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TW// Mention of abortion on the following pages.

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The news spread like wildfire and the Manoban family was ecstatic. Lady Manoban's eyes shine bright. "Jennie really did not disappoint, my Lalisa chose a good mate for herself."

Lord Manoban's chest puffs up at the thought that the Manobans lineage will remain going afterall. He had thought Lisa wouldn't take a mate initially because his daughter did not really show interest in someone and now, in the length of a month, they hear the news of another Manoban arriving, he was happy. "Their fates did, my Zenaida, their fates did. Otherwise getting Lalisa on board would have been impossible."

Just as he finishes talking, Lisa barges in the room without much of an invite and the Manobans looked at her happily, but Lisa has this anger filled look on her face with her jaw set and face stone cold, that their smile falters. "The child needs to die."

Their eyes widened. They are quiet for sometime since they couldn't really fathom what was being said. "Lalisa, are you talking about your child that your mate is carrying?"

Lisa looks at her mother with the same expression, "There is only one child in question and the child needs to be away from my mate as soon as possible."

"And why is that, what's your excuse Lalisa?" Luciano says, fisting his hands as he looks at his daughter with burning, red eyes. The young master looked back at him with the same blood red eyes. "The spawn will kill my mate and I cannot afford to lose my Jennie."

"But wasn't it you who said she could give you an heir, that's why you wanted us to marry you with her faster?" Zenaida asks back without a hitch in her voice.

Lisa grits her jaw. "That was only to get her to me, mother. But I don't want to abide by that anymore."

Luciano and Zenaida give out twin gasps as they look at their daughter in slight ridicule. Her father kind of looks like he is proud of what Lisa pulled, but at the same time did not agree with what she said. Her mother was just shocked and so she squares her shoulders, she was a Manoban afterall. "It's a risky pregnancy, not an impossible one"

"The child will drink up my mate's blood from inside and that is my child's mother, I am a pure; the child won't just have enough, ever."

Luciano narrows his eyes, "Let our daughter-in-law decide that for herself than, she might want a child, she is afterall an omega."

"Did you not hear anything I said, father? That's my mate and she won't ever agree."

"We are vampires Lalisa, elite ones. Not rogue ones who won't allow someone to decide for themselves. Let your mate decide."

Lisa gives out a loud shout; her father was playing foul now because so many things Luciano would let Lisa decide but then when it came to their gain, the rules came to play? "Fine then, let's hear what she decides."

Zenaida gets up to stand beside her and looks at her face, "Don't play foul this time, daughter, let your mate decide. Let's go with what she wants."

Vampires really were unfeeling piece of shits who only cared about their fucking logic and lineage. They didn't even care about what their daughter was saying about losing her mate, they never would. Lisa leaves the room with the same thunderous sound as when she came in making her parents look at each other and give out curious shakes of their head.

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