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Walking out of the big hall from the event we were engulfed with rain. I looked outside into the dark grey night. It was funny that it had been so perfectly sunny when we got here. I looked to my side and saw Charles looking into the distance at the rain as well. He had a frown on his face and he turned his head to look at me. I smiled at him.

"What? Scared of a little rain?"

"No. I just prefer to not get wet."

I laughed at him softly before I ran out onto the calm street in front of us and stood in the rain. I lifted my dress a little bit in my right hand making sure I wouldn't just stumble over my own feet because of it. I tilted my head upwards and closed my eyes to take a deep breath and smell the rainy scent around me as the rain fell on my face. I was absolutely drenched I could feel it. The cold droplets that were tingling my skin stopped but when I felt one bug droplet fall on my face and some air on my lips I opened my eyes to look into the eyes of Charles. Those gorgeous blue eyes that I learned to appreciate and love so much. He looked into my brown ones as his breaths hit my lips. His features were flattered by the minimalistic light of the street. It began raining harder and sounds around us just vanished as the only sounds I heard was the rain falling from the sky. Charles hovered over me so he was covering me from the rain as sometimes a few droplets of rain ran down his face to the top of his nose before falling onto my nose and softly rolling down the my cleavage which this dress showed quite much. While my right hand held my dress my left hand cupped Charles his cheek. We both carried a neutral expression as we had a hungry, desiring look in our eyes. Charles his hands held my hips firmly in place against his body. I softly bit my lip to prevent smiling at him because he had that effect on me.

"Don't bite your lip ma belle... you're already driving me insane with that innocent look on your face..."

I giggled softly as I stopped bitting my lip. How can one not fall in love with a person who looks at you like they would drop anything just to help you. I don't think anybody could not fall in love. Charles pecked my lips softly before he grabbed my left hand in his right hand. In his left hand he was still holding onto my heels. We ran through the rain to the car and when we arrived he opened my door and let me sit down first. Before closing the door he looked at me. He smirked a little bit at me before closing my door. He walked around the car as his smirk only grew wider. When he sat down and closed his door as well he looked at me again

"What are you smirking about?"

"Nothing... I just have the most beautiful and most fun girl to be around sitting in my car as my girlfriend and I'm sure I'm gonna marry you when the time is right."

I smiled widely at him showing my teeth as well as I laughed softly. I kissed his lips lovingly and softly caressed his jaw as I looked into his eyes with a tiny distance between us.

"I love you..."

"I love you too."

He pecked my lips one more time before we went home. The heater was turned on to prevent us from catching a cold. Charles had laid his jacket over my shoulders to keep me a little more warm as fingertips gently stroke up and down on my thigh. He was focused on the road as I laid my head on his shoulder. When he stopped at a red light he placed a gently but loving kiss on my wet hair before he looked back at the traffic light waiting for it to turn green again.

"I never want to leave you..."

"Then don't..."

"I'll have to leave. I mean when I start working of course. I'll be in Monaco and you'll be somewhere on this planet expect in Monaco."

"Become the new F1 doctor... we always have one doctor who travels everywhere with us. The one we had quit last year and they haven't found a new one yet because most of them didn't qualify or they just didn't like. Toto and I can put in a good word for you... Lowen Gastaud Wolff."

"It's not that bad of an idea but I don't have that much experience."

"Who cares. You can take a guess how bad it is right? That's all they care about."

I giggled softly as I thought about it. I could see my dad and Charles all year round... maybe it's something I could apply to.

"I'll think about it okay..."

"Of course ma belle. Do what you want okay? I'll make sure I'll be home as much as possible when you decide to stay in Monaco. We'll make it work. I promise you."

"Thank you amour..."

Sinking into my thoughts further the drive home went by in a flash before Charles woke me up from my trans. We walked upstairs to his apartment and when he closed the door he gently pushed me against a wall. His lips a few inches apart from mine.

"Even though that dress is absolutely breath taking on your pretty little body... I have been waiting all god damn night to take it off of your shoulders and let it drop to the ground."

"Is that so?"

"Yes ma belle... I need you to take it off."

I brought my mouth to his ears and my lips brushed over his ear as I softly whispered.

"What if I need some help with that..."

His body shivered before he took off my dress and we went to the bedroom after that in only a matter of seconds.

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