Chapter 4

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"Hana, your brother-in-law is on the news." You heard your mother calling you from her room. Dropping the dishes you were washing in the middle,  you hastened to bedroom in excitement.

After the loan sharks took over your family's previous home to repay your father's unpaid debts, and your paternal uncles denied you the rightful inheritance, your mother sought comfort in a humble three-room apartment. In this modest dwelling, she had a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom—the entirety of her simple sanctuary.

Jungkook had strongly urged your mother to move in with you in the house he had purchased as a wedding gift. However, she firmly declined, stating that it wouldn't be appropriate to stay at her son-in-law's place and that he had already done more than enough for both you and her.

Taking the apron off, you took a seat beside her as the reporter interviewed Yoongi about the case of SOP that he was working on.

"Our department has deployed all the resources in our hand to catch the killer. We have profiled the criminal to be a man, not below thirty,  most probably IQ higher than normal individual, the motive is still unknown but we believe we are very near to identifying the killer." As Yoongi finished, you could see both male and female reporters swooning over him, he was as special as any star or celebrity in their eyes because of his achievements in his job.

"Aigoo he is straight to the point and savage as always. He just publicly announced war with SOP. I feel really afraid for him, that serial killer is notorious for how ruthlessly he murders people. Do you know the last victim was minced, not even a single bone in his body can be found?" Your mother huffed out in worry and you told her that dinner was ready to change the topic.

"But I think the politician that was killed a few months back deserved it, there are rumors that he was involved in girl trafficking." She said following you to the kitchen.

Only two weeks were left before your wedding so you had come to stay at your mother's place to spend some quality time with her.
You decided to visit Yoongi before you returned to your apartment. You were feeling anxious for him since the news, so you packed some side dishes that you had made at your mom's place and went to visit him.

Yoongi was the type of person who loved privacy, so his house was in the quiet part of the city. The neighbourhood wasn't filled with the sounds of vehicles like the apartment you were staying at, it was peaceful, and you could barely see people walking on the street.

The security of Yoongi's mansion was high tech, but there was no guard since he didn't like people around. You put your thumbprint and let your eyes be scanned by the security system and waited for the gates to open.

You rang the doorbell once you reached the door. He was taking longer normality to open the door so you opened your last conversation to see if you had mistaken the date he was going to take as leave and dropped the heavy bags on the floor.

"Did he change the leave date?" You mumbled and called him but he didn't receive the call. "Maybe I should call his office or Jungkook and ask."

The door opened and you saw Yoongi trying to calm his breath as he came out and closed the door.

"The house is a mess Hana, I was doing some heavy cleaning after months." He said panting and smiling at you.

"That's what happens when the only thing you do is sleep when you aren't working. I'll help you oppa, if we do it together we can finish it sooner." You took a step but he stopped you.

"Jimin is coming to help later. So let's leave this, I want to go on a date with my beautiful sister-in-law before the wedding so should we go to that  dumpling restaurant and the ice cream parlor you love?"

His hand was patting you and you noticed a stain of blood on the cuff of his pristine white shirt.

"Oppa are you hurt?" You asked and he chuckled noticing where your eyes were.

"Uuh yes, just a small cut, wait for a few seconds okay."

You thought that you had never seen him in such a hurry as he took the bags you had brought inside. He didn't even ask you if you were hungry but you did want to spend some time with him so you waited for him to come out.

"Is she gone?" You felt like you had heard Taehyung's voice as Yoongi came out but he shut it fast so you couldn't peek inside.

Yoongi had changed his shirt and was wearing a black one. Throwing his arm around your shoulder he joked, "If you are having second thoughts about marrying Jungkook just say me and we will elope somewhere far away."

This was your brother-in-law, a competent and intelligent detective and an emotionless person to others but to you and his brothers, he was like the biggest soft plushie with a heart full of love.

"Someplace where there is a beachside or a pond." You replied wrapping your hand around his back as you walked to his garage.

"Do you know there is this place with a love-shaped pond and it even glows at night?"

You laughed at his childish talks and said, "Must be due to the fireflies but yes let's elope and go there. I'd love to live in a place like that."

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