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As the days go by, Jennie grows weaker and paler. With that, Lisa gets antsy and colder with her followers. Jennie sat by herself one day, during the day when everyone was gone, on the ledge of a balcony on the backside of the manor that was surrounded by greenery. She was leaning back and the sunlight fell on her, making her pale skin glow with its soft rays. She looked at the clear sky and heard the birds chirping, she sighed.

She sometimes missed her life as a gypsy omega. She missed living in the shabby caravan sometimes alongside all her family members. Living in that caravan, shaking as the caravan moved, seeing so many places, settling somewhere like she was so used to, exploring wherever they settled. She remembers a time where she dressed up to dance the night away to the hymns of the grave music she was so used to hearing, in tune with it completely.

She missed her family. How they all treated her as the gypsy princess, adored her and she was carefree without any burdening chores to do.

She wonders what would have happened if her mate did not come out that night on a walk and had refused to come out because she was disgusted by them settling there; she probably would have never met Lisa because she rarely ventured outside of the space they were living, always a bit scared of exploring because for an omega like her in foreign places was doom.

So she never got to even feel a strong kind of attraction towards other packs she met as they travelled because a part of her, probably her omega, never felt satisfied but she wasn't new to the concept of love and sex because she lived in close contact with all the omegas who always liked to share a bit too much about their wants.

But then, she was glad she met Lisa. Even if she wouldn't be on the brink of death if she hadn't and simply had settled with an alpha and not one of the most powerful vampires there is to exist. She caressed her stomach and a tear slipped past her waterline.

She doesn't wipe it off.

She would do anything to have this again though, no matter how much she is in. The healer says her health had been deteriorating at a steeper pace than she had theorised and Lisa did not take the news well at all, she has stopped talking with Jennie now, but the omega was glad that she atleast slept with her everyday.

She didn't know what was going to happen, but she wished to the sun, the moon, the stars for something that would keep her Lisa afloat, even if she could have another fate if she dies, at this point Jennie would be happy. A part of her years for her grandma's prediction to be correct but with her growing condition she didn't know.

She just didn't know, but she hoped her lover would come out of it unscathed.

She just hoped.


"If I turn her into one of us now, would she be okay?"

The healer looks borderline scared as she stares back at Lisa looking at her with those stone cold eyes of the young master's. She is scared of how the young master would react to her answer because it was in the negative. "Iㅡ I... I couldn't say, young master... My lady's situation isㅡ is pretty delicate."

Lisa does not react, "And you are the Manoban healer, I know you have an answer."

The healer's eyes widened, it was incredible how much power the young master could yield, far more than anyone she had encountered and Lisa was younger than her; it was scary. "Young master, you really are the kind of vampire who could control our whole community with just a yield of your fingers. Your child is going to be very powerful, I can tell from what it is doing to your mate. Your mother, being a vampire, also wet through complications when you were born. One could only imagine what would happen to a mortal body."

"Cut to the chase," Lisa snaps, her eyes reddening slightly, making the other flinch.

"Since she is a omega," she hurries to say, "There is a 50% chance that is womb is going to die in the process of turning her into a vampire so it might kill the child and the 50% is very risky too because her body is going to need time to adjust to being a vampire and adjusting how to be a vampire over being pregnant with a Manoban child is also very risky,"

Lisa looks away at that, "Okay. I am going to ask you a question now and you have to answer honestly, are we clear?"

"Y- Yes."

"How..." Lisa pauses, she looks at the healer darkly, "Can I save my mate?"

The healer wants to say, she couldn't but she knew Lisa might actually have her head if she said that so she gives a shaky nod, "Give me five hours, young master. Let me read about our lady's situation again. I will be sure to have a solution by then."

Vampires were over-achieving, she thinks as she watches Lisa leave. They don't even think twice before bringing their doom to themselves when it came to the young master and doomed she was, so very doomed because she could almost imagine her head hanging over the pike of punishment. She looked out at the night sky, she had to find a way out. It was sad really she didn't even tell the young master about her recent discovery and she already knew she was going to be doomed. She wonders how the young master would react to the reason as to why her mate's health was deteriorating almost twice as fast, how she would react to her mate carrying twins instead.

She shakes her head.

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