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Almost the entire flight I had been asleep curled up in Charles his arms in the business class seats. I had never flown before so I was scared the first time we went to fly with the plane but Charles knew the routine by heart so it calmed me. He held my hand when we took off and landed. Now I felt safer in a plane then the first time as long as Charles was with me. He had gently woken me up from my sleep by kissing my forehead and rubbing his hands up and down my back as he whispered softly to me. We had just landed as we walked around the airport in New York. We were just in time to catch our second plane to Miami. When we sat down Charles wrapped his arm around my back and with his left hand he made small circles on my left hip as we looked out of the window on our left side. The flight was about 3 hours and then we landed. I wasn't really tired from traveling. Logical of course because I did sleep a lot on our first flight. We went to the rental car service and Charles got the keys of his rental Ferrari. He yawned as he grabbed his suitcase, his backpack and my suitcase. We walked to the car and we placed our luggage in the trunk before Charles drove us through Miami to the hotel. I had spend some time with Toto in Azerbaijan. A few short times but it felt good to be honest. We made it inside the hotel and checked into the hotel room. We walked to our room and unpacked a little bit before we changed into swimming-wear. We spread some sunscreen across our bodies and I pulled on a cute little cover up dress and Charles pulled on a shirt to cover up his chest a little. We grabbed a bag and placed some things into it. We went to the rooftop pool. We laid down on the sunbathing beds. Well I laid down on my stomach after pulling off my cover up dress and laying down my towel and Charles sat down straight up with his hand drawing small circles on my ass. He's weird I know. He had his sunglasses on as he just looked around the pool and the view.

"What are you glaring at?"

"I don't know. I just like looking around I guess."

"Just like you like touching my ass?"

"I love touching your ass more ma belle."

I giggled softly shaking my head softly a little bit. I placed my head back on the sunbathing bed and closed my eyes enjoying the warmth of the sun on my body like a warm blanket while Charles still drew circles on my ass.

"Stop touching my ass!"

"No! If I touch it it's clear you're taken so they won't stare at you."

"Charles I swear to god."

"You can swear all you want but my hand is staying there."

"You're annoying."

"I love you too."

"That's not what I said."

"I know."

I sighed in defeat even though I didn't really try that hard. I had to admit it was cute that he wanted to touch me so that people wouldn't stare at me because I was taken. His actions spoke louder then his worst more then half of the time which was just perfect when I was deaf and still is now. Actions over words if you ask me.

"What do you wanna do tonight?"

"I don't know. What do you wanna do tonight? You're the one racing this weekend."

"I want to do whatever you want to do."

"I want to do what you want to do."

"But I want to do what you want to do."

"Charles... come on."

"What? It's true. If you're happy I'm happy. That's how it works for me."

"Fine. Uhm... I suppose we could have dinner with my dad. He asked me to text when we had time this week. Or when I had time."

"Sounds fine. Do I have to be all formal and nice now? Since I'm dating his daughter."

"No dumbass. You know him better then I do."

"You know him longer..."

"I haven't seen him since I was 4. I barely remember him."

"Valid point."

"Could you hand me my phone please?"

"Of course."

His hand left my ass as he grabbed my phone form the bag and then handed it to me. I texted my dad and then placed it underneath the towel on my bed. I felt Charles his hand come back on my ass and making circles again.

"You're the most needy person I know."

"Believe me I've never been this needy. I just feel this need to touch you and keep you close to me. At least as close as possible."

I smiled to myself at his sweet words as I relaxed in the sun. I really love this man. 4 months of knowing each other and it feels like 4 years. If not longer to be honest. He was so good to me. It's almost not realistic anymore but here I am living that life.

"Do you wanna go cool off in the pool?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Charles his voice and I lifted my head up to look at him.

"Mhm sure."

We both got up and got into the pool and we just swam around a little bit as the water was the perfect kind of temperature. It was refreshing but not breath taking cold. When we got out Charles and I went to the pool bar and got ourselves a drink before laying down on our sunbathing beds again. Just a relaxed little afternoon for the two of us.

(975 words)

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