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It had been four months into Jennie's pregnancy and she fell too weak to even get up from the bed. Lisa didn't talk to her, hadn't for almost a month and the omega understood why, but she wished she could talk to her. She was the most caring mate physically however, so she didn't really voice out her wants because Lisa was already doing what she had too. Jennie was lying on Lisa's chest now, and somehow she felt colder even though she knew the sun was shining hot and bright outside.

She got up and sat on the vampire's waist, straddling her. She looked down at her bump in confusion and at the blood bag stand on the other side of the bed, it was almost empty. Just how much blood was her body needing at this point?

There was something wrong.

Her omega instincts felt so.

She nudged Lisa and the vampire's eyes snapped open in a tenth of a second of her touching her. Lisa got up and Jennie was now sitting on her lap. "Lisa," she whispered.

The vampire looked at her, looked around on her body, trying to look for what the problem was already, having a sense of the idea through their mating bond. She felt herself tear up all of a sudden and Lisa looked up at her in panic as soon as a small sniffle left her. At the look, the omega started crying full on, "I donㅡ I don't want to dㅡdie, Lisa."

"Jennie, darling," the vampire talked to her for the first time in what felt like ages. "You are not going to die."

"Please, I want to be your only mate, I want to see our child grow up, please, Lisa," Jennie tells in an almost desperate tone.

"Hey, Jennie, love, you are not going to die as long as I am alive, my darling, and I am immortal," the vampire pulled her close and buried her nose on her forehead, whispering against her ear, "I am not going to let you die."

Jennie feels it then and closes her eyes tightly, making more fat streams of tears slip past her lips. She knew it was going to happen now, she knew that's why she woke up, she just knew her time was coming near, she just knew. That had hit her all of a sudden. She thought she would be okay if Lisa would have another mate, if the other mate would look after their child, but she didn't know exactly how scary that is until she knew she was standing on the ledge.

She knew it was going to happen now and she felt panic rising up in her as her heartbeat rose up. She couldn't die now, she had so much to do, so much to live for, she just couldn't die now. Please, dear Luna, please. Just more time. Jennie wanted to say goodbye, she wanted to see her child at least once.

Please, to whoever is listening.

She just wanted to live beside her mate, please.

Then Lisa feels it too, her silk set of pajamas getting wet and the sound of her omega's heartbeat rising against her ears. Her mate's water had broke.

And she just clutched her more tightly in her hands, feeling the fear her Jennie was feeling.

And Lisa's hell had started.


The fact that Jennie Manoban, a low class omega, was carrying twins of the Manoban clan had come as an utter shock to the healer. It was hard for anyone to carry one Manoban, and this little omega was carrying twins. It was something of a miracle she had thought first, but then she realised that that meant she was going to die. That her death became more prominent.

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