Chapter 11

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The whole car ride his hand was on my thigh which gave me goosebumps. When we arrived at a restaurant that looked really classy from the outside, I felt a little out of place. All this luxury was never for me. Even in Hamburg I only had a small two-room apartment near the Elbe and I felt comfortable there. Charles probably noticed my tension. "Hey, it's okay, we don't have to go in there if you feel uncomfortable!" he said and looked at me with a sympathetic look. I shook my head. "No, it's okay!" I meant. Without further ado, he got out and held out his hand for me to get out. I gratefully accepted this. "I have a reservation at Leclerc!" he told the man at the front, who took us straight to a hidden corner of the restaurant. Although I wasn't quite used to all the luxury yet, I found the restaurant really nice. "It's really nice here!" I smiled. Like a gentleman, he pulled my chair back so I could sit down and pushed it back to the table. "All the best for you, Mon Amour!" he smiled back. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks and I blushed. It didn't take long until a waiter came over and brought us the menu. "I can Bring something to drink?" asked he. Before I could even say anything, Charles interrupted me. "We would like the best red wine they offer!" he smiled at the waiter, who immediately left. "You know what red wine does to you?" I asked him, puzzled. He shook his head. "No why? Is there anything wrong with red wine?" he asked me now, a little panicked that he might have done something wrong. "No, it's all good! Like all alcohol, wine has an effect on the body! Beer and vodka, for example, make you aggressive and so sparkling wine and so on "Wine in the mood." I explained to him. His view of it was really brilliant. "How do you know something like that?" he asked me, a little confused. I shrugged my shoulders. "During my studies we had to do a self-test. But since I didn't dare to use drugs like cannabis, cocaine or something like that, I'm an alcoholic I chose a different type of alcohol every day for a week during the semester break and documented what it did to my body. That's how I found out that my body doesn't really like Korn and Scotch!" I laughed. "Wait, you studied despite being so busy?" he asked me. I shook my head. "No, a good friend of mine studied medicine! I only did the self-test because she quickly gets addicted to something yes, had to deliver results!" I laughed. He looked at me with a smile. "That's what I call friendship! You risked serious harm for her because you didn't want her to become dependent!" he beamed. I shrugged. "I saw it as a fun experiment myself since I had nothing to do after my accident because of it I was thrown out because I wasn't able to do test drives for too long." I explained as the waiter brought us the wine. I smiled briefly in thanks and turned my attention back to Charles. "You are the strongest woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting! You had a more than serious accident! But you didn't let that get you down! Yes you had nothing to do but the time paid off look where you are now Y/N you made history! For the first time in the history of Formula 1 there are 21 drivers at the start and a woman has been there for ages!" he beamed. I just smiled and sipped my wine glass. I haven't drunk any wine since the self-test so it's a bit unusual feeling. Charles only drank a glass of wine since he still had to drive. After our food came we didn't really talk much. We just enjoyed our food and the time together. At the end of the evening Charles insisted on paying, I tried against it to protest and pay myself, but in vain. So we went back to the car where he held the door open for me again. "A real gentleman Mr Leclerc" I laughed as he got in too. "Oh just for you Mon Amour." he grinned and drove off. On the way I decided to connect my cell phone to the car and turn on my playlist. Just as Lost in the Fire by The Weeknd and Gesaffelstein started, he saw me with a sparkle in his eyes eyes on.

Note to self don't connect Charles' car playing a playlist that has Sexual Tense songs on it!

The first sentence of the song was 'I wanna fuck you slowly with the lights on!'. "Oh, that can be arranged, Ma Cheré!" he grinned and drove into the underground car park. I didn't even have the chance to say anything else before he started kissing me. We only interrupted the kiss to get out to the elevator. "I want to "That you don't forget the evening this time, Mon Amour!" he whispered in my ear, which gave me goosebumps. That was the moment when the wine took over. "Then let's make the evening unforgettable!" I grinned lustfully, whereupon he started kissing me like crazy again. He quickly unlocked his apartment and pulled me with him. We went to the bedroom as quickly as we could, where he gave me the dress helped. He was more than ready to get it for me now and I was just as ready. In the bedroom he sat me down on the sideboard in just my thong, which luckily wasn't high, and got on his knees while he took off my thong. At first he just licked a small stripe along my already extremely wet pussy but then he stuck two fingers inside me. I was already starting to shake, "Look at you, I've just started using my fingers and you're already shaking." , he grinned at me and looked into my face as the knot came undone. He swallowed it all like there was no tomorrow and reduced me to a moaning mess. He was so good with his tongue. He drew small circles around my clit, keeping a steady pace. God it felt so good. His fingers opened me up for him and already prepared me for his long fingers. I held on to the sides of my closet as best I could to hold back from an orgasm. But it didn't help, I came all over her tongue. He watched my face as he picked up the pace, wanting me to come again. I rolled my eyes back and felt like I was in heaven with his every touch. No one has ever worried me so much. He then pushed his cum covered fingers into my mouth. I licked them clean and sucked each one from top to bottom. Charles felt more aroused than ever, he couldn't help but kiss me again before aggressively throwing me onto the bed and finally ripping the thong off. He licked his lips and took in my body. Normally I was always a bit shy but all insecurities disappeared when I was with him. He worshiped me like a goddess. His goddess. He climbed on top of me and kissed down my neck. "I want you to call me Daddy tonight, will you do that for me Ma Cheré?" He grinned. I nodded, "Yes Daddy." I took off his shirt, revealing his chiseled abs. His body was divine and he was so damn hot. I couldn't wait for him to please me properly. He rubbed his cock for a moment, getting it as hard as possible before pushing his full length inside me. He did it first in missionary position and started light. I let out a pleasant moan as I felt his length enter me. I put my legs on his shoulders and felt how deep he was. He grabbed me by the neck and choked me slightly. His fingers applied the pressure. As I felt his cock go in and out I moaned his name, well his bedroom name. The name that made him weak and the name that fulfilled my needs. "mmhhh damn, oh D-Daddy". A mischievous grin crossed his face, he knew what he was doing to me. The sound of my moans made him tremble in complete excitement, he grabbed me by the hips and aggressively turned me over. He took me doggy style. I felt the strength in his arms as he pulled my ass into the air. He pushed into me again, this time hitting new places. Places that had never been touched before. Again he reduced me to a moaning mess. The room was filled with the sound of his skin slapping against mine. My ass pressed against his stomach as he fucked me like there was no tomorrow. Every now and then he slapped my ass so that I let out a loud moan. I loved rough sex and he loved how well I took his cock. The constant hitting of my G-spot was driving me crazy. Every now and then I would look at him moaning, it was driving him crazy. He picked up the pace, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling it back as he slid his cock in and out of me. He leaned forward, put his hand around my neck again and sent me to heaven. Meanwhile he was fucking me so hard that my moans almost broke into pieces with every thrust. I bit my lip as I looked at him, almost whining at his actions. I agreed to the rotation. He leaned against the headboard while I sat across from him. He guided my hips onto his cock and slid in easily, as wet as we both were. "Ride me," he moaned, ready for me to fuck him now. I jumped up and down on his cock, earning a soft muffled moan from him. Charles noted this moment for the future, that it had to become a regular occurrence ", I had fucked him so well. So good that he let out a loud moan followed by "Oh fuck, baby I'm coming!", "Then come inside me!" I grinned and got faster and harder. After a moment I felt Me as he filled me with his sperm. Thank God I've been on the pill for years. Condoms can be really uncomfortable. I rolled up next to him. He ran into the bathroom to get me a towel. When he came back he was rubbing me completely clean and then he rubbed the area where he had made a mess with a damp cloth. When everything was clean he grabbed one of his t-shirts and put it on me. It was oversized and a bit baggy but that didn't matter it was warm and cozy for me. We cuddled for a while until I fell asleep on his bare chest...

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