Chapter 10

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I got into my position and waited for the signal to come. Unfortunately, Max didn't do so well, which is why Charles and I took the lead. After the first 20 minutes, all I heard was "Ocon, Bottas, Gasly, Hülkenberg & Magnussen Out." Shortly afterwards, Charles had a slight bump on the wall, which meant he had to go into the pits and I went on pole. "Y/N Radio Check." Instead of a normal radio check, I started singing. "Motorsports! Put that thing into sports! Shawdy Bad pop her like a cork! Yea its good!" "Okay Y/N I didn't know you could rap! 3 more rounds!" Renee replied. "There's a lot you don't know, Reneè!" I just said and drove the last 3 laps at 100%. Mattia said that I shouldn't do that until tomorrow, but in Monte Carlo it's almost impossible to overtake. I finished the qualifying on pole, Charles on P2 and Max on P3. I quickly disappeared like yesterday in the paddock, changed clothes and went out through a rear exit and went back in normally with my paddock pass. God, I really don't recommend a double life for a weekend to anyone, that's damned exhausting. I went straight to Charles' box. But the man in question wasn't there yet, neither the car nor the Monegasque in question. As if he had been called, he came into the box. I immediately took him in my arms, as angry and sad as he looked. He didn't resist. On the contrary, he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. "I failed Y/N on my home route I'm only P2!" he whimpered. I rubbed my hand soothingly over his back. "Charles please don't think like that, P2 is a great result! "Carlos pushed you too far to the side, it's his fault!" I tried to calm him down until I remembered that I was getting myself into trouble if I showed myself to the F1 world tomorrow. "Okay, forget about it, I'm on the team radio Heard that he had difficulty steering." I tried to talk myself out of it. He apparently believed it. "It's nobody's fault, the route is just too narrow.." he continued to sob. We just stayed silent and continued to stand there arm in arm. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything. After a few minutes he calmed down and read me again "Thank you for being here Mon Amour, I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here!" He said and looked deep into my eyes. "You don't have to thank me, especially not for something like that.." I answered while he took a step towards me. There were only a few centimeters between our faces, but just as he wanted to bridge that too, Max interrupted us. " Hey Charles, well done!" the Dutchman congratulated him. I quickly took a step back. "Thanks wasn't bad.." the Monegasque replied. I didn't really know what had just happened and so I fell into thought until Charles waved his hands in front of my face. "Earth to Y/N? Mon Amour are you present? " he asked until I finally responded. "Hm, yes, I'm here, what's going on?" I asked him. "Well, I wanted to ask if you might only go out to dinner with me this evening if you feel like it, as a date?" he asked shyly. I had to briefly process what he had just asked but answered with a resounding yes. "Okay, I'll pick you up from the door at 8!" he said and then went to the team. I was ready to go since I had nothing more to do. When I got home, I went for a relaxing swim. I was just getting out of the bathtub There was a knock on the door. So I tied a towel around myself and went to the door. When I opened it, no one was standing in front of it, just as I was about to close it again I saw a box lying in front of it. Without further ado, I grabbed it and took it with me in. On top there was a small letter which I first opened and read.
"Mon Amour, I want you to wear this dress tonight and before you ask me later how I know your size, you forgot your shirt with me. See you later!" he wrote and I opened the box. A beautiful wine-red evening dress sparkled at me. Shortly afterwards my cell phone rang. It was Louisa, she wanted to FaceTime so I answered it.

Y/N: Hey LouLou good to see you, how are you?
L: I'm fine and you?
Y/N: I'm feeling great but tell me when did you want to tell me about Lando?
L: um hehe not at all?
Y/N: well too late Lando told me himself and shortly afterwards I had to make it clear to the public that I wasn't his girlfriend!
L: hmm, tell me, have you read the news today?
Y/N: no why?
L: then do that.
Y/N: okay let's see what do we have?

Formula 1: Charles Leclerc seen with Y/N Ocon standing closely hugged in the pits. Are the two together?

Y/N: how do the bastards always get into the boxes, dude, security really needs to be more careful and in the future either tape up or bag up all the cameras!
L: Issoooooooo... but is there anything to it?
Y/N: no? I don't know, we have a date later, but we're not together yet!
L: oh sooo WAIT WHAT?! You and Mr Leclerc are on a date???
Y/N: yes he picks me up at 8 FUCK Louisa I'll call you later!
L: okay!

I quickly ran into the bathroom and dried my hair before curling it slightly and running into my room with the dress. I quickly put on natural make-up and put on the dress and looked for matching shoes. Not long later I found some too.

I loved the dress it fit perfectly and accentuated my body in all the right places

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I loved the dress it fit perfectly and accentuated my body in all the right places. Just a few seconds after I took off my shoes, the doorbell rang. When I opened it I didn't see Charles as expected but Lando. "Wow!" was all that came out of his mouth when he saw me. "Yes, yes, I know I look good but if you don't want to go to Este you have to go back." I just meant. "No, I wanted to go to you! When were you going to tell me that you were going out with Charles??" asked the Brit. "Um, right after that we want our first date? Can you please go now?" I asked him. "Um, no, I actually wanted to go to Esteban." he explained. "Okay, sit in the living room and play Fifa, just go to him." I said and closed the door. Out of excitement, I started playing with my fingers until the doorbell rang again. So I opened the door. This time it was Charles who just looked at me with wide eyes. "Wow, you look even better than I could have imagined!" he said and I could only say that in return. "I can only say that in return, you really look incredible!" I closed it and grabbed my small bag in which I had already stowed my cell phone, wallet and keys. He held out his arm to me, which I hooked onto and we walked towards the car and drove into the underground car park. This was the first time I would sit in his car.

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