Chapter 1

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The raindrops had drenched your dress, a lingering remnant of your recent shopping escapade with your dear friend Taehyung. In a tender display of affection, your now two years of boyfriend assisted you in shedding the damp attire, effortlessly carrying out these small gestures that never failed to dote upon you. Such pampering had become an anticipated part of your relationship, a delightful indulgence you had grown accustomed to over time.

As you lifted your leg to let him take off your leggings you said, "I heard that the serial killer, SOP killed another politician yesterday..."Jungkook hummed in response.

"You don't need to be on fieldwork but please be careful, I heard a few officers have been his victim too."

Pulling you closer to him by gripping your thick thighs he ruffled your hair and kissed your forehead.

"Don't worry about me, only a fool would come after me" You knew he was right but, that didn't lessen your worry for him.

Jungkook came from a very powerful family. For generations they were involved in politics, his father being the current minister of finance, and his maternal uncles all were in the high ranks of the police; one of them was the present commissioner-general. So you could even say that they owned the police force.

Nonetheless, the reputation SOP preceded him or her, renowned not only for eliminating prominent figures but also for claiming the lives of ordinary citizens.

Jungkook's unwavering dedication to his duty and commitment to serving the nation left no room for compromise. Thus, whenever news of violence and fatalities reached your ears, concern for his well-being gripped your heart, for his dangerous profession heightened the fear of every tragic report.

Noticing your dull expression, he pinched your chubby cheeks and told, "My cousin Yoongi, who is the best detective in our country is working on the case of SOP so stop getting stressed about it cause I'm sure he will catch the killer very soon."

"Okay, tell him to be careful too. I've heard that the killer is not only a mastermind but also very cruel and sadistic."He smiled humming in response and went to take out clothes for both of you.

The next day after you returned to the luxurious apartment you were living with Jungkook you got the scare of your life when you noticed that the door was ajar. Since Jungkook had been talking with you just a few minutes ago saying that he was at his cousin, Jimin's place and nobody had the key beside you both, your body shivered as you thought of what to do.

The door suddenly opened when you were redialing Jungkook and you saw a middle-aged woman who had the features of your boyfriend.

"Are you my daughter-in-law that kookie is hiding? I can't believe that he was hiding such a pretty girl from me, you know I had even guessed that he was dating a man or his girlfriend was hideous." She said with a giant smile and you sighed knowing that it was just Jungkook's mother.

"Nice to meet you Omoni, my name is Hana." You bowed to greet her and when you looked at her you saw that color had faded from her face and her smile had been replaced with a frown.

"What did you say your name was?" She asked again.

"Uuh Hana... Yun Hana." You fidgeted due to nervousness wondering what the problem was. You recalled Jungkook saying that his mom was kind of image and status-conscious so he had said that he would make you meet his parents only after you got engaged to him and had his ring on your finger.

"How long have you two been dating?" By now she looked frozen like somebody had dumped a bucket of ice water on her.

"For-for two years Omoni" You stuttered fearing the use of the word mother wasn't appropriate or offensive given you are simply dating her son.

A noisy loud breath that was followed by a grunt left her lips and she held your chin in her hand.

"Don't be afraid, you can call me Omoni." Taking out the diamond bracelet she was wearing she put it on your wrist saying, "Gift for seeing my daughter-in-law for the first time." and kissing your cheek.

"Omoni, I can't take this." You said hurriedly trying to take the bracelet off.

Like clockwork, Jungkook had developed a recurring habit of purchasing two or three extravagant items for you each month. Despite your independent nature and a strong sense of self-worth, you had yet to grow accustomed to your boyfriend's somewhat irksome habit. Thus, when his mother unexpectedly bestowed upon you a similar gesture, a weight of burden and shame descended upon you, for you found yourself without a reciprocating gift to offer.

"Shush, you shouldn't deny a gift from elders, they are a blessing."

Her statement made you feel at ease. She was just like Jungkook knowing what things to say at the right time to make you feel better.

With a warm smile directed at you, she began to share the details of what she had brought for the two of you. She spoke of how she had exerted her influence as the owner of the building that housed your apartment, resorting to a break-in since Jungkook had adamantly refused to bring her there.

She politely excused herself after notifying the time restriction she was in. She bid you bye and left in a hurry forgetting one of her bags behind. You took the bag and rushed to catch her when you accidentally walked into the hushed conversation she was having over her phone near the elevator.

"Jimin why didn't you tell me that Jungkook is dating her?" You heard her speak on the phone in a panic.

"Tell Jungkook to meet me as soon as possible, this needs to be discussed immediately " Your heart dropped at her word and it took you a minute or two to compose yourself.

Deep within, your heart weighed heavy with disappointment, yet you valiantly wore a smile on your face as you bid her farewell.

You wondered why she was so against Jungkook dating you. She seemed to be nicer than what Jungkook had described her to be but then again the conversation you heard made you confused.

Whatever the case was one thing was for sure.

Your boyfriend was hiding something.

Not more than fifteen minutes later Jungkook arrived home and from his panting, you could tell that he had come there in a hurry.

"Baby so I heard you met Eomma?" He said trying to catch his breath.

"I did," your response was short. The hostility in your voice didn't go unnoticed he ran to gather you in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I never thought she would appear unannounced. it's just that I wasn't ready for this whole meeting parent thing." he blurted out an excuse but you knew it was a lie. For some reason, he didnt want you to meet his parent but he had no problem meeting your mother. In fact, only after six months of dating, Jungkook coxed you to introduce you to your family.

Your narrowed eyes conveyed your distrust of his words.

Was he ashamed of me? The thought hit you making you want to run away from the space you shared with him.

"I think I will go to Taehyung's for the night" The moment those words escaped your lips, Jungkook was on his knees like after every fight you had with him. He promised he would make up for it but no sweet words made the uneasiness go away. You were hurt beyond words but regardless of how many times you questioned why his mother had a problem with them dating he remained tightlipped.

"I hope when the time comes, you will share the truth. I deserve to know what is that about me your parents don't like" You mentioned with resolute letting him know you were immensely dissatisfied with how he had handled the news of them dating with his family.

Listening to you the muscles on his jaw clenched and his Adam's apple bobbed. Watching how his tongue's indent on his cheek you could tell he was pissed.

"Your parent's approval means a lot to me..." You continued collecting your cardigan.

"I do not wish to start the future with a guy whose family does not consent to our relationship" You added before leaving him alone in the living room to give him space to think about his decisions.

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