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I was rushing around my apartment. It was graduation day and I was hella stressed. What if I didn't know when I was called on to stage? I was the only not hearing person there! Oh my god. I pulled my dress on and my heels as my hair was done in a low bun with some tiny strands loose on the front to make it a little more natural looking. I looked in the mirror at my outfit.

 I looked in the mirror at my outfit

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I love it

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I love it. I quickly walked to the living room where Charles was. He walked out of the kitchen with a glass of water and stopped in his track when he saw me. He wore a pair of dark blue dress pants with a powder blue dress shirt. He would bring his mom with him and that would be the first time that I would meet her.

-you look so gorgeous-

-thank you-

-time to go?-

-yes. I want to be on time.-

-okay let's go then-

He drank his water in one big gulp before we stepped into his Ferrari and he drove us to the location. I got out and quickly kissed Charles his cheek before rushing to the back of the stage while Charles went to find his mother and take place in the big room filled with chairs. I got a paper filled with text with what and how we would be doing graduation. We would be in a long row waiting backstage and be called on stage on by one. The person behind me grabbed her phone and started typing before handing it to me.

I will tap your shoulder when you should go on stage if that helps you?

Yes thank you so much!

I gave her a smile before we waited in line. After I felt her tap on my shoulder I made my way out on the stage. I got my doctor's coat and stuff on and then got handed my diploma after signing it. While I walked off stage I found Charles and gave him a smile when I saw someone next to him whisper something into his ear. Probably his mother as she looked a little on the older side. I walked off the stage and after exciting the building and walking to the front of the building I was engulfed in a hug from Charles.

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