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The feeling of being mated was otherworldly Jennie thinks as she parts from Lisa because she feels this coldness in her that she knows stems from her mate and instead of getting scared, her omega feels comforted as it tries to figuratively wound its warmth around her. Her eyes are half-lidded as she looks at Lisa's burning eyes. The vampire dives in again to lick across her mark to make it heal faster. She doesn't feel any pain.

At all for her mating mark. She breathes out slowly, comfortingly. Lisa completely parts and nods at her and surprisingly leaves, closing the door shut behind her.

Jennie's knees start shaking and she falls on her knees on the fluffy, red carpet as she starts to breathe shakingly, her omega feels satisfied and it keeps whining inside her in need to be with her mate but the smell of something so distinctly Lisa around her comforts her and wraps arond her like a cocoon. She was mated now.

She lies down on the carpet and closes her eyes; the carpet itself was the cosiest thing she ever slept on. She was mated.


The castle was Lisa's, a gift from Lord Manoban in honour of her mating and Jennie is roaming around the corridors of the said castle. She is wearing a long, black gown and has vampires around her, watching her ㅡ she is not used to having so many people at her back and call. When she looks around in confusion, someone ㅡ a maid ㅡ immediately comes to ask her if she needs anything. She drifts around to the kitchen somehow which is downstairs and everyone pauses working when they see her standing in the doorway. "My Lady, you are in downstairs? Is there anything specific you wanted us to make for you today?"

Jennie shook her head mutely, were these five vampires cooking food only for... her?

"Nㅡ No, justㅡ I was just looking for someone to talk to." she says softly with her gaze downwards. The one who spoke earlier came towards her and slightly bowed before guiding her away from the kitchen and up to the living quarters, "What did you want to talk about, my Lady?"

"M-My mate, where is she?"

"That I don't know, but if you wanted to ask me about the young master herself, I could tell you a thing or two. I have heard you just met her a few day ago."

Jennie looks at her with wide eyes and nods earnestly, "I do, I do. Please tell me."

The vampire looks at her with a small smile, "Young master is known as a God to us vampires. Even though she is the heir of the Manoban coven, all the other vampires from all the other covens look up to her as the God she is. She is the best leader we could have asked for and she is immensely powerful; she is the one reason why the vampires are so strong fisted and innovative at this times. After she was born, the dark era of the vampires was put an end to by her. No more vampires got killed because of a pact she forged with the other communities and the vampires could stay hidden and live in harmony. It was all her doing and she did it so young that it is legendary."

"You are the luckiest being in this whole wide world to have been mated with a vampire of her calibre," Jennie blushes. "So many vampires and even wolves had sacrificed so many things to be the centre of her attention and then there is you, who came in with your pack all of a sudden and took a hold all of her attention, all of her admiration by your first look. Did you know that, my Lady?"

Jennie is burning red all over from all these information but she still has the sense to shake her head shyly, she is hiding in the hem of her black, long sleeves. The vampire nods, "Oh yes. Young master saw you dancing with that music the wolves were playing and our master butler had seen the look young master had when she saw you for the first time and immediately know you were going to become something in the Manoban household, and here we are."

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