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Now that Jennie knows where she is going with it. "I thoughtㅡ I thought she just wanted to know what I wanted, that if you didn't want it then you would say so."

"I don't want to lose you." Lisa says quietly. "I really don't want to. What if I lose you for this child, Jennie?"

"You won't, Lisa, I assure you that," the omega says, still hugging her and Lisa purses her lips and breathes in. She doesn't say anything however because she understands. Two weeks away from someone she has attached herself to from the time she has seen her, she understands that omegas were of different breed and from their point of view, a mate, a child together was all that mattered. "You really want the child?" the vampire questions.

"Do you know me, Lisa?" Jennie retorts.

"Do I?" she echoed.

"Do you want to?" her mate whispers. She gives a slow nod.

"Mates are something so very sacred to my kind, Lisa-yah, that omegas would sacrifice anything for them. But, in our eyes, everything related to the said mates are very much sacred. So, the child I am carrying... is a token of you and me. Maybe we don't love each other, but you have to trust me, I don't want to lose a part of you and one more thing about us gypsies," her voice is light and her eyes are shining with slight coyness as she stares at the same ceiling her mate was staring before, "We believe in fortune telling and grandma says, I am going to be just beside you forever, as long as you will have me."

Lisa parts from her neck to put another kiss on her temple, "I want to keep you forever, my darling."

Jennie lets out a teary smile, "Do you want to fall in love with me?"

"I love you without my incarnate for now, will that do?"

Jennie just sighs against her. But she is stubborn, she will fight tooth and nail to keep this sacred token, even if Lisa is afraid, she will. Because the child is hers. Theirs. She could never kill it even if Lisa doesn't want it. Since the vampire wasn't forcing her to do anthing, she would do what she wanted.

Walking along the estate in the heavy night, it became usual as she walked alongside Lisa, her hand in the vampire's big ones and her white dress fluttering in the midnight wind like she was some beautiful ghost in a horror movie. She would feel her omega thriving in her. She was a month pregnant now and surprisingly, she didn't have much of a problem with her pregnancy which made her vampire mate a bit more pliant towards the child she was carrying, but not fully.

And she got to know so much about Lisa in this month, that it had scared a lot of people because the young master acted in love with her mate in front of her court which Jennie knew she was as was she because one month was too much of a time to be holding someone's ㅡ a vampire's cold hand and learning bits and pieces about her till she could sort out the puzzle.

But that didn't mean she was a less of a tyrant, everyone still shook in the mere mention of her name because one second she would be exchanging the smallest of smile with her mate (that's as far as she would go and the vampire's called that extreme) and the next, she would school her face and look terrifying to anyone who needed it.

She drank from her every dawn and during those time, Jennie learned about Lisa's memories. She learned of the harem's existence ㅡ it was a castle Lisa was apparently quite fond of visiting before she met Jennie, but after she met her mate ㅡ she had simply ignored the harem; Lisa doesn't like to speak much about it because it always manages to upset Jennie and turn her sweet scent bitter and she didn't like that one bit, especially because it was physically and mentally impossible for her to look at her harem in the same way she did before given the bond she had formed with Jennie and with how she turned her shape of attraction into Jennie's very shape.

In turn, she learned about her life moving around a lot; how Jennie had been lucky that there were so many omegas in the pack before her that they couldn't just mate her off to someone. She said once when Lisa was drinking from her, that sometimes she had hated wearing those heavy earrings that managed to sometimes loosen the skin of her ear but that she still missed them since she wasn't used to the dainty ones she wore now.

They shared bits and pieces of each other and Jennie felt like she was living the life.

But then that night, as she walked with her luscious hair shining in the moonlight, she felt a kind of pain shoot all over her body starting from her lower stomach, making her double over in pain. Lisa had known instantly what the problem was as her eyes reddened to a blood, red shade and her fangs poked out in defence against her own child.

Jennie tightened her finger around her mate as Lisa lifted her up bridal style as she ran in the speed of light towards her wing, the healer vampire was already waiting for them with a horde of maids ㅡ having gotten the whisper from Lisa as soon as she saw her mate double over.

"Find out what the problem is." Lisa says even though she knows.

The healer and the maid get to work and it doesn't take them long to find out what the problem is, "The child's vampire side has woken up since sometime. It seems the child has managed to drink up all the blood from my Lady's womb and that's what is causing the pain."

Lisa's red eyes meet Jennie's yellow, tear stained ones. With a subtle shake of her head, the vampire looks back at the healer.

The healer has a grave face on and that's enough to let Lisa know that maybe, maybe falling in love with a stubborn omega had been a mistake.

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