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I walked into the paddock with Lowen on media day. Our hands were intertwined as Lowen was a little worried she would lose her way and not be able to find me. She couldn't ask people for directions easily of course. We walked past some hospitalities when I saw Toto Wolff coming towards us. He had a new kind of expression on his face. He stopped in front of us and Lowen looked at me in confusion.


He was looking at Lowen when he said a name of a woman. Lowen looked at me and I looked at her before looking back at Toto.

"Toto? This is Lowen... my girlfriend."

"Lowen Christi Gastaud..."

"Yes... how do you know her?"

He didn't respond as I looked at Lowen. She was softly shaking her head as if she couldn't believe who was in front of her.

"Lowen... I'm so sorry."

"She's deaf Toto."

"Deaf? How?"

"An accident back in 2015. Her mom died and she didn't have the money to save her hearing. She's still saving up for it."

Lowen let go of my hand gently. I looked at her eyes and then it hit me. He must be her dad. They have the exact same eyes. Almost nobody knows her second name. I found out when we flew here yesterday. Toto his eyes watered a little as he looked at her. They just stared at her. She was the first to give him a hug and Toto didn't hesitate and hugged her back. When they let go it was silent. Toto was being joined by Susie as she must be curious about what was happening and why he would suddenly hug a random girl like it was personal.

"Toto. Oh hey Charles."

"Susie. This is the daughter I told you about... Lowen. We finally found her because of Charles."

"Hai it's a pleasure meeting you Lowen."

"Lowen is deaf Susie. Charles just told me."

Susie pulled her hand back that she was holding out for Lowen to shake.

-what's happening.-

-that's Susie Wolff. Toto's wife. She was introducing herself to you but she didn't know you were deaf.-

-okay thank you.-

I looked at her face and suddenly it came to my attention how pale she suddenly looked. I turned my body a little more towards her and frowned.

-do you feel alright? You look a little bit pale.-

-just a bit light headed nothing to worry about.-

-be careful please. Tell me if you don't feel good.-

-I'm the doctor I should tell you that.-

-now I'm a worried boyfriend.-

-over worried boyfriend.-

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