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Two days after, as the sun sets and Jennie wakes up, she hears a knock on her door; their door. Even though she isn't sure where her mate is even during the days, she knows she is living in Lisa's room ㅡ the room was clearly lived in by her because it had all her things, it even had her distinct scent laced with everything, Jennie loved Lisa's room a lot, it made her omega feel comforted. She hurries to wear the satin robe over the lacey nightgown ㅡ that doesn't really hide much of her mounds.

When she opens the door and sees just who is outside the door, one side of the robe mistakenly slips from her shoulder, because she is too surprised to hold it.

Lisa's eyes darken intensely as she watches her wife's breasts almost spill out from that bloody excuse of a nightgown. "Jennie."

"Y- Young master, you..." She gasps out. The other nods, "Can I come in?"

Lisa wanted to say it's your room, of course you can come in, but she refrains from and only moves to make way, not bothering to pick the robe from one side up because she didn't care if her mate ogled at her anything really. "Have you talked to your family recently?"

Jennie gets timid now as she looks down and nods, "They are going to leave in two days because they don't stay anywhere. My other omega cousins were also left alone with their in-laws and they are not going to come back but it's fine, I am used to it."

Lisa didn't ask for such a lengthy explanation, but Jennie gave it anyway. "Do you feel sad because of that?"

Jennie doesn't meet her eyes, "No. I expected it."

"How have the manor vampires treating you?"

"They do everything for me," Is the omega's only reply.

Lisa frowns slightly, "Do you not want them to do everything for you?"

"I- I am y-your mate, they- they have to, they said."

Lisa sighs, "Does that make you sad then?"

Jennie pouts, "Nuh-uh. They are good."

"Did you talked to mother then?" The heir asks and her eyes redden as she feels her mate's scent hitch slightly, "What did mother say to you?"

"Nuhㅡ Nothingㅡ"

"What is it?" Lisa asks with narrowed eyes and dark voice. Jennie closes her eyes and is squeezing the hem of her nightgown so tightly that angers Lisa further. "Sheㅡ She said... She aㅡasked ifㅡ Iㅡ if I was pregnant."

Lisa's frown clears, "Did she know? What did you tell her?"


"Good, you are never going to be pregnant."

This shocks Jennie as the omega looks at the vampire heir's eyes and her eyes turns yellow. "W- Why? Why am I never going to be pregnant?"

Lisa stays silent, but is only watching, staring at the omega, looking into her eyes, "You are an omega, carrying a vampire child. Much less mine, might kill you."

"BㅡBut young masterㅡ I am an omega, I can carry them."

"It's not about you being able to, I know you can, everyone does. It's about if I want to lose my mate to a simple childbirth or not. I am the Manoban heir, the vampire's leader, I am supposed to live forever. I don't need a child, I need a mate." Lisa says through gritted teeth.

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