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It's been 3 months since I started dating Lowen. We had spend as much time as possible together as it was now April. April 6th to be exact. I've been home from Australia for 3 days now and I was driving my car to drink something with my mom and catch up on life. Maybe it was the right time to tell her about Lowen. I knew I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend any moment now because after 3 months of dating I think I could and it feels so comfortable and good to be with her. I parked my car and turned off the engine. I climbed out of my car as I went to the front door. I opened it by turning the lock with my key and then walked in.

"Mama! Hello?!"

"Hey Charles! I'm in the living room!"

I walked to the living room and saw she was already sitting on the couch and had already placed a cup of coffee on the table for me. I sat down and after giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"Hello mama. How have you been?"

"I've been fine Charles! Now tell me about you my baby?!"

"I'm good mama. I met a girl... quite a while ago but she's... amazing. Can't find the right word to describe her."

"A girl huh? Tell me more... her name, age, you know... come on then!"

"Her name is Lowen. She's 25 years old. She's deaf because of an accident she had back in 2015. She's saving up for a surgery to get her hearing back. I actually even learned sign language to communicate with her. She's just perfect. She has such a sweet soul and she's patient and full of love and passion for even the smallest things."

"Charles breathe between your sentences. She sounds lovely and the way you look and speak about her... it's different from how you spoke about any other girl."

"She's different mama. She's so special. One of a kind. I just wanted to ask if you had any ideas how I could ask her to be my girlfriend?"

"Well since she's deaf I would say... take her somewhere really beautiful. Maybe the beach or the harbor at sunset? That's beautiful. Give her something meaningful for her... you know. She sounds like someone who doesn't need expensive but something that has some thought out into it."

"She is that kind of person..."

"What kind of job does she have?"

"She's still studying. She's graduating in 2 weeks actually. She's becoming a doctor. She was a barista for 5 years so her coffee... mama I'm telling you. There is nothing better then her coffee. I swear to god."

"You are so in love my boy."

She smiled widely at me as she shook her head softly. She looked so happy that I met a girl I felt this good about. Now I need to find the perfect gift for Lowen. Something that she will love and is personal for us. After I drank coffee with my mom and said goodbye I went to the city. I walked around stores and was searching for a gift for her. I found it hard to find something. I walked past a shop where I saw earrings with small initials hanging on them. They were so minimalistic but I think they were cute. I bought a C and an L and then went to her apartment. I buzzed the bell and the door opened. I wore sweatpants and a hoodie. Maybe not he best decision but maybe it was. She liked things casual and comfy. I walked up to her door and she was already waiting for me. We smiled at each other and I pecked her lips before we walked into her apartment. I had the small box with the earrings in my pocket as I followed after her. She went into the kitchen as she cleaned up her dinner stuff. I helped her place away the cleaned dishes.

-do you wanna go with me for a walk? I wanna go watch the sunset at the harbor.-

-I'll go with you. You know I love the sunsets. Still a shame I can't see them well from my apartment.-

-let's go then.-

We both pulled our shoes back on. She wore her hair in a ponytail as she wore a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie as well. With our hands in the pockets of our jackets we walked sure by side. In silence like always because signing and walking is not easy to do. We took a calm route so we wouldn't be spotted or interrupted by people. How people still hadn't spot us? I have no idea. After 15 minutes we arrived at the harbor. I took her hand in mine this time and gently leaded her to the end. I turned around and looked at her with a smile. I let go off her hands and started signing again to communicate with her.



-can I ask you something-

-you can ask me yes-

-Lowen will you be my girlfriend?-

She smiled widely at my face as she was about to sign back but her hands dropped before she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist. I think that's a yes but I'm not sure. After a little moment she pulled back from the hug.

-of course I will dummy.-

I took out the box from my pocket and she raised her eyebrows. She gently took it from as I nodded to it for her to take. She lifted off the lid carefully and looked at the tiny earrings. One with a C and the other with an L. She smiled at it. She closed the lid and placed it on her pocket.

-really? Your initials?-

-yes. Everybody will know you're taken.-

-I love them. Thank you.-

She kissed my lips softly before I pulled her into a hug. My arms holding her close to me. We both looked to the side to watch the sea and the sunset in front of us. When we walked home afterwards I kept holding her hand. She was my girlfriend from now on and I don't care if people would find out. I should talk to her about it when we're home though. If she wants to go public or stay private still.

(1077 words)

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