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Finally the sentence I've had been waiting for for months...

"Do you wanna see your daughter?"

I gave the doctor a wide smile and nodded. I didn't know what to say out of excitement. I was finally a dad to my baby girl. We still hadn't decided on a name. When I walked inside and my eyes landed on my wife and our new born baby I didn't care what her name would be because the love Lowen carried in her eyes by only watching her was enough to just watch this moment.

"Hey... how are you feeling?"

"Hai... I feel like I've been hit by a truck but that's alright because she's finally here."

Lowen had been carrying the baby around for almost 1,5 weeks longer than the due date so she was happy it was over. I kissed Lowen her hair as I looked at our daughter.

"Do you wanna hold her?"

"No... not yet..."

"You won't squeeze her don't worry..."


I took out little daughter from Lowen and laid her on my arm gently letting my index finger run over her cheeks. She was perfect.

"I think I know what I want to name her... if you like it too of course."

"Well tell me ma Belle..."

"Jules... it's the 3rd of July... he was born on the 3rd of august and died in July... I know he meant a lot to you and I just love the name..."

"It's perfect ma Belle."

I kissed her lips before we handed Jules away to the doctor for a check up and some registrations. Lowen and I staid behind in the room and before I knew it Lowen had fallen asleep on my shoulder. She must have been tired after being in the delivery room that long. She was in so much pain I couldn't watch it anymore and so I walked out of the room by her request because I was freaking her out. Her words not mine. I was just on my phone for a while until I fell asleep as well. We were both woken by the doctor bringing our baby Jules back. We staid in the hospital for a few more hours and then went back home where my mother was already waiting for us with dinner. We walked inside with Jules in the arms of Lowen. She just couldn't let go of her new born baby already. I don't think this is gonna be a daddy's girl but a momma's girl. My mother gasped as she saw us and gave us the most loving smile as she looked at Lowen her arms.

"Come on and hold her mama."

Lowen had started calling my mother mama a while ago and when Lowen called her my mama didn't hesitate and immediately walked over. Lowen handed her Jules and my mother's face told more then words. She already loved this grand-child and would spoil it till the day she died. I smiled at the sight of my mother and how she melted into my daughter... the day I turned a das I guess.

"What's her name?"

Lowen looked at me and after I looked at her I looked at my mother who was curious to know as she knew we hadn't decided.

"Jules mama... Jules Bianca Christina Leclerc."

"Jules Bianca Christina Leclerc?"


"Jules Bianca for Jules Bianchi? Christina for Lowen and Leclerc for you?"


"That's a beautiful name for my beautiful grand daughter... oh Lowen she has got your eyes and your little button nose..."

She smiled towards Lowen with so much love I would almost say she looked at her like her own daughter but she cares for Lowen like her own so it isn't weird she looked at her with so much love. My happy family... my mother walked to the kitchen with Jules on her arm and carried three plates and the baby to the dinning table.

"You guys go ahead to eat. I'll place your baby Jules on the couch in a blanket jail."

My mother made sure Jules was stuck between blankets so she couldn't fall off the couch so that we could still watch her from the dining table. I sat down on the head of the table and on my right Lowen sat down and on my left my mother. This apartment was now filled with all of my favorite woman and girls. I was smiling while eating but to be honest I hadn't noticed.

"What are you all smiling about amour?"

"Just thinking..."

"Care to share a bit of your thoughts then?"

"The fact that my 3 favorite persons are in the apartment. My mama, my wife and finally my daughter. It's weird to finally have dreams come true you know."

"You don't have to tell me that's weird Charles... I know exactly what you mean..."

I took her hand in mine and softly squeezed it as we smiled at each other.

"Oh you two are so cute together! I wish your father could have seen the three of you... he would have been over the moon. You found the perfect girl for you who also fits into our family perfectly and then you finally made us grandparents as the first of the family."

"I wish he was here too mama... he would have loved everything about our lives now..."

Lowen staid silent but softly rubbed my hand with her thumb in a supporting way.

"I'm sure he was a sweet husband and an amazing father... I can tell by the way you guys remember him so well and talk about him."

"He really was my dear... he was an amazing husband and you two remind me of it. So full of love but so pure towards each other even though sometimes things aren't easy for you guys."

I kissed Lowen her hand gently as we continued the subject and ate enjoying our lives and taking old memories to talk about. This... this is my life now. My life... My wife... my daughter and my career... this is what I lived for and what I want to remember forever.

(1027 words)

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