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"What I did and what I chose to become is entirely the cause of my past decisions and actions. So don't blame yourself for something you had no control over. It was my fate to become a killer and I would have been lured by my demons one way or another." His hand moved up and down at your back lovingly.

"But-" You looked up to argue but he silenced you by capturing your lips with his for a deep hot kiss that was full of his dominance and madness for you. He sucked on your tongue like he would die if he stopped doing it. When you parted, you saw that he had tears running down his eyes and you wiped them away while pleading him not to cry.

He kissed your hand and put it on top of his heart, even though he wasn't speaking, his actions spoke for him and you got what he was trying to convey to you. His heart was beating loud and fast under your palm due to the effect of the kiss, it showed that his feelings for you were genuine.

Then he kissed you on the forehead and started to drive again. The way his hands were tightly gripping the steering and how one of them kept coming to your side to stroke your cheek or brush on the skin of your arm or hand told you how reluctant he was to part from you.

The scenery was a blur in your eyes and you kept staring at him or your hands while conflicting emotions and thoughts formed a piercing pain inside of you.

When only ten minutes more of driving was left to reach your mom's apartment and the car was already on the road of the crowded and chaotic part of the city, Jungkook sighed heavily.

"I was kidnapped by a serial killer when I was eight. He said that he would raise me as his apprentice as a payback to my father and maternal uncles who were working on his case. I was rescued nearly after a year but the damage was done and I was no longer the innocent kid that I used to be. He taught me how to kill and torture the victims. All his victims were teenage girls or women who had a youthful appearance and he made me watch as he raped and killed them. Sometimes he even forced me to cut and torture them and if I refused, he would beat me up"

The tears that were still continuing turned into loud sobs and whimpers as multiple knots were tied and twisted in your belly. Your heart ached profoundly for him, as a wife you felt useless because while he had done so much for you and even healed the scars caused by your past, you hadn't been able to do the same for him.

"The traumatizing experience developed a homicidal urge in me and after killing your father, I could no longer stop these urges. It overpowered me" he shared wiping off the tears with the back of his hand.

"Don't cry, it's bad for the baby. Seol might think that her dad is a real meanie to her mom." He said and you could listen to the suppressed laughter in his voice.

He had even thought of a beautiful name for your unborn daughter already, this made you feel sad and sorry towards him.

"Jungkook I-Im..."

"None of this is your fault so you don't need to say anything. I can understand, I know everything that is going on in your mind right now. Just promise me that you will take good care of Seol and yourself. That much is enough for me." He said not letting you finish your line and you nodded.

Then he called your mom to tell her that you were coming. So when you reached her apartment building, she was already waiting for you. She watched you with an angry expression at first because you had left without informing her. But when she saw the tears in your eyes she pulled you into a hug and looked at Jungkook with questioning eyes.

Bowing down ninety degrees she said, "Mother please take care of my wife."

When he took out the suitcase from the car her hold on you became tighter. You could feel her hands trembling but you shook your head signaling her not to say anything to Jungkook.

After taking the suitcase to your mom's apartment, he stood unmoving as he watched the floor with a neutral expression. You went closer and he immediately collected you in his arms and kissed all over your face.

"I love you." He said and you nodded your head, finding it difficult for the first time to reply to those words after you guys had started your relationship.

"I'm not leaving until you reply." He murmured and you almost told him that you would never say it if that was the case but the scene of his bloodied victim stopped you.

"I love you Jungkook." You blinked away the liquid from your eyes and repeated, "I love you too"

Then he kissed the top of your head and walked away in a hurry without even looking back at you once but you knew that he was crying. You were about to slump on the floor but your mother caught you and asked what was all that about.

"Mom we are getting a divorce," You told her and wailed in her arms.

"But why? When you both clearly love each other so much." She asked crying with you.

"Sometimes love isn't enough. Looks like when you aren't destined to be together even if you both are willing to go to any extent for each other, it still isn't enough."


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