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3 months ago we had our flight back to Monaco from our honeymoon in the Maldives. We had returned to our "normal" lives. They aren't normal but to us they are now. Lowen had been so grumpy the last few weeks and her mood kept swinging and swinging. This morning I asked if she had already tried a pregnancy test because we weren't using protection anymore and she got really mad before storming out the apartment. I don't have any idea what had gotten into her but the only thing I could think about was her being pregnant because her mood swings were on a whole new level. I walked to the bathroom and there I saw a pregnancy test turned upside down and my beautiful biting her nails as she stared at it from a distance.

"Ma belle? Are you alright?"

"I don't wanna look Charles... what if I'm pregnant? I know I'm 27 and it's a good age to get pregnant but what-"

"Hey hey hey... shush it's okay Low. You have nothing to be afraid of... we will get through it together and I'll help you with anything I could help you with okay? I will love you non the less."

"I know... I'm just scared..."

"I get that... I suppose that's normal."

She sighed as she looked at me with a tiny smile. The small tears that rolled down her cheeks were now dried a little and had stopped rolling.

"Do you wanna look?"

"Can you look?"

"Of course I can... are you sure?"

"Yes... I want you to look and tell me."

I stood up from the floor and grabbed the pregnancy test. I looked at it after flipping it in my finger and then saw 2 red lines.

"I think... you're pregnant..."

"2 red lines?"

"Yes... 2 red lines. I'm gonna be a dad ma Belle!"

I got so excited as we both started crying with small happy tears falling over our faces. I hugged Lowen tightly as we were so happy to be expecting our first baby. My dreams are finally coming together after being patient for 28 years. After we were settled a little bit more Lowen ordered mugs with "the best... aunt/uncle/grandfather/grandmother" for everyone so we could surprise each them the same way but still in a fun way. We... well Lowen made an appointment with the doctor for next week to see how the baby was doing and how far along she was and ever since we found out I had been looking at her stomach drawing soft circles on the place the baby would grow. It's weird to think about. Lowen is growing a tiny baby in her stomach which gets bigger and bigger and then once it's fully grown it comes into this world as our child. I hope it's gonna be... actually I don't care. I want a healthy kid. A momma's boy or a daddy's princess... they're both fine. As long as it's healthy and it's ours. I just wanna be a dad that's all I think. Maybe I should start thinking of good names. I have 9 months to think about it but still. A good name comes with time. If it's a boy I would love to call it Hervé. In honor of my dad. I felt a soft hand go through my hair as I was thinking of a girls name I liked.

"What's got you do deep into your thoughts?"

"Just thinking about names for our baby."

"Are you?"


"So tell me?"

"I think I would like Hervé if it's a boy..."

"In honor of your father?"


I was thinking when suddenly I thought that if it's a girl we could call it after her mother.

"And what if it's a girl?"

"I thought maybe Hëloisé? After your mother."

"My mother doesn't deserve that honor amour..."

"Why? I thought she was a lovely mother?"

"Don't get me wrong... my mom was lovely but she kept my dad from me. She told me things about him that weren't true... she was a liar."

"Okay... so that name is out..."

"Yeah... we'll think about something beautiful for if it's a girl. I love the boy name though."

"You do?"

"Yes I do. I love the sound of it but I also love the fact that it will have a special meaning."

"I wish you could have met him Low... he would have loved you."

"I know I must have loved him too... someone that special to you must be as great as you make them out for."

"...I miss him."

"The missing never leaves does it? I miss my mom too... would have loved to see her proud face seeing me getting married..."

"Me too... he would have found it beautiful to see that happen..."

We both silent for a little bit just thinking about our parents. Well that was where my mind was at least. I still had my head on her stomach as Lowen still played with my hair.

"Do you believe that they're watching over us?"

Lowen chuckled softly as she looked down at me and smiled softly.

"Knowing my mother they're dancing to ABBA songs and drinking wine. They have no time for that. But if they did... I think they would."

I laughed softly at the first part as it sounded a little funny in a more serious subject. I couldn't blame Lowen though. I knew her mother had some alcohol obsession. She wasn't abusive or anything she just was drunk or tipsy quite a lot. It isn't my business so I never pushed her too far by asking more about it. I knew something's about it but not too many. I didn't push further because it made her uncomfortable and that's the last thing I would want to make her. Especially because she shared it a little bit. It was enough for me to know the basics.

(997 words)

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