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"Deep breath in."

"Stop it and count till ten."

"Breath out slowly and repeat the process."

You tried to control your emotions with the help of something you had learned from the psychiatrist you had been treated in high school.

The grand hall where your high school classmate's marriage reception was held seemed dull and boring. All everyone at your table did was flaunt their boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, or husband and boast about their achievements.

It was even a bit embarrassing as you had nothing to share, so every time someone asked what was new or how is your life going all you replied with just two words, " It's fine".

A decent earning job as a middle school teacher and a rented apartment, few but great friends, bachelor's degree in literature was the current story of your life. You were quite content with it but it wasn't something you wanted to talk about with your rich and snobby ex-classmates.

It was going fine and dandy even after your best friend, Taehyung had canceled to join you. It was his persistence that you decided to come to the boring party nevertheless you were enjoying yourself when a cute guy approached you. The conversation was going well, he made you giggle with his funny jokes. However, your joy was shortlived when one of your ex-classmate interrupted the conversation, giving away details on your college life that you weren't comfortable sharing including the fact you had a stalker.

As an introverted soul, accustomed to relinquishing the spotlight in conversations, you found yourself relegated to the sideline. Naturally, the gentleman was drawn to the irresistible allure of your former classmate, leaving you devoid of an opportunity to forge a connection with the very person who had piqued your interest.

Letting out a sigh in defeat you excused yourself. Her unwanted digging into your past life triggered the memories of your stalker. The very stalker who used to watch while you were sleeping in the night. Your entire body shuddered at the memory. Wanting to get some fresh air you went out of the hall into a balcony realizing for the millionth time that high heels just weren't your thing.

It was then you saw him. Clad in officer's uniform looking like a personification of surreal. The tight dark blue uniform and the cap on his head were like a fantasy coming true. And, not a cigarette but a fucking lollipop was in his mouth.

His face was a canvas upon which the essence of youthful energy and intense passion was vividly portrayed. His eyes, like two radiant orbs, emanate a captivating intensity that draws you in and leaves an indelible impression. They sparkle with a mixture of curiosity and depth. His brows, elegantly arched, frame those mesmerizing eyes, adding a touch of subtle mystery and thoughtfulness to his visage. His nose, perfectly sculpted, serves as a bridge between the ethereal and the earthly, lending balance to his symmetrical features.

The scene was so captivating that you had to put your hand on your chin to turn your head the other way from him. You stood in silence wondering how lucky his girlfriend or wife must be.

"So the marriage party is as boring as the police force's anniversary event?"

"Is he talking to me? Nah...I must be mistaken"

When you didn't respond he asked again "Boring party huh?" your head snapped up at him.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were talking to me." You gave him an awkward gummy smile and scolded yourself because your two big front teeth were full-on display, it was the first time you were so cautious of them since you didn't want to ruin your first impression.

But then, he smiled and you saw his bunny teeth too and it was as cute as watching little yellow ducks walking in a line following each other.

"My friend owns a restaurant nearby called dumpling house. Do you want to go?" He asked surprising you with his boldness. You could swear you had stars, twinkles, and love shapes running around you like in those cartoons as you gazed at him.

If it was any other day, you would have hesitated. But something about the man was so captivating you found yourself going out of your character and accepting the stranger's offer.

"Do they sell chilly dumplings there? It's my fave." You asked already walking to him, cause for you, food was the next best thing after cats and this person's surreal beauty.

"Is it? It's mine too. Sadly it's not popular in our country." He lead the way to the parking and you followed after him.

"Yes, people here are missing heaven on earth."

He chuckled, opened the door of his luxurious car, and said, "I get what you're saying, I'd cry for days if that food stopped existing." you shared climbing into his car, oblivious that the meeting was the start of your very own love story.

A bloody love story.

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