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I've been busy the last 3 weeks. Charles and I texted nonstop but because of my busy schedule we hadn't met up yet. We did have some video calls and he had learned sign language so well it was almost shocking. My heart just melted at the thought he learned it just to communicate with me. This evening we would go out for the first time though and I was really excited. I went home from training today and took a shower. I was really tired because I had a long shift. Started at 5AM and finished at 17PM. I did have a break in between to eat and catch 3 hours of sleep luckily but still... it's tiring but the shower gave me a little energy kick. I pulled on a crème turtle neck and tucked it into my bra on all sides to make my stomach appear a little while I pulled on my sand colored jeans. I went through my teeny tiny apartment to find my crème converse shoes and when I found them I pulled them on. I let my blonde hair down and let it have its natural straight hair. I looked nothing like my father. In fact I don't even remember that much of him. I know he had brown hair and brown eyes but nothing more then that... he left my mom when I was only 4 years old because he loved another woman and she was carrying his child. I shook the thought off and grabbed a cute black bag to place my things in. When I was ready the flashlight of my phone went off 3 times short to let me know I got a new notification. I opened my phone and saw Charles texted me he was waiting out front my apartment. I walked down the stairs of my apartment and opened the door downstairs. When I saw him I waved softly and he waved softly back at me while he leaned against his car. A soft and gentle smile on his face as he looked at me. I smiled back at him as I came closer.

-how are you?-

-I'm good. How are you?-

-good as well. You look pretty.-

-thank you.-

I smiled once again and this time a little bigger before we both stepped into his car and went to the restaurant he had made a reservation at. The restaurant was in the middle of the city and the sounds must have been loud because Charles covered his left ear where I could see was the traffic and a lot of people. When we came inside we sat down at the table in the back of the restaurant a little hidden away for our privacy... well more his to be honest.

-how's studying going?-

-final semester is starting. Still thinking about what I should do next. Working in a hospital or like a personal at home doctor... hard to choose.-

-I think both of them are good for your experience. I would think try out both of them and then decide what you like most?-

-yeah. I'm going to do 2 weeks of training after graduation with an at home doctor. I know what a hospital is like so I guess it's not hard to choose after those 2 weeks.-

-let yourself be surprised I guess. How are you gonna communicate with patients though?-

-I'll have a translator. I sign he talks. Patient talks he signs.-

-but you can talk as well right?-

-I can but I don't know how I pronounce things because I can't hear it. I've been deaf for 6 to 7 years now so I don't know how well I can speak without mistakes. If I can hear myself talk it'll be easier for me but I would need to get lessons to speak fluently again.-

-that actually makes sense though.-

-how's the new car? Excited for the release date? 14th of February right?-

-I think we'll have a good car. Maybe this will be our year... maybe not. I guess time will tell. Release date is the 14th yes.-

-that's exciting right? You have to learn me about F1. I didn't even know it was a thing until moving to Monaco.-

-you didn't?-

-no. My mom never talked about it. Whenever I even tried showing intrest in cars she just got mad for some reason.-

-that's a little weird don't you think?-

-very. I never understood.-

Charles ordered for me after I signed him what I wanted and when food had arrived we ate in silence sometimes signing in between. It's hard to sign and eat at the same time. When we were done eating it was already dark outside. We walked on the boulevard silently. We reached the sea and sat down on a small wall. The lights of Monaco were shinning on the water. I looked to my side to see Charles already looking at me. He smiled at me sweetly. This was the kind of guy that I was looking for. He learned sign language for me and is so patient and hard trying.

-everything okay?-

-yes. Just thinking.-


-when I got so lucky that somebody would learn my language just to go out with me.-

He smiled a little wider at me before he leaned in and kissed my lips. His lips fitted mine perfectly. They felt so soft and warm on top of mine as we moved together. The soft stubble tickled my face a little as his left hand cupped my cheek. This felt right to do... I don't know. It just did. Our tongues met each other and after our little moment we pulled back and both shyly smiled at each other.

-why did that feel so right to do?-

-I don't know... it just did I guess-

-we should head back maybe... I have another training day at the hospital tomorrow and I'm dying to get some sleep.-

-yes of course. Let's go.-

We walked back to the car and drove a few minutes to my apartment building. Charles stopped the car and got out as well walking en to the door of my apartment building.

-thank you for tonight. It was lovely-

-thank you for letting me take you.-

-good night-

-good night-

We waved softly at each other as he went back to his car and I made my way up to my apartment... this was a beautiful night....

(1081 words)

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