Chapter 16

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I asked Lando to show me the photos and I didn't really like any of them. "Sorry, but they all look kind of weird! But we can make new ones in Monte Carlo," I complained. Lando agreed and immediately discussed with Louisa that they would stay with me until I went back and then just ride with me. "Okay, the karts are ready in the fridge are some Drinks for the breaks so you can get started." explained the owner. We nodded and headed downstairs. When Charles saw a kart with the number 16 he immediately jumped on it. "They have my number! "That can only bring luck!" he laughed, which made me smile. "Are you really saying that? I mean, I've really beaten you up everywhere?" I laughed now. He already started to mock pout after putting on his balaclava. I already had the kart with the 22 on it. Yuki had now agreed to swap starting numbers and gave me 22. We first drove a few laps to warm up and get to know the track because karting is different than racing around the track in an F1 car at 300kmh.

Time skip to after driving...

"HAHAHAHA I'LL NOT ONLY FINISH YOU IN F1 BUT ALSO IN KARTING!!!" I laughed at Charles and Lando as they got out of their karts. "You've been practicing in secret, admit it!" Lando grumbled like a 4 year old child whose lollipop was taken away. "I let you win!" Charles said easily. "Mhmmm then Daniel is the next president or what?" I laughed. Shortly afterwards I just got a slap on the ass as Charles walked past me to the fridge. Now Lando was the one who started laughing because I was scared. "Charliiiiieee!!! Manoooo, I was scared to death!" I whined when he brought me a cola. "Here you go, Mon Amour!" he smiled. I accepted it gratefully and drank a lot. „Still i won and finished y'all off in Formula one and whilst carting!" i laughed. Lando just joined in cause he always lost against me. We made another two races before we headed back home. On our way i freaked out Charles again with driving almost 300 kph. „would you mind driving normal again?! I swear if you do this when getting back to monaco I'll get out and i dont know walk?!" He said almost screaming for help. So i slowed down and got on the middle row so other cars can get past. „look how they are passing us! We are sooo lame!" I laughed getting off of the motorway through downtown back home.

Charles stayed with me until one week before the summer break ended and so did Lando and Louisa. We were only One and a half weeks away from the next race so we got back to monaco to take pictures and get packed again for work. As i posted some of the Pictures lando had sent me the Comments and DM's were exploding. Some of them were really mean. Like these-

»He was better off single..«
»I think he looked better with Charlotte!«
»You don't deserve him!«

But those were just some hater kiddies that can't do anything else. Most of the comments were super sweet.

»Awww you two are so cute together!«
»Best wishes for you two! It shall last forever!«
»tout mon amour et mes prières pour vous deux! (All my love and Prayers for you two!)« my mom commented.
»how cute your mom is i agree with her!«

I smiled reading the comments on our way to Austria. I showed Charles some of them. „Don't worry about all these Comments Mon Amour! It's our life and also the hate is because you're on your rookie season so it'll go over!" He said and kissed my cheek. It wasn't a really long flight so i immediately called my mom when we got out of the plane.

Bonjour Mamman!

Bonjour Y/N mon ange! (Hello Y/N my Angel)

Merci pour le doux commentaire sous les photos de Charles et moi! (Thank you for the sweet comment under the photos of Charles and me!)

Bien sûr, ma chérie, j'espère qu'il te traite bien et je te souhaite tout le meilleur ! je vous aime et j'espère que vous viendrez me rendre visite lorsque vous courez en France! (Of course sweetie i hope he treats you well and i wish you all the best things! i love you and i hope you two come visit me when you are racing in france!)

Bien sûr que nous le ferons! Je vais même forcer Este à venir avec nous !(Of course we will! I'll even Force Este to come with us!)

Je dois y aller, ton père a attrapé le rhume des hommes! (I gotta go your dad caught the mens cold!")

I laughed. My dad is alwas such a Crybaby when he catches a cold! And he does wayyyy too often even right now during the summer! Charles also laughed cause i had my phone on speaker the whole time. „the mens cold? What's that?" He asked. I had to laugh even more. „about 80 percent of the men that catch a cold are crybabies and think they'll die so i told my mom that we call that cold the mens cold!" I laughed explaining it to him while searching for our rental car. As we found it we immediately jumped in to flee from the fans and paparazzi. Finally as we arrived at the hotel we already met Mattia. „Oh wow you're early!" He said greeting us. I laughed. „i told you that we're flying to early! Carlos just got on the plane i guess!" I said mockingly. „and how do you know that?" He asked so i showed him carlos text. »getting on the plane right now! Be there in 3-4 Hours!« i laughed and he joined. „well here are your keys meet up in the cafeteria at 16:00!" He said giving us our keys. We got a couple room so we got into the elevator to our room. At our room i immediately fell onto the bed cause charles woke me up at fucking 5 on a Thursday! „Mon Amour what are you doing we're literally meeting Mattia in 4 hours!?" He asked shocked. „exactly 4HOURS! Imma sleep wake me up in three hours!" I said and started so fall asleep.

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