Chapter 8

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Breaking News

Formula 1: McLaren driver Lando Norris was spotted with former DTM test driver Y/N Loralei Ocon! The two seem very familiar! Is she his new girlfriend?

Above it was a picture in front of the ice cream parlor where I was hugging him. "God, why are these damn paparazzi always so fast?!" I cursed. Without further ado, I decided to make an insta story in which I explained that Lando and I were nothing more than best friends before the barrage of news began. "They're worse than Mosquitoes when you want to sleep, dude!" I complained all the way to the hotel while Charles called me and I put it on speakerphone. "You've probably already noticed, haven't you?" he asked. "Yes, these damn paparazzi are like ticks, old God, what does it matter to my private life?!" I continued to complain. "Judging by the tone of your voice, the rumors aren't true?" he asked. I exhaled in annoyance. "No, Lando and I have been best friends since karting! Actually only because we both hated the same guy but I had to get along with him for Jules' sake ." I explained. Lando looked at me in shock. "Y/N?!" the Brit shocked me. "What?" I asked him. "The guy we didn't like was Charles!" he explained, but Charles just laughed. I looked over at him in shock. "Couldn't you have said that earlier?!" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders. "I thought you had forgotten that we practically only became friends because of him!" he said, whereupon I just shook my head. "He catapulted me into the tires 4 times, how am I supposed to forget him?!" I asked him angrily. Now Charles was the one who started talking again. "Oops! Sorry Y/N, but that wasn't intentional, I'm going too fast in the curves!" he tried to explain. "Shut up on the other end of the line! We'll talk when I'm home, I'll come up to you one day," I said in a mock manner Angry and hung up. "Sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't think it was important." Lando apologized. "What's not so important to me is not telling me that I have a stain on my shirt but telling me that the guy I'm in love with "I'm starting to fall in love with our former arch-enemy!" I complained and only realized what I had said afterwards. "Y/N?" Lando asked carefully. I just nodded. "If you want to know if you're really falling in love with him, I'll be happy to help you!" He said and put his hand on my shoulder. "And how do you want to do that?" I asked him. We were now in the hotel parking lot, so I turned a little in his direction. "I'll ask you a few questions and you have to answer them without thinking about it!" He said to which I just nodded. "Okay, how old are you?" "23! But what's the point?" "You'll notice! Family name?" "Ocon" "What is your favorite color?" "Blue?" "What day of the week is it?" "Friday?" "What's his name?" "Charles!... oh" Lando started laughing. "You are clearly falling in love! The questions were about you and the general public and yet you answered the question, "What's his name?" with his name without thinking!" he continued to laugh. I was like in a trance. This couldn't happen. I told myself no more to fall in love. I wanted to be found, not find someone. I didn't even notice how Lando continued talking to me until he nudged me. "Earth to Y/N please come! Earth to Y/N" he giggled. "Hmm?" I hummed, still somewhat in a trance but present again. "I'll see you tomorrow, I need to get to sleep!" he said and got out. When I looked at the clock it was 9:00 p.m. Fuck, I told Charles I would come over. So I drove back into the underground car park and drove onto Charles floor. I cautiously knocked on Charles' door. This also opened a short time later. "Were you waiting for me?" I asked him, whereupon he shook his head and invited me in. His apartment looked like ours except for the furnishings. I accompanied him into the living area. "Well, first of all, sorry for being so annoying to you earlier "I didn't mean it like that, the damn paparazzi just can't stay out of other people's private lives." I started. "Oh, okay, I understand!" he said and smiled. He took my hand when he noticed that I was fiddling with it out of nervousness. A tingling sensation appeared in the places where he touched it. "But why are you so into them? "Paparazzi annoyed, I mean, of course your private life is nobody's business, but for you it's much worse than for others?" he asked cautiously. "The assholes destroyed my last relationship..." I said sadly and showed him the article.

Test driver Y/N Loralei Ocon spotted with racing driver Max Verstappen! Is she cheating on her current fiancé Philipp Eng?

"Oh shit..." the Monegasque simply said. "I met Max in Austria back then because he and Philipp both had a race there. But Philipp and I wanted to see Max's race... He didn't want to believe me, "that Max and I are just friends and broke up with me and broke off the engagement...that's why I'm so mad at all the paparazzi in the world," I explained and the tears just ran down my cheeks. I just noticed how Charles pulled me closer to him and hugged me. I didn't notice much else because I fell asleep on the spot. I was woken up by Charles alarm clock. "Sorry." he apologized and turned it off. Only when I realized that I was in the same bed with him did I immediately blush and hide under the covers. "Don't worry, it didn't happen! You were more than that exhausted by your anger towards the paparazzi and I didn't want to leave you lying on the couch.." he explained and I reappeared. "Thanks..." I said quietly. "Not for that, Mon Amour, but I think you should get down before Esteban's alarm goes off!" he laughed. Mon Amour? I smiled when I heard the pet name. When I got up I only noticed that I was only wearing one of his Ferrari shirts. "Ahem, where are my clothes?" I asked him a little embarrassed. "Over there on the chair I thought that maybe you didn't really want to sleep in jeans and the shirt suits you better than me anyway." he laughed. Just thinking about him changing my clothes made me blush. Actually that wasn't necessary since he had already seen me naked, but I still blushed. So I put my pants back on and tucked the front of my shirt into the waistband of my pants. "Since the shirt apparently suits me better than you, I'll just keep it now!" I said and went into the kitchen. I didn't make any effort to go downstairs. I had told Esteban yesterday that I was with Lando and didn't know for how long It will take a while or if I will come back at all. Without further ado, I decided to make something for breakfast and rummaged through the fridge and the other cupboards. I grabbed the low-fat yogurt, some chunky flavor, muesli and a few fruits. I prepared two bowls for us They just looked perfect. I quickly took a photo and put the bowls on the dining table where I waited for Charles. Less than two minutes later he came over and just looked at me in surprise. "I thought to myself if I was already halfway through I can at least make breakfast in your bed!" I said and pointed to his bowl. "Oh, Y/N, that wouldn't be-" he started and smiled. But before he could continue, I interrupted him. "Don't argue, that was the least I could do and now sit down and eat!" I mock complained. So we sat there and ate together until I really had to go down to Esteban.

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