Chapter 15

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When I woke up to my alarm in the morning I was snuggled up to Charles. He was also woken up by the alarm clock. "Good morning sunshine.." I beamed at him. "Good morning birthday princess!" he smiled. Shortly afterwards there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in!" I called and a cheerful Esteban came in. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER!" Este laughed and threw herself onto the bed. I just had to look at Charles and laugh at his confused look. "It's like a ritual for us, we always jump into each other's bed when it's their birthday!" I laughed. "We can also make it a ritual that you wake up in my arms on your birthday!" He whispered, making me turn bright red. "I'll make breakfast!" laughed Esteban and got up. "Okay, we'll come right away." I said and he closed the door, whereupon Charles pulled me into a deep kiss. "You're my birthday princess, but don't think I'll spare you from karting, Mon Amour!" he laughed. "As long as you don't shoot me in the tires like you did back then!" I laughed now too. Without further ado, I got up to go to my closet. So I pulled out a pair of shorts and a top and changed my clothes right in front of Charles. Like every time, he looked at me sadly because of the scar. "It's okay, Charlie, I don't even notice her, she's just a memory of a stupid accident!" I assured him and gave him another kiss and went into the living room. Este had already set the table and got everything ready. She followed shortly afterwards Charles me and sat down next to me. "Are you ready, I'm hungry!?" I called into the kitchen. "Yes, just a second, I'll have it soon! "Charles, come on please, I need help for a moment!" came back from my brother. So Charles got up and went into the kitchen.

Charles Pov

When I arrived at Esteban's kitchen I wasn't expecting anything. But that was wrong. Este had been sitting all night working on a beautiful cake for Y/N and still needed my help with the writing that had to be on it. "You really think I can do everything, right?" I laughed. Este just nodded. "I don't believe that, only I know it!" He replied and handed me the piping bag with the blue colored buttercream. I briefly thought about how I could put the writing on it, but then I just did it and hoped it looked good. Meanwhile, Esteban prepared the candles, 23 of them to be exact. He quickly stuck them all into the cake along the edge. "Let's sing for her?" he asked me quietly. I agreed with a nod and lit the candles. We carefully took the cake and went into the living room where Y/N was already waiting impatiently.

Y/N Pov
This wait has to end at some point! They both know how impatient I am. Just as this thought was over, I heard two cautious people enter the living room and start singing. "Happy Birthday toooo Youuu!" they started and I just had to laugh. When they were finished they put the cake on the table. Este and Charles gave me a kiss on the cheek, then sat down and I blew out the candles I hoped that my wish would soon come true and no, it wasn't to become world champion. We had breakfast together before we went to the hotel to pick up the others. This time, Este drove the bus because there wasn't enough room for everyone and I got with Carles in my car. When I arrived at the hotel, I wrote to Lando that they could come out. A few minutes later they got on the bus with Este. I sent Este the address of the go-kart track and we set off for Embsen. The trip was over We went at full speed until we got into a traffic jam on the A39. I put my head on the steering wheel. "Oh man, you can't even get through here normally!" I complained. Charles probably had half a culture shock because I started swearing in German. "Wisst ihr verdammten Bastarde nicht wo das verdammte Gaspedal ist oder was hier ist unbegrenzt! Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass ihr im Schneckentempo fahren könnt ihr spinner!(don't You Bastards know where the fucking gas pedal is?! Even though it's unlimited here that you can drive as slow as a snail can move!)" I shouted out the window. "Uhm Y/N what does that mean?" He asked carefully so I translated it for him. "Oh... you really don't shy away from anything, do you?" he asked, laughing slightly. I shook my head. "No, the Germans are already used to it," I laughed and continued at walking pace. About half an hour later we got out of the traffic jam and I decided to just accelerate as much as I could to see Charles' reaction. "Um, I trust you that you have the car under control, but can you still drive slower?" he asked while holding on to the door. I just grinned and slowed down again. "I thought you were a racer and not a wimp !" I laughed. "Hey, that's mean!" he mock pouted. "In Germany there are motorways where the speed is unlimited, which is why most people who drive fast want to drive on the far left! That's why I was going so fast, but we have to get out of here anyway!" I told him and drove off the motorway near Salzhausen. From here it was about a 30 minute drive through smaller villages until we were there. As soon as we got out, the owner of the go-kart track came up to me. "Ah hello Y/N, how many karts are needed?" he asked immediately, in German of course, so that he could prepare everything. "We need eight karts but we have our own helmets and balcalavas!" I answered him and he immediately started walking. Charles and I had to wait about 30 minutes for the others so we walked the short distance. But that wasn't enough so I took him up to the small roof terrace that the garage had. When I reached the top, I leaned against the railing and looked at Charles, who came so close to me that a piece of paper could barely fit between us. "How did you find this place?" he asked me. "When I was little I lived with a foster family near here who was so fond of karting that we were here almost every day during the season. " I explained and didn't look him in the eyes. I didn't want him to see the pain I had from never really having contact with Esteban or my mother as a child. It worked for a moment until he put two fingers under my chin and turned my head towards him. "Hey, it's okay... it's completely understandable how you feel, okay, but you don't have to feel like that anymore, you know? Never again!" he reassured me. I had to smile. "Thanks Charlie!" I said and put my hands on his neck. "For what?" he asked confused. "Since I met you there hasn't been a day where I've felt lonely..." I replied and he smiled. "Y/N I want you to know that I will never leave you alone and I could never hurt you! Y/N I... I love you and I want to show it to the whole world! I want you by my side forever! I want to be able to tell everyone that the beauty on P1 is mine if you want that too!?" he said as he looked deep into my eyes and took my hands. I couldn't help but let out tears of joy and kiss him. "Of course I want that! I want the whole world to know that the hottest Ferrari driver belongs to me and I belong to him!" I replied, whereupon he put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me deeply again. We stood there like that for a few minutes until we were interrupted by Lando because he had taken a photo with his camera. "Awwww you guys are so cute!" He pouted happily. "How long have you been here?" I asked my best friend in shock. "Since, and I quote, I want to be able to tell everyone that the beauty on p1 is mine, if you want that too?! I already have some photos from below made." he laughed, which earned him a punch from me. "Ouch, I just didn't want to ruin the moment!" he whined. "It's better that way!" I complained and we went downstairs together.

The weird way we met..... (Charles Leclerc x reader)Where stories live. Discover now