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"Charles... wake up."

I opened my eyes from a nightmare as I heard a voice that's as new to me. When I looked into Lowen her eyes I wasn't sure if I had imagined it or not. She looked a little worried at me and had her head slightly tilted. I felt a few tears roll down my cheek and my body started shaking a little bit. Lowen sat down against the head board and I hugged her tightly while I cried my last tears out.

"It's okay..."

There was the voice again... it was Lowen her voice. Her voice was velvety and quite low. Her voice sounded like one of those comfortable voices that you wouldn't mind listening to for hours. I stopped my crying and looked up in shock. She smiled softly at me reassuring me that it was okay and that I heard it right.

"I had my surgery Thursday for my ears as well... my dad paid for it..."

"I love your voice... say something again..."

She giggled softly and the sound was just perfect. I had never heard her laugh or giggle. I just saw her smile. It's hard to joke with signing... everything just seems less funny.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Anything... as long as you keep talking."

I laid my head on her stomach as she sighed softly and looked in front of me.

"Well... it's weird you know. I haven't heard or talked in like 8 years. It feels good but wrong at the same time as I have gotten so used to signing and not being able to get help or help other people by speaking. I suddenly found my dad and he paid for my surgery to make up for all the years he lost for being there for me..."

"Are you happy?"

"Very... the first time I heard your voice the only thing I could think about was how well it suited you. Your accent when you talk English is thicker then I expected but I think it's cute. I prefer your French over your English though but maybe also because French is my first language and we used to sign in French all the time as well. I'm not even sure why I'm so fluent in speaking French right now as well. I just go with the flow I guess?"

"I love you Low..."

She froze and just stared ahead of her. She turned her head down and her beautiful brown eyes looked down in mine. She smiled with her eyes and her lips as the little wrinkles around her eyes became visible again just like when she always smiled. Her soft dimples became visible as well as I smiled back at her.

"I love you too Charles."

"Can you say my name again. I like how it sounds when you say it."


"Mmm... I love that."

She giggled softly again as her soft hands played in my hair. We both fell asleep soon. I woke up around 10AM. I carefully climbed out of Lowen her arms and let my feet hit the laminated floor of the hotel that represented a wooden floor. I walked over the material trying to be careful so she could sleep a little longer. I took a shower and washed my body so the sweat from the nightmare I had was gone. I couldn't get out of my mind how Lowen could hear again. It felt like a dream but I also liked the fact that we were different from others because we had another way of communicating. Something inside me tells that it won't end our signing though. If we see each other from a distance for instance it would always come in handy. After I rinsed my body and washed my hair I dried myself and then changed into a pair of blue jeans with a simple black shirt. I walked into the room and saw Lowen was awake too. I kissed her cheek before she looked up from her phone.

"Morning ma belle."

"Good morning."

"I'm gonna grab us some breakfast in bed I'll be back in a few okay?"

"Sounds amazing. Thank you amour."

I had pulled on my black converse shoes and had my black framed glasses on my nose. I had a 5 minute walk to a cute local bakery that Lowen had talked about wanting to go but we didn't really had the chance as we're leaving today in the afternoon. I bought a few things I thought she would like and then took the bag from the bakery back to the hotel room. Lowen was all showered and dressed up as well. She wore her straight legged washed blue jeans with a green cropped top and a pair of white converse underneath. She just looked pretty in literally everything. I placed the bag on the bed as she came walking back out of the bathroom.

"No you didn't."

"You said you wanted to eat there so I brought it to you."

She pouted at me before walking to me. She hugged me with her arms around her neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and slowly lifted her off the ground a little.

"You're the best!"

She kissed my cheek as I placed her down again and she carefully looked into the bag. She saw the croissant with vanilla filling which she had talked about as well. She turned her head with a huge smile. She looked further and grabbed everything out of the bag. She was so cute when she was happy over such a simple thing. We sat down on the balcony and ate our breakfast before collecting our last things and closing our backpacks and suitcases. Together we went to airport in my rental car and went through the airport. Our flight had an hour delay so we just sat by the gate. Lowen her head rested on my shoulder as we played a game on my phone together. Time passed by quite quick to be honest and before we knew it we boarded the plane and flew out to Miami together.

(1028 words)

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