Chapter 2

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When I got to Kelly's I told her what had happened and she listened intently. "Wait, what did that guy look like?" she asked confused. "Wow, about 1.80 tall, brown hair and green eyes I think!" I explained. She quickly pulled out her cell phone and showed me a photo of what I think was taken in the paddocks. The photo showed the guy who was now my neighbor. "Is that him?" she asked when she saw my look. I nodded. "You live under the same roof with Charles Leclerc!" she laughed. I just rolled my eyes. "Great, if Esteban finds out, it won't end well for me!" I snorted. Kelly shook her head. "It's not your fault!" Just nodded. "Shall we maybe go for a coffee? On me!" I asked her. To which she nodded in agreement. We drove for about 15 minutes until we stopped at a cozy-looking café. "That looks nice!" I said and she nodded. We talked for ages about what had happened during Corona when we couldn't see each other until I was interrupted by a call.

"Ocon?" I replied.

"Oh, sis, don't you still look at your cell phone before you answer it?" my brother laughed.

"No, I don't do it out of reflex! What's up?" I asked, laughing too.

"Can you pick me up from Nice in 1 1/2 hours, my flight is leaving soon?!" he asked.

I nodded until I realized that he couldn't see that and answered with a clear "YES"

I just heard the tooting and put my phone away again.

"Esteban?" Kelly asked now. I slapped my hand against my forehead and just looked at her stupidly. "Yes, of course it was Esteban, who else should I call Este?" I asked her now, laughing. Now she was the one slapping her hand on her forehead, laughing. "He wants me to pick him up from Nice in 1 1/2 hours. Do you want to come with me or should I drop you off at Max's again?" I asked her eagerly. She thought about it for a moment but then smiled. "You know what I'm coming with, I haven't seen Esteban in ages!" she laughed. So we paid and drove off. On the way we laughed a lot and sang along to our favorite songs. When I arrived at the airport I saw a huge crowd of people standing at the entrance and exit. I knew immediately that Esteban was there because we were stuck in a traffic jam for about half an hour. I quickly got out and pushed through the crowd to grab my brother and put him in the car. I laughed and fell into the driver's seat. "Five minutes later and I wouldn't have survived!" he moaned mockingly and out of breath. "Hello to you too, big brother!!" I laughed and drove off. "Why am I sitting in the back?" he asked and didn't notice that Kelly was sitting in the car and was now turning around to look at my brother. "Hi Esteban!" she laughed and looked my shocked brother in the eyes. "Omg Kelly, you can't scare me that much, but Hi!" he laughed too. On the way back it was quiet but that didn't bother me. I listened to the music that was playing and concentrated on the road. I sat down again in Monte Carlo Kelly picked up Max and drove to our new apartment. "Ready?!" I asked my brother, knowing that he just wanted to sleep. I drove my car into the underground car park, grabbed my and Esteban's luggage and headed for the elevator. Shortly before, I stopped to check on Esteban, who had his eyes on a Ferrari 488 Pista Spider. I just looked at him confused. "Is everything okay?" I asked him, but he didn't react. Only when I lightly pushed my elbow into his side did he react. "Do you know who it belongs to?" He asked and I shook my head. "Probably one of the neighbors, I guess otherwise he wouldn't have come in here?" I said and pulled him towards the elevator where our things were already waiting for us. I then quickly unlocked our apartment and brought his and my suitcases into two rooms I grabbed the room with the dressing room. Esteban didn't mind that one bit. He knew that I had always dreamed of a dressing room so he gave me the bedroom. A little later I found myself in the kitchen where I had a quick chat with Esteban cooked something and ate something. A little later we went to sleep. I rolled around for ages until I gave up and reached for my phone to find out more about my new neighbor. At some point I ended up on his Instagram page. I saw a few pictures and then put my phone away again because my eyes were slowly closing. The next morning I waddled towards the bathroom in my bathrobe with a change of clothes and took a shower first. When I was finished I decided to let my hair air dry. A little later I was taken out of my thoughts when the doorbell rang. I pressed the door opener and opened the apartment door only to see the Monegasque standing in front of me. "Good morning, beautiful," he smiled and I just rolled my eyes. "Mmm morning, "guy from the street," what's wrong with you standing at my door so early?" I laughed now and saw the expression on his face. "I just wanted to say that you still need a doorbell!" he said and entered the apartment. He saw a few things that I had already unpacked. Among other things, a few photos from my time karting and my DTM jacket, which I framed because it was a nice memory. "You drove the DTM?!" he asked in surprise. I shook my head. "No, I was just a test driver." I answered and looked through the pictures until he noticed one of my brother and me. "Ahaa, a Formula One fan then you should actually know me if you already have a photo with Ocon?" He asked now suspiciously and I shook my head. "No, I'm not really a fan, I would rather drive myself and if you had asked me what my name was you would know that Esteban is my brother!" I grinned and hung the photo up in the hallway. I thought I had him with the statement Silenced but not reported. "No if Esteban had a sister he would have told about her! You're lying!" he said incredulously. Without further ado, I grabbed my bag that was still lying in the hallway and pulled out my ID.
"Y/N loralei Ocon!" he read out loud and looked at me puzzled. "I asked Esteban not to tell anyone about me because I wanted to make a name for myself!" I said seriously and put the ID away again. "Hey, I don't even know your name, you're one step ahead of me now?!" I lied and laughed. I probably knew who he was through Kelly, but he didn't have to know that. "Charles Leclerc!" He answered bluntly and was startled when the door suddenly opened and a cheerful Esteban entered the apartment.

The weird way we met..... (Charles Leclerc x reader)Where stories live. Discover now