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Jennie's hands moved around in intricate twists and turns as she danced to Dancing Queen by ABBA. She is wearing clothes similar to the one she is oh-so used to and even the jewelleries. Except this time the clothes are made of satin and the jewelleries were made of real thick gold. They shined along with her as she danced to the beautiful tones of the haunted music she was used to. She concentrates on dancing, mindful of her audience as she dances happily. She missed this, she missed performing.

Now that she wasn't pregnant anymore, she could move freely around. She remained the same slim she was because the pregnancy was taxing on her, even took the little bit of meat in her, but now she was okay and in shape. She shakes her shoulder and looks up to meet her audience's eyes. She smiled.

Lisa didn't react but tilted her head in appreciation as she sees her mate dancing to her heart's content. She wasn't the only audience, Jennie's pack members were here too. It was in the young master's wing; Lisa's study in fact. Candles were lit all around as alphas and omegas from Jennie's gypsy pack played their music on the other side of the room. Some of the omegas even joined but Lisa's eyes were set on her mate, like the first time she had seen her.

Only adults were in the room, their children were on a walk with their grandparents.

Jennie danced and danced, all smiles and laughing out and Lisa realises she loved seeing her mate happy like this. It didn't matter if everyone was hesitant on having an omega as their young master's mate, because this arrangement turned out to be perfect.

It didn't matter if she had to spend months and months on end to make the elder circle of vampires see that she took the right decision after the wedding ceremony. It didn't matter if they threatened to even kick her out of the circle because mating an omega was simply not done, because their fate had chosen each other.

They were scared, the inner circle, of an omega swaying their young master to the wolves side so they were adamant on hating her, but Lisa was powerful, she held on. And she was glad she did, because she now had a mate and she even managed to become more powerful because her mate had birthed twin vampires who had wolf qualities, making them ¾th of a hybrid and with the Manoban's genes everyone knew the twins would grow up to be even more powerful then their father and there were two of them.

More reasons to fear the Manobans.

Luciano and Zenaida were over the cloud from how satisfied they were. They gifted Jennie so many things after that as a thank you, even set in barricade against the omega to protect her from everyone.

Everything turned out to be well.

Jennie dances towards Lisa and laughs sweetly, snatching her away from her thoughts and she was compelled to smile at her mate.

She is standing lonely as everyone buzzed around her. Someone wraps a strong arm around her waist and nuzzles her neck, where two heales pictures of fangs lie ㅡ where her scent gland used to be. She relaxes against Lisa's chest. "Wanna drink all of them dry?" Lisa asks coyly while grinning mischievously.

Jennie rolls her eyes playfully as they glisten in blue slightly ㅡ her wolf was still there, somewhat at least leaving Jennie as a something in between a wolf and a vampire, but Lisa knew it was temporary; that if the wolf keeps on growing older, the wolf would eventually die out anyway, but Jennie would be alive so it was okay even if she was a hybrid.

"I am a newly turned vampire, Lalisa. I want to drink, yeah. Bring me blood."

Lisa bites her playfully, "You came a long way, my darling."

Jennie smiles, her cute fangs poking out, "I love you, Lisa, so much, really, I love you,"

"I love you tooㅡ" Lisa doesn't get to complete as two figures hit both of them and clung to both of them.



Jennie bends down to pick both of them up on her hips ㅡ her favourite part of being a vampire, she got to carry both of their children. "Oh, my babies."

"You both were hugging without us, hmp!" Lucien complains and clings to Jennie tighter. Lisa pulls him back by holding on to his neck, "Easy there, your mommy just turned. Now she is like you both and daddy,"

"And we weren't hugging without you two." Jennie says, snuggling against her mate as their children snuggled against her, she closes her eyes, "I love you all, so so much."

"We love you even more, mommy!" two voices chorus.

"I love you and my children too." Lisa whispers in her ear as she kisses her on her forehead and on both of the children's temples.

Janna kisses Lisa's cheeks and Lucien kisses Jennie's.

Jennie giggles, this was for forever and ever.

Life was sweet.


.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆




Here it is. I might come up with another chapter but that's not going to happen soon, I think, I am not sure because it went exactly the way I wanted so. Thank you so much for being with me on this journey, I really appreciate all your support and everything. Hope you enjoyed everything and the story itself. Hope you liked the characters even though it was a small book.

Leave your thoughts for the final chapter too?

Signing off.

Vinnie. 💗


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