Chapter 5

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"I'm sorry if I took you by surprise this morning..." the Monegasque apologized. I shook my head. "You don't have to apologize, I have to because I left the yacht in a hurry. I don't regret anything that happened, but it won't work change the situation, we are neighbors Charles and it stays that way!" I explained and he nodded. "Let's just forget that this happened and carry on as before." I said and went back to my bedroom. I didn't expect anything from him, no apology, but just as I didn't expect him to want the friendship. I was already mentally preparing myself My first day at work was tomorrow at the first free practice session and so I sat down at my laptop and watched one race after the other. Among other things, the race in which my mentor Jules was killed. I didn't have the strength to go to his funeral at the time but I was now ready to go to his grave. So I grabbed my car keys and drove to the cemetery. There I met Jules' younger sister Mélanie. She hugged me tightly and I couldn't hold back my tears. "Him I miss Mél so much..." I sobbed while she stroked my back soothingly. "We all miss him, sweetie... but he watches over us all so that the same thing that happened to him doesn't happen to anyone again." She tried to calm me down. Together with me she went to the grave again.
„Jules tu me manques tellement... Je suis tellement désolée de ne pas avoir eu la force de venir à ton enterrement et maintenant je veux me rattraper ! Je me battrai pour devenir pilote et j'obtiendrai les victoires pour vous, quelle que soit l'équipe dans laquelle je suis! (Jules I miss you so much... I'm so very sorry that I didn't have the strength to come to your funeral and I want to make up for that now! I'll fight to become a driver and I'll get the victories for you "It doesn't matter which team I'm on!)" I sobbed and felt another hand put on my back. But I ignored this and just let myself fall into the person's arms. "You said that beautifully.." sobbed the other one was also true and when I realized who it was I let go of her. "You knew Jules?" I asked the Monegasque. "He was my godfather..." he said sadly. Now I couldn't help but embrace the Monegasque again. "How did you know him?" came from the Monegasque man. I scoffed. "He was always there for me in my childhood days when I was karting and something like a mentor for me. It was only because of him that I continued racing and now for him.." I answered him and let go of him again. "I should go..." I said and walked quickly to my car. It was only there in the driver's seat that I let it all out. I know you shouldn't drive when you can barely see anything through your tears, but I drove. Where I was going was I didn't realize it until I found myself on the already cordoned off route, so I reached into the travel bag that I still had in the car, took out one of the Alpine shirts and put it on. Without further ado, I grabbed my paddock pass and ran to Otmar's office. I knocked carefully because I didn't know if he was there, but when the door was opened not even 10 seconds later, the question just blurted out. "Excuse me, but this is very important to me... could I please do a lap on the track Drive in my private car? Of course under your supervision and I'll pay for any damages myself. I just want to have the feeling of racing again?" I asked the team boss, who was now standing in front of me confused because he hadn't expected that I would want to drive on the most difficult route after more than 2 years without a race. "Of course I'll open the gate for you and then you can go through, but why here? This is one of the most difficult routes!" he explained, to which I just shrugged my shoulders but thanked him and ran to my car to drive it in. When I got to the start, Otmar quickly wired me up and gave me a suit while I Max, Lando, Charles and Este called to come and watch me. It wasn't until they were all there that I got back into my car. "Y/N Radio Check?" came from Otmar. "Loud and Clear!" I replied. "Okay Y/N, don't rush it, warm up for 2 laps first and then switch to Fast Lap!" Este then said. I was happy that he was my brother. Otmar started a countdown and as soon as it was over I pressed sport mode and drove the first lap. "Okay Y/N, that's good, you know when you have to brake for one more lap and then into the fast lap!" Otmar said and so I did. As soon as I was on the finish line of the second lap I hit the gas. When My speedometer showed 190, I already felt the freedom and just drove over the track as if it were easy. After the hairpin bend I went full throttle again and about 10 seconds later I felt the 250kmh top speed of my M4. I even got higher because I had it I brought it to JP last summer and had it tuned up from 450 hp to 607 hp, so I got a tuning top speed of 320kmh. I felt freer than ever. "Okay Y/N slow down, you're now going into the cooldown lap, that would have easily been a P3 if you drove F1!" Esteban said proudly. I just laughed and reduced my speed to 80kmh and when I drove into the pit lane to 30kmh I came to a stop in front of my boss. "Okay, so Esteban, you should maybe worry that I'd rather let your sister drive instead of you!" Otmar laughed. "No, you should be afraid that I won't convince Mattia to take her," Charles now shouted, so at least I thought that he joked. Until he looked at me with a questioning look. "Would you even drive for Ferrari?" the Monegasque asked me. "I couldn't say no to the opportunity, after all, it was Jules' dream..." I said as I was on the way to the paddock to change again. When I came out again I saw Charles trying to make a phone call and the others like her trying to do so But he hung up again. "Who was he on the phone with?" I now asked the others. They just shook their heads. "With Mattia!" Otmar answered me. Charles just looked at me innocently. "What, you've mastered the route where I keep messing up. He should see the recordings." said the Monegasse now. A short time later Mattia stood for me and greeted me with a warm hug. "I have heard, that someone was on the track, but didn't pay much attention to it! Now I would like to see the footage that Charles has already raved about." said the Italian in an excited voice. We showed him the footage. "That's really impressive, especially that the car isn't exactly easy to drive! Y/N it would "I'm very happy to see you next season in either Charles's or Carlos' place. Maybe I can even talk to the FIA about Scuderia taking you on as the team's third driver in the next race this season!" Mattia explained and went to make the phone call before I could say anything. I just stood there motionless and overwhelmed as Charles, Lando, Max and Esteban took me in their arms and lifted me up. "Ahhh put me down!" I screamed laughing. And they did, my top riding up and a wide scar was visible on my back. Now Charles and Esteban were the ones who had everything falling out of their faces. "Y/N what is that ???" Charles asked tensely. I quickly pulled down my top. "I don't want to talk about it..." I said and sat down on a bench. "Y/N come on tell them, they deserve to know!" Lando said and sat down next to me. I shrugged my shoulders and saw how sad Charles and my brother looked at me. "All right... when I was still in the DTM I had to step in for a race weekend, but it didn't go so perfectly... one of the other drivers hit me in the side, whereupon I rolled over several times and the car was so crushed that The roll cage shattered and a large part of it was stuck in my back. I then had to undergo surgery for 34 hours and was in a coma for two months..." I said and started to cry again. Now everyone hugged me because they knew that it wasn't me who had resigned, but I had been fired because of that accident.

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