to jail, but I can be here for you. I'm not going anywhere."

"It's fine," she sniffles. "I'll be over it by tomorrow. I'm going back into the living room."

Like she's flipped a switch, she stops crying and stands up from the bed, heading for the door.

"Wait, Dais," I call after her so she stops and turns to face me. "You can stay. I'm happy to give you a cuddle and help you feel better."

"Lizzie, I'm fine. I just had a moment, I'm sorry for waking you. Night."

And just like that, it's me left alone in my room again.

I don't know how she does it. Just switching it all off like it never happened. Then again, that's probably what most of her childhood consisted of. It's just what she knows.


Now that it's morning and I'm properly awake and ready for the day, I decide that now is a good time to try to talk to Daisy again. I've made her some coffee and I'm on my way to bring it to her. She's currently on the balcony, leaning against the railing as she stares out at the view.

"Morning," I greet her as I step out and take my place standing beside her.

She quickly accepts the cup of coffee I'm offering her and takes a sip.

"You know, I was worried when you left my room earlier. I know this is a lot to process for you." Unsurprisingly, she doesn't answer at all. Something must have really spooked her for her to be this closed off.

It's a good thing it's our day off because I have a feeling it isn't going to be an easy day.

"I know you think I need fixing," she suddenly speaks, but what she says makes me furrow my brows in confusion. She refuses eye contact as she talks. "And maybe I do. But not right now. I need you to let me just switch all this off for a little while and just focus on work. Just until everything with my emancipation has blown over, please. I'm begging you to just let me have this."

What she's asking of me isn't unreasonable, but it also isn't healthy. I could never do what she's doing, I can't just switch off my emotions like she is. I used to be able to do it if really necessary but now after having gone through therapy and my own mental health struggles, I just can't push down my problems. She shouldn't, either.

But then again, I can see how desperate she is. And it's not like these things won't ever be brought up again - if she needs me, I'm still gonna be here.

"Okay, Daisy. But if something too serious comes up, you have to promise me that you'll come to me. Because I can't risk anything bad happening to you."


i've been so distracted with character ai that i haven't been writing enough😭

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