42. "halloween is coming up"

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October 26th


"Morning, darling," I say groggily to my husband as I cuddle into him.

He lets out a long exhale before replying. "Morning, Lizzie. Feel good to sleep in your own bed?"

I chuckle and nod. "Yeah. Although, I haven't missed having a fully grown man take up half of it."

"Are you calling me fat?" Robbie jokes with a fake offended expression.

"Oh, stop it, you," I laugh and pick up a throw pillow to hit him in the face with.

When we arrived back at mine and Robbie's (and Daisy's if she chooses it to be) home yesterday, there was time for a quick house tour before we were all ready to have dinner and then crash.

Robbie had prepared a nice meal for us in time for our arrival back. Daisy managed to tolerate being around him long enough to at least get through dinner, and even made small talk so I'm very proud of her.

I'm just hoping that the slightly warmer attitude is gonna last, but I also wouldn't blame her if it didn't. She has a lot of trauma to work through when it comes to men.

I've even been considering talking to her about starting therapy or at least trying it, but I'm hesitant because I'm almost certain that it would result in me getting yelled at.

Either way, it could be beneficial.

"We should go on a walk," Robbie decides, sitting up and bringing me with him.

"Sure," I agree. First thing walks have always been our thing. We wake up, brush our teeth and I do my skincare and then we're pretty much out of here for an hour. "I'll go ask Daisy if she wants to join but if not, I'm not really comfortable with leaving her by herself yet."

Once that's agreed upon, I drag myself out of bed and slowly make my way to the room that is now Daisy's. I knock first in case she's awake despite it being early but when I get no answer, I walk in.

To no surprise at all, she's made her room a teenage den already by having all of her things sprawled across the floor. I think she took unpacking a little too seriously.

However, the one person that is the reason I came in here, isn't even in her bed.

Not seeing Daisy where I expect her to be instantly worries me so I quickly walk further in to see if she's in the bathroom, and the light being on followed by the sight of her doubled over in front of the toilet shows me that I'm correct.

"Oh, no," I coo, "Oh dear. Have you been sick?"

Daisy nods frantically just before throwing up loudly into the toilet. My motherly instincts quickly kick in and within seconds, I'm on the floor with her and throwing her hair into a claw clip that's been left on the counter space by the sink.

"I-I don't know why-" she starts but is cut off by another gag.

"It's probably just stress, honey. Moving from one place to another. It's happened to me before too."

For the next twenty minutes, I stay on the floor with her as she finishes emptying her stomach and then I help her crawl back into bed.

"Cuddle," her weak and quiet voice tells me, so I get into her bed with her and bring her to rest on me. She's a clingy one when she's sick.

Five minutes of quiet go by until there's a knock on the already open door. I look up and keep my arms wrapped around my teenager whilst Robbie stands at the doorframe.

"Is everything okay?" he asks curiously, probably because we're meant to be going on our walk soon.

"She threw up," I explain in almost a whisper, trying not to disturb the sleepy girl who's laying on my chest.

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