Chapter 9

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"Esteban?! Are you awake?" I called through the apartment but got no answer so I went into his room. As expected, I found a sleeping Estonian. "ESTEBAN JOSÉ JEAN-PIERRE OCON-KHELFANE!! HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE SPEEDOMETER?!" I shouted at my brother. He immediately jumped up, as frightened as he was. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" he complained. "No, I'm just worried that you'll oversleep, so go take a shower, you sloth, we have to get there in an hour and you know what the traffic is always like!" I complained to him like our mother. "It's good, but pulling the blanket away would have been enough!" he said like an offended child. I just shook my head. "Oh, where is your blanket?" I asked him, laughing. Now he realized that even that didn't help. "Okay, then just act like Mom!" he said and grabbed some clothes before heading to the bathroom. I quickly put on another pair of jeans but kept Charles' shirt on. When Esteban came out of the shower I also prepared a small bowl for him to eat before we had to leave. "But that's not your idea!" he said with his mouth full. I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, I like it better when tops are a little bigger anyway!" I said and didn't go into it any further. While he ate I packed up my things. "Have you seen my paddock pass?" I asked him but before he could answer my cell phone rang. It was Charles. "Wait a minute!" I said and answered it and put it on loudspeaker while I continued searching.

Y/N: Yes?
C: you forgot your paddock pass!
Y/N: perfect timing, I was just looking for that one!
C: Ahhh okay, yes, I'll give it to you in the garage... but only if you still wear my shirt!
Y/N: see you downstairs in a bit

And with that I hung up again. "Yes, it's Charles shirt, so what?" I said with a tone that suggested to him that not everything was his business. Defensively, he raised his hands and put his bowl in the dishwasher. I quickly grabbed my key ring and got out with Esteban together into the elevator where Charles was also standing in. "Here is your passport Mon Amour!" he grinned and handed me my paddock pass. For this he received a critical look from Esteban. "I'm driving alone!" he remarked and went to his car. I had to giggle a little which caused a confused Charles. "What's so funny now?" the Monegasque asked confused. "Did you see how he looked at you?!" I laughed. Charles no longer understood the world. "Yes, but why are you laughing now?!" he asked, still confused. You could tell he didn't know my brother that well. "He always does that when he thinks I might neglect him because of another driver! That's how it was when I met Lando and Max while driving karts!" I laughed. Meanwhile Charles had also noticed what had happened. However, neither of us noticed that we were sitting in my car and had already left the underground car park. "Um, so I guess you're going with me now unless you want to go back?" I meant. He shook his head. "No, it's okay, but it'll make headlines!" he said, to which I just shrugged. "Thanks to what you said yesterday, I just don't give a shit now. They don't know anything about my private life apart from my name and my age!" I explained just before we got to the track. Even before we got out I saw the people with the cameras. Outside I heard them all clicking at least a thousand times but ignored it and ran straight towards the entrance. Charles followed suit and ignored the paparazzi and reporters. Inside he said goodbye to a meeting and I sat down with Mattia in the paddock. "Okay Y/N, I want you to give 95% today and just drive, concentrate on the route and not on other drivers. Tomorrow in the race you get everything out of it, you give 100%!" he explained. I nodded in agreement and left I was being naughty. Just as I was getting ready, Mattia told me that I had to go out in 5 minutes. I quickly pulled my balaclava over my head and put the helmet on, although I was still glad that Carlos and I needed the same helmet size. In In the box I talked briefly to Alessandro, one of the mechanics. "Nice tattoo, by the way!" I remarked. He laughed. "Yes, thank you!" he smiled. "I always liked Guido! You remind me a bit of him!" I laughed. "Oh, I've never received a compliment like that, thank you Y/N!" he said and put his hand on his heart. Shortly afterwards I had to get in. Like yesterday, my warm-up lap started during Charles' Fast Lap. I heard it on the team radio just "very good Charles P2!". I drove into the first corner where the radio check came. "Okay radio check?" "Loud and clear!" "great". The warm-up lap dragged on and I started to yawn. "You can sleep at home Y/N Fast Lap Start Now!" I was informed and so I regained my concentration and, as Mattia said, gave 95%. I mastered the route without any problems and when I passed Charles again like yesterday, I heard him complaining "THIS IS NEVER EVER CARLOS! THAT CAN'T BE!" I had to hold back my laughter. "Okay Y/N P3 very good cooldown and back in the box!" which I did too. I decided to spend the two hours between Fp3 and qualifying in street clothes. So I went to change and go back to Charles. "Y/N, you just came from the paddock. Have you seen Carlos?!" he asked me again angrily. I just shook my head but before he could run off to look for him I held him tight. "Charles, wait a minute, what's the point "To find Carlos now and to harass you when you're leaving anyway and have to leave tomorrow too?" I asked him calmly, knowing that Carlos was home with his family. Charles looked dejectedly at the floor. "You're right, attacking him wouldn't help. He won't change his driving style anyway given his current results." he said and relaxed. "See? Now let's just go to the hospitality area and recharge our batteries again?" I asked him and he just nodded. I just grabbed an apple while he grabbed a roll. We talked about qualifying and how he hoped to finally win in his home country. Inwardly I felt sorry for him, but I had promised Mattia that I would do everything I could to get pole. So we ate until "he" was called back into the box. I quickly went to change and ran back to the box. This time Reneè handed me my steering wheel and my gloves. I nodded gratefully and prepared for qualifying. Since I started third, I had to go out after Charles, who was already driving past my pit box.

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