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Jennie's heat hits her just a day afterwards, seemingly it had hit her because she was all too suddenly too close in contact with her mate that her omega couldn't handle it.

She wakes up feeling horny and warm all over, her slick making the beddings wet. Her vampire maids had looked downright surprised when the sweetest smell of roses hit their noses from when they entered the young master's wing itself. They rushed to run her bath and two of them pressed cool clothes over Jennie's burning skin, making her drink water.

Her omega cousins were brought in to help her and they wiped her tears away in their sleeping gowns and sleep ridden eyes. Jennie cried out loud in pain.

An hour later, Lisa rushes to her wing and she is immediately blown away by the tempting scent; the omega's heat had hit her so bad. The door slams open as she stands on the doorway and her eyes reddens at the sight of her mate looking so delectable, so weak in the hands of strangers to her. Her fangs came out ㅡ making the omegas scared at her and they were all escorted out as soon as possible. Jennie whined as the vampire's scent hit her full on and her tear filled eyes looked up at her weakly, innocently. "Omega." Lisa calls out and her voice is stone cold. It makes Jennie shiver.

She roughly tears away the sleeping gown the omega was wearing. Taking care in ripping away the satin pair of panties with a loud sound. Her eyes reddened in its intensity because this was the first time she was fully seeing her mate naked, with her breast and cunt fully on display, the pussy lips dripping of her honey-like slick. She gauged her, her face had tears streaming down and she is so small, but she is a really ethereal being.

She looks otherworldly, Jennie is so beautiful. "I am going to take care of you."

Jennie is delirious as she nods fastly but then she arches in embarrassment as she watches the vampire's nose at the middle of her breasts and part her legs till she is completely seated in between her. Lisa's fangs slightly bites in one of the globes and punctures the skin; she laps up the drops of blood from it and licks at it to close the hole all the same. Then she parts to stare at the other entrance and bends down to nose at the folds itself, getting slick on her nose and she inhales the pure scent of the omega, the roses then. Going almost mental because of it.

Jennie jumps at the feeling of her mate nosing at her core parts. Her insides throbbed.

It's just so sweet. Lisa wants to bite her cunt, she wants even though Jennie is writhing in the bedsheets above her, and so she does just that. She retracted her fangs and then with her incisors she bites at the pussy lips and clamps down on it tightly and pulls at it, the omega lets out the loudest of screams from both the pleasure and pain and winds her thick thighs around her head. "L-Lisa!" Jennie screams. Lisa keeps on biting it till the lips are all swollen and puffy red.

When she looks up at the omega, the omega almost orgasms at how the vampire looked. She had her slick streaming down her face as her lips shined in the dim light, "You are so gorgeous omega,"

"You really are." Jennie whimpers as she grabs at the other shirt to pry it off. Lisa has a devious smirk on her face as she lets the omega strip her. Without Jennie noticing, she sneaks a finger in the juicy, pink folds, the omega moans and tightens her fingers around her shoulder, causing her nails to dig in. Her inner walls grab around the vampire's finger like it's never going to let it go, Lisa can't wait to feel that heat around her shaft so even as the omega screams, she pushes more fingers in insistently.

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