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A monster, a murderer and a bloodthirsty maniac were all you could see as you stared at Jungkook in horror and shock. The man that you had fallen in love with and was married to was no longer present in him. Your brain was screaming to tell you to run and get help but your body parts were jammed and you couldn't listen to anything besides that daunting ringing in your ear which was only getting louder.

When Jungkook took a slow, small step towards you, your mind urged you to flee from the danger and you desperately crawled up the stairs with all the minimal energy that was left in your numb body. You couldn't even cry or shout for help and there was nothing else in your mind except the low willpower to protect yourself from the man that was supposed to protect you.

After reaching Jungkook's office room, your legs finally got the energy you needed to run and you sprinted to the living room. Fresh tears cascaded like a never-ending stream from your eyes and you could listen to your heart as if it was beating right next to your ears.

You were wiping your eyes that were blurred due to the tears when your lithe form slammed with something hard and you screamed at the top of your lungs. When you saw that it was Taehyung and not Jungkook, a ray of hope lighted in your chest and you stammered, "Tae-Tae Jungkook... he-he is a killer. Need to go... Run an-and call cop."

To your horror, the expression on your best friend's face only turned even more pissed from how it was when he had seen you just now and he didn't even move an inch.

"I-I'm telling the truth. Come." You put more stress on your voice and pulled his hand thinking that if he didn't believe you and kept standing there Jungkook would come and kill him.

"Damn, what did he eat to get this fat? We should have cut off ten or fifteen kilos of him before bringing him here." You heard Jimin's voice while you were pulling Taehyung with full force and you looked behind Taehyung to see that Jimin and Namjoon were carrying an unconscious fat man, whereas Hoseok was dragging a girl whose mouth was covered by duct tape and was dressed in skimpiest clothes you had ever seen.

Yoongi and Jin were lazily walking a few steps behind them like the scene they were just witnessing was an everyday occurrence in their daily life.

"Princess?" Jin whispered, looking like he couldn't believe his eyes that you were really there.

"But how? Wasn't she supposed to stay at her mom's place for another four days?" Hoseok questioned in frustration while ruffling his hair.

Taking advantage of his lack of concentration, the girl escaped after biting his other hand making him cry in pain and ran to the door. She was jerking it to open it when Taehyung strode towards her in a few long steps and slammed her head against the door knocking her unconscious.

The tremors of your body increased watching the display of violence and you staggered backward and took a long flower vase from the shelf as you thought of how you could outrun them and take a knife from the kitchen to protect yourself.

"This is a mess but Jungkook said that he had changed the passcode of the door," Jin said as everyone watched you like they were deciding what to do with you.

Namjoon and Jin were wearing sleeveless tshirts and you saw the same tattoo on their arms that was on Jungkook's hip, you had seen it in Taehyung's back and even in Jimin's ribcage that you had missed from the incident where he had come out of the shower after you broke his high school photo frame.

It was the last proof to know that they all were SOP and the tattoo was like their symbol, surely Yoongi and Hoseok too had it inked in their skin too. Your boyfriend and his friends were in a cult. You nearly passed out at your absurd conclusion.

"Is this my fate? Am I going to get minced or tortured to death by the hands of my own husband, brothers-in-law and their friends?"

"Fucking Jeon Jungkook used the date of his wedding as the passcode." Yoongi sighed before shouting in a booming voice that sounded like a cannon firing, "Yaa Jeon fucking Jungkook come and take care of this shit right now."

Jungkook came to the living room and everyone went away from the living room taking the unconscious man and the woman to the underground room you had just seen.

Despite how much you internally screamed at yourself to run or throw the vase at Jungkook, you couldn't do it. As he approached near, you found yourself seeking protection from the wall and nearly trying to be molded into it as you pasted yourself against it and dropped down on the floor while trembling and crying excessively.

Jungkook too crouched before you and when he was about to take the vase away from your hand he noticed that he still had a knife in his hand so he said, "Oh, I forgot." and placed it on the floor.

His bloody hands cupped your cheeks and you jolted before pushing his hands away and trying to get away from him while rubbing the blood on your cheek with your sleeve.

"Please... Jungkook please I beg you. Let me go and I'll never tell about this to anyone." You implored sobbing loudly.

"Look here Jagi, what are you even saying? We are married, we have promised to be together for every lifetime." His voice was sweet and honey-like, just like it normally was when he tried to calm you down after your usual bickering and it shocked you.

You shook your head as you gasped for breath while sniveling even louder, it just reminded you of everything you had lost today and made you question if his innocence was how he lured his victims to kill them.

His hand trapped you, making it impossible for you to shift any further away from him and then he took away the vase from your hand.

"Don't kill me, please. I'm your wife, have mercy." Your hands were clasped in front of you as you pleaded desperately.

When he inched even closer, you started to hiccup and you couldn't breathe due to fear.

"If-If not for my-my sake then please... please for the sake of your child don't hurt me. I-I promise on our unborn child that I'll never say to a soul about this and I'll move far... very far away from here." You stammered while hi cupping and crying.

"You're pregnant?" Jungkook whispered in surprise and you nodded your head hoping that he had at least a bit of humanity somewhere and that he wouldn't kill you.

"I'm going to be a father?" He mumbled and you finally got the courage to look at him.

The gentle smile on his face was a contrasting look to the blood smeared on it and your irises tried to search any hint of your husband in the depth of his soulful orbs.

"Thank you. You made me the happiest person today." His smile turned bigger and then all air left your lungs as his lips took yours in their captivity and he kissed you passionately while holding your jaw.

You responded to his kiss both in fear and a little relief that had formed inside you because this showed that at least somewhere inside him accepted you as his wife and was concerned for his child. So that meant you had a chance of surviving from SOP, the most ruthless serial killer in the history of your country

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