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"Jungkook, help me," You said in a hurry after he picked up your call in only one ring.

"Huh?" Jungkook's surprised voice echoed into your ears. You knew that it wasn't the best time to be drowned in emotions but your breathing got heavy not from the fear of being trailed by another car but because longing you had for him.

"Jagi, calm down okay? I'm coming to get you. Don't worry and keep on driving." Despite his calm tone, you could pick up the concealed worry for you.

The dam of your eyelids couldn't contain your tears and you nodded your head comforted by his words.

"Baby everything is gonna be fine. I'm right here with you. Did you call the police?" He asked. You could listen to the sound of the engine coming from the other side of the call so you guessed that he was already in his car.

"No, you're the first person that came to my mind."

"Of course, I'm your husband after all. Don't call the police, I'll take care of them."

The arrogance in his voice felt so familiar and homey. He was the kind that loved the feeling of being at the top of the world, commanding and leading others but you knew that when it came to you his arrogance crumbled down. Whenever it showed it was a sign that he was hiding his true feelings like embarrassment, fear, shyness, etc. In this case, he was seeking approval that his worth and status in your life were still the same even after being separated for so long.

It also made the fear that he might have found another lover, disappear from your mind and convinced you that you were "The One and Only Girl" in his life.

"Turn left now." He instructed and although it wasn't the direction you were supposed to go to reach your home, you obeyed him. "Are they still tailing after you?"

"Yes," You had closed your window earlier but you could see that the guy in the window seat was shaking a blown condom as he looked at your car.

"Now speed up a little and take a right, the road is narrow so they will be forced to be behind you. Then drive at normal speed again."

You did as he told and after a while, you realized that you had returned back to the same road that you were earlier.

"Baby when I say "go" step on the accelerator and drive straight at the highest speed okay."


Maybe because he kept talking to you or you knew that he was a serial killer so he was a hundred times more dangerous than the guys following you, you didn't feel scared but kind of content that you were talking to him. You wished that the call would never end.

"Go," He said loudly and you sped up feeling a rush of energy in your veins.

From the wing mirror, you saw another car appear from the junction as if it was waiting there and it drove straight into the gap between your car and the car that was chasing yours.

Your hands trembled as they gripped the steering wheel harder.

"Jungkook, how can you be so careless?" You exclaimed in shock.

"Don't worry baby. Just keep on driving," He was chuckling as if your concern for him was making him very amused and happy.

"Wait..." He had already cut the call.

"He is SOP. A few bastards like them are probably no match for him so I don't need to worry."

You thought as you kept driving at a slow pace. Although the case of SOP had already been closed a year ago. Some very powerful men from aristocratic families had been jailed, courtesy of Detective Yoongi, you knew that all the evidence was fake and it only showed how clever and dangerous Jungkook and his gang were.

"Fucking Jeon Jungkook, of all those millions of guys in the world why did I have to fall in love with you?" Pressing the brakes you halted the car and turned around to go back for him.

How could you even leave the only man you had ever loved, the father of your child and your husband alone to deal with a group of guys even if he might probably be the most dangerous man in the world?

When you reached the place where Jungkook was having a discussion with the guys, you got out of the car and took slow steps toward your husband. The five guys were standing in front of him and trying to threaten him but his stance was that of an alpha male, strong and dominant.

You hid behind his tall form and clutched his black leather jacket. His body shivered with your touch as he released a soft exhale from his lips.

"Seems like the wife is back. How about we fuck her right in front of you, will that finally make you kneel in front of us and apologize?" One of the guys threatened and you peeked from behind Jungkook in anger to see that the two of them even had pocket knives in their hands.

"If you can even put a scratch in her then it would be a shame on my reputation as our country's most notorious serial killer" Jungkook's predatory voice was back and you could almost taste the bloodthirsty aura coming out from him.

You bit the inside of your cheek due to worry because Jungkook had revealed his secret identity in front of five men.

"What the fuck is he talking about?" Another guy said.

"He must be scared that there are five of us so trying to trick us." The guy, you remembered who was directly involved in spiking the drink two years ago told his friends.

Jungkook's head tilted in a coy way as he asked, "Is it?" The guy turned silent as he stared at him as he took out a gun from the holster and rubbed the tip of it on his temple.

"You wouldn't dare. Your job would be at risk if you use a gun when you are off duty." One of the guys had the nerve to point out.

"I instructed my partner to turn off all the CCTV in this area, according to him you guys were drinking in a bar where you saw Hana and tailed after her. Drunk driving is very dangerous. Accidents might happen, and people can die." With a simper plaster on his face, he lazily loaded the gun.

"I can just kill all of you and fake the evidence you know. When your family basically owns the police department it isn't too difficult to cover things up." He added aiming the gun at them.

"Hey, look we are sorry. We were just trying to scare her. Let's put this beside us." One after another the hooligans started to apologize but Jungkook still didn't put his gun down. So they started to plead with you for their life.

"Jungkook, let them go. We can file another complaint and let authorities deal with them" You said finally coming beside him and holding his arm.

The furious expression on his face turned into a soft and warm look as he looked at you.

"I'll let you guys go for now because of my wife. If you ever do this again I'll make sure that your death isn't an easy one." He warned them before putting the gun above the hood of his car.

Facing you with a dazzling smile, the crinkles at the side of his eyes turning your heart into mush, he placed a kiss on your forehead in a reassuring manner. It was amusing how safe you felt in his arms even when you knew what he truly was.

While you were busy with him, one of the guys took Jungkook's gun from the hood and pointed at him in rage.

"Too foolish for a police officer aren't you?" They chuckled knocking the breath out of you. 

"After I kill you, we all will fuck your pretty little wife till she bleeds to death." He said as the others started laughing.

Your heart stopped for a second, your whole body got assaulted by a freezing fear and a loud shriek escaped from your lips as he pulled the trigger.

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